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Does anyone not secretly hope that there is a god and that we can spend eternity in heaven with our loved ones?

waitingforgodo 8 Feb 5

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We would not be human if we did not give it some thought and as humans we prefer not go round shouting about it.

Giving it a thought ,is not the same as having a "Secret hope."

@BirdMan1 Doesnt matter what you think or what you call that thought. The vast majority of thoughts are hope at least if you are sane. What matters is what actions you take after having reached a conclusion.


Have you met my ex's???? Not just NO, but Hell No!

I hadn't even considered that particular aspect of it.
Definitely gets a HELL NO from me, too.


It's interesting that you phrased it that way: that the only way we could have life after death is via a god and a heaven. Have I ever thought about spending eternity with loved ones? Sure.

I've lost an inordinate number of my close circle of friends at very young ages, including my husband. There was a point in my depression over it that I imagined them off in some afterworld having an amazing party without me. Losing my father a couple of years ago - again, at too young an age - has left a hole in me that I don't think will ever heal. My desire to be with all of them is very, very strong.

But does it change my view about god? No. If anything, it drives home why religion uses the loss of loved ones as a draw to keep membership, and that rather angers me.


No, of course not

But I do secretly think most christians tend to live in their own hell while alive


Of course, but then I wake up from the fantasy. It stands to reason that one of the universal premises behind the invention of religion involves an afterlife where we will be reunited with those we love.

But I'm more interested in the mechanics of this entire process. What form would one's existence in this afterlife assume? How is one recognized if not in "the flesh?" And if restored in "the flesh" at what age are we to live the rest of eternity? I for one don't want to be restored as an old fart. And what about those who died in infancy? Do they stay as babies forever, or do they age? What is the process of aging throughout eternity anyway? What about a sibling or a friend who died in our youth? Do we see them as they were, or do we return to the moment they died, in their eyes?

If the mechanisms and processes for the afterlife were perhaps better understood as a process, might we all want to take a pass on the concept?

What age would we be, you ask?

Thirty. Everyone in heaven is thirty. Thirty is old enough to have most of your shit together, but young enough to still be in decent shape physically.

Don't believe me? That's okay, I don't believe me either. But check out the pictures in the Watchtower sometime. Sure, there's a token granny and a couple of kids, but everyone else in those pictures is thirty. 😁😁😁

And we all say that we want to be reunited with our loving grandma or somebody. But what if our loving grandma waited her entire life to be reunited with her own loving grandma and doesn't have time for us? Are we going to rip her away from her loved ones just to be with us? Are we going to meet her long-ago relatives that we never met in life? Will there be an infinite regress until we meet everyone who ever lived? Why call it heaven if we are going to be with the same assholes we encountered in life? You're right, the logistics don't work.

nice imo
"universal premises" akin to Bible "homosexual"
but "eternity" has to be made into "forever" first, rather than "a space of time, an age"


All eternity in that North Korea in the sky?!
No thanks. To rot and to get eaten up by bugs and worms is just fine with me.


You obviously have not met much of my family. No is the answer

Ohub Level 7 Feb 7, 2021

A pleasant afterlife is a nice idea, yes. An afterlife ruled by (any of the various) gods, though, is significantly less appealing. And "forever" is too long.

An ideal afterlife, I think, would last about a month. See the sights, visit loved ones, eat some ice cream, and be done. That would be nice, wouldn't it? A sort of little vacation after the rigors of death, just to tie up loose ends and end this whole thing on a happy note.

But no, I don't spend any time "hoping" for this. It's an idle fantasy; nothing more.


Your wording of the question sounds like you're assuming (or telling yourself) that all of us on this site do this. No, we don't.


Absolutely no, see my ex wife Hell no

@Gwendolyn2018 If you lived closer I live near the beach


More than a decade after her death, I still feel a large raw, Vickie shaped hole, but I don't feel any need to imagine some afterlife where we can be together. She was so sick, for so long, that is mostly what I think of when thinking of her.


To "secretly hope" is to give in to Religious dogma.

If you "secretly hope" for "time travel"

If you "secretly hope" for alien contact.

If you "secretly hope" for the ability to travel to other solar systems.

Then you,
@waitingforgodo" are not well, and need some kind of special attention.

If you "secretly hope" that you will have a sense of existence in another organism...say, a plant, an insect, a creature, the distant future....another human...then you can have what scientists call "reasonable odds" But the other stuff? You're sad and suffering. Seek help.


Knowing life won't last is what makes it special. You would take everything for granted living in a state of eternity and not to mention hearing grandpa's old stories being repeated for the first million years would drive me insane.


I only wish it were true I would see my deceased loved ones again, but Heaven isn’t part of that.
But to hold out hope there’s a heaven is like the first couple of Christmases after you find out Santa isn’t real. It all makes sense and you know he isn’t, but you still hope everybody’s wrong and you’ll get what you wished for.


not very often. just a free hot dog stand on every corner.


Not for a split second. Life has been pretty good for me here so why would I want to jinx that for some place that's full of hateful, discriminatory, narrow-minded, greedy, stupid (I could go on) people?? Do you think there's such a thing as freedom of speech or action in heaven? Everybody has to toe the line and keep kissing some supposed deity's butt.

So the idea of spending eternity in the presence of a genocidal maniac with catastrophic anger management issues does not appeal to you? 😉

LOL. probably no different than Sunday Mass Brainwashing.


Eternity is a very long time, especially towards the end...NO!


I have no desire whatsoever to live for an eternity. Life, family, would have no meaning if we all live forever. What would make anything, anyone, special? Would we even have our bodies? And, eventually, absolute boredom would take over. Seriously, what would one even do for an eternity?


Eternity horrifies me. I think I'd probably be pretty bored after the first billion years but that would be nothing in the face of eternity. I'd settle for a few hundred years, maybe a thousand.


Sounds like a dream that the good things last forever. Not at all like reality, but maybe that is the point.


If there is, I suppose our membership here will exclude us from the festivities. 😝


You have to be kidding! No!


At what age would you be and they be in 'the afterlife'? Would you be a kid, a teenager, an adult, or the age you died? What age would they be? Would you be like now, a physical body? Would you be a bag of energy? While spending eternity with them, would it be the same as now, or then, or at some time in the past you experienced? Would your eternity also include your hated ones? We've all got them. If you think seriously about what your suggesting it doesn't make any sense does it? Not to adult thinking.


Oh hell no! I can't think of anything more fucking boring than heaven. Seriously, no sex, no alcohol, no chocolate, no seafood, no sex, no pets, no sex... fuck no!

And if there was a god he have a lot to answer for.

Leelu Level 7 Feb 5, 2021

No, not at all. For such to be the case we would all be nothing but preprogrammed pawns dancing for the delight of a monstrous master. No thank you.


Heaven is clearly defined in the Babble as "singing praises" to Gawd "forever"(24/7/365).
Even as a child that sounded Dismal. NO mention of hob-nobbing with loved ones....except in the Book of Mormon.

A paean in the artifice?

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