Yesterday I got messages from over 50 men on Plenty of Fish. More keep coming in. It's overwhelming. I don't want to spend my life on the computer.
What on Earth? Is a 67-year-, fit, positive woman that rare?
Wrote this poem:
Joined Plenty of Fish today
Fifty men have a lot to say
Too many messages to count
It's a ridiculous amount.
"Will you come to Seattle, girl?"
The thought makes me want to hurl.
Now a kind man just said
He'll drive to meet me instead.
These are the photos I posted. Nothing salacious.
To answer your question...yes, women that look as good as you do are rare at ANY age. Good for you for staying focused on fitness...and laughing at the attempts to "seduce" you. Best wishes on reducing the applicants!
" Is a 67-year-, fit, positive woman that rare?"
Having been in the game and still purusing acouple of mature dating sites for my amusement, the answer is very much "yes".
Aside from that, you're going to run into a bunch of fake contacts-the scammers who need your bank info before they can make your ife paradise,married guys with a fantasy-life that doesn't extend beyond the keyboard who would never show up even for a coffee at Starbucks, guys only wanting to jump yours (or anybody else's,no offense) bones andmaybe 5% real, useful contacts.
Hint-if there's no face pic, move on.
Knockout smile, kick-ass shape, and all that you read and write. You are one top-notch lady, you deserve a top-notch partner, and I hope you'll find him.
THANK YOU! I appreciate your kindness. plenty of Msgs on POF?
Given your natural smile....can you blame them?
Keep Smiling your Smile!
There are a lot of lonely people out there and the men tend to like women who post pics of women who seem to enjoy being on their knees. You look good but maybe you need to either edit the knuckle draggers or not chum the waters with the sort of bait that attracts them.
Nah, forget all that, horny, lonely guys will generally rise to any bait at all. Maybe you just need a different platform, something more cerebral and outdoorsy - The Sierra Club must have a group for singles.
Also, I am on Fitness Singles.
All your photos look great!
Thank you, Robert. I appreciate you.
As a guy presently on POF... Yes, you are rare... Enjoy it!
Thank you, Noah. I appreciate your reply.
What are women in their 60s like on POF?
White-haired grandmothers?
Cat lovers? (I loathe cats.)
Overweight or obese?
What has been your experience?
Living in Los Angeles there are all types of women.. from the cat-loving white-haired grandmother to the woman who has well withstood time and a hard life. Some quite beautiful with a glow.
I don't consider these normal times. Especially connecting to another person. There is a lot of fear mixed with people who can't wait to re-emerge into the world. In general, POF isn't much different than any other dating site... but there are a lot of fake profiles.
It is noteworthy that you smile in all of your pictures. Something that is surprisingly rare.
Thank you. The psychology is if you look happy in your photos, people will see you as a fun person they would enjoy being around.
It's shocking how many men post photos of themselves scowling. They look angry, depressed or unhappy. Looks like they want to punch the cameraperson. Yikes! I don't want to go near them.
@LiterateHiker Agreed. Actions and a smile is an action, speak to what a person is.
Well, the pic of you on the chair looks a bit salacious. You look pretty good for your age, you've still got a bit of wear left in you and if it's anything like I see here, not being obese is unusual. And you've got great legs
At least 50% of them will want to con you out of your money: the younger ones, and I'll bet there's a lot of those, just want a mother figure and a lot of the older just want a carer
. Do I sound cynical? Just personal experience of POF.
I gave up on POF long ago. Many scammers, many guys looking for a hand out. Many were actually married looking for a side piece, yes even the over 50 set. I'm sure it has not gotten better in recent years.