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If You Had To Choose?

Humor me for a minute and go to PRETEND land (I know most of you are atheist): If society had NO ATHEIST and you could choose from these major religions to have to live with- which ONE would you choose?!

  1. Abrahamic
  2. eastern (Buddhist and Hindu)
    3). Native American
    4). New Age Pagan
SocialDarwin 5 Feb 15

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Number 4


I'd create atheism

You beat me to it answer-wise.


Buddhism for internal peacefulness... but pagan for the parties..

I was thinking the same thing combining the bits I liked out of the last three and becoming a Native American Pagan Buddhist.

@Budgie I love it! Paghist or Buddgan?
Gotta start our own. Instead of stoic Sunday-go-to-meeting’, we can celebrate the sabbath with Friday night keg parties. Instead of stale unleavened bread, we can have holy taco’s!


I might look into Buddhism. Even now, when I'm asked to say grace at the dinner table, I put my fingers in a Buddhist position, and chant, "Buddha, Buddha, bless the foodha." 😀

hehe that made me giggle


I can't bring myself to pretend.
So, none.


#4. New age pagan covers a lot of ground with out committing to anything firm.


Most Buddhists are Atheist, so the choice is obvious.


I would rather roll my own.


Buddhist for sure for me but

i learned that buddha isnt a religion 😟

i meditate like a buddhist monk everyday after my work out

i repeat this mantra as set my chakra and moodra

enlightenment is when u fully understand the 4 noble truths

*life involves suffering

*suffering is caused by our desires

*suffering stops when we stop desiring things

*the way to stop desiring things is to follow the noble eightfold path



dicipline son!


I would choose none because there are no gods. After years of religious obsession I finally discovered the truth and find so many that still want us to pick or choose a religion. Why? There must be something a person is afraid of to continue thinking this way.


Being Pagan I can tell you they have fun social events! And after thinking more, native Americans were really the same as Pagan.
>> the main point - “most” humans need a higher PURPOSE and RITUAL/FELLOWSHIP..
>>. And we pagans don’t care what your personal beliefs inside is - just come on down to the fire circle and party!
>>. We are completely open (sexually, etc) and we’ve even had christians come see our rituals!
Pssst - it’s so funny how let down they are when we don’t have an orgy and don’t sacrifice a goat or anything!!! Lmmfao!

rituals though, you think? hmm


The Abrahamics are no fun. Big differenes between Buddhists and Hindu, but an elephant god sounds fun (stop trying to feed my god peanuts). Native American, don't know enough about it. New Age Pagan, they have the good parties... think I will go with the parties and Great Rite.


I love the Native North American spiritual connection to nature and the web of life. It seems the most grounded in the natural world, and the least dissipated in elaborate concoctions of dogma. Buddhism is well grounded too, but more anthropocentric. Paganism is arguably nature-centered but overly ritualistic.

  1. Pray to Odin and blood eagle my enemies lmfao

If the alternative was my immediate execution, I would reluctantly live with the most peaceful of the presented choices, which is Buddhism. I would tolerate its existence, but would not embrace it completely.


None of them.


"Old Time Pagan" is not listed?

But which one? There are so many.

Only reformed Pagan, sorry. Less blood sacrifices, more dancing naked under the moonlight.

@GeorgeRocheleau chickens are a dime a dozen......


I'd still elect to be myself and believe in nothing but Truth and Proven Facts since, imo, ONLY Sheep, Cattle, etc, have the deep need to live in flocks, I, on the other hand much prefer to the ' Lone Wolf ' type to live as I please, come and go as I wish, etc, etc.
However, since ACTUALLY Atheism, i.e. a NON Supreme Deity understanding, has been around far, far longer than religious belief systems have then your ' pretend ' scenario is somewhat null and void imo.

As you say, I think the overriding reason most people are religious is for the camaraderie and social discourse. It's understandable, but to those who need that I say, try the Unitarians, or the Quakers.


Buddhism ... more of a philosophy than a religious faith, 'his holiness' the Dalai Lama notwithstanding.

@p-nullifidian therefore to say that beggars belief would not be short an arrant errant apostrophe before god.

@waitingforgodo It beggars belief indeed that the Oxford dictionary makes perfectly proper punctuation it’s god! 😉

@p-nullifidian once more unto the struggle 'twixt god and evil that is descriptivism vs prescriptivism.

@waitingforgodo Touché, coup fourré, bonne journée!

Merci beaucoup, yes Buddhism transcends and eschews god much like the best pizza is one with everything.


Here in pretend land, I choose Abrahamic. Specifically, I choose Christianity.

Most here wouldn't, but consider: the texts are vague, and the interpretations are numerous. Really, with a little creativity, you can justify damn near anything. (And, if that fails, you can always claim that you got a message from god.)

Good points

And/or get forgiven at the very last moment




The Aesir: Odin, Freya, Urd, Verdandi, and Skuld. I don't relate well to desert gods.


Native American, Buddhism, New Age pagan, in that order. Abrahamic does not even make the list for me; had my fill of that hateful horseshit growing up. Bottom line for me is respect for nature.


Door five thanks Monte.

always take the third option imo, yeh

@bbyrd009 in all probability, especially if Monte shows you that behind door two is the road to perdition.



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