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According to one of my friends, I’m going to the Christian Hell just because I’m Pro-LGBT. Have u ever had been threatened with hell because of something like this?

Walkerman2020 4 July 15

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No . Common sense tells me not to bring up subjects or talk about certain points of view with people that I know will not be open to them .


No, because I don't discuss religion with anyone.

Same here .it’s that simple


Oh, all the time. They think I'm going to hell because I don't believe in their magic book.


My step dad said I was going to split hell wide open. 🙂


Those kind of people create their own kind of personal hell for people who support LGBTQ rights. One of my neighbors and former fellow board member of my condo association told me that I should be put in jail for doing what I do for a living, performing non-religious and LGBTQ weddings and funerals. He headed up a group of neighbors who believed me to be unworthy of fair treatment because of my beliefs in equality. They created a community hell for me for many years. Gladly most of them have moved on or mellowed out and are no longer bothering me.

They are all a bunch of fuckin’ losers anyway who aren’t worthy of your time. Human garbage.


Hard to be threatened with something that doesn't exist. I'd be shaking in my boots. Like being threatened by an attack from the tooth fairy.


It takes guts to be an agnostic in Mississippi.


You need to ask them how it is different from other hells?


It’s like sayin “your going to Oz”. Makes about the same sense.


Of course not . I can gage what my friends opinions are on some topics so I avoid these type of conversations .If I am aware that i can not change an individuals mind, why should I waste my time .


Cause all the good people will be there,


I live in a very Jesus-y rural area. I have been threatened with hell for all kinds of reasons.

Deb57 Level 8 July 15, 2021

I feel for you..

@TomMcGiverin it really doesn't bother me any more than if they threatened me with dragons or trolls. But I do judge a person who seems to take any level of satisfaction in imagining me experiencing eternal torture. That's not something that should give a normal, moral person any pleasure.

@Deb57 True, it would only give pleasure to a real sadist.


I've been threatened with guns, knives, baseball bats and fisticuffs, all of them were more real than hell.

It's a longer story than I am willing to even try to share here, but on Mon. I got threatened by another senior citizen around my age with "How about we go outside and I kick your ass?" in front of a full room of people during lunch at my local senior center. It arose out of a conversation I started in the hallway on the way in with one of his Trumper buddies and he was making his threat as a way of bringing the conflict to a head. The pity of it is, that the county organization that funds and oversees the center is probably not going to do anything about the public threat of assault that he shouted at me except talk to him and scold him about it.

I got on the phone today with one of the bosses of the county organization and told him in no uncertain terms, that I could have gone to the local cops on Mon. after he threatened me, as I had plenty of witnesses, including staff, but I didn't want to put them in the middle of it with the cops. But I told him that if they go light on the guy that threatened me, and he then does it again, I will go to the cops, file a police report, and go after him for assault charges, and then they WILL be in the middle of it. And if it comes to that, and they try to kick me out or suspend me from the center for standing up for myself and going to the cops for a second threat, I will then go to the ACLU and sue their ass, if they would take my case.

Then again, you could threaten to kick this person's ass so hard that they will be shitting bruises for a month. It's fun being an intimidating pacifist.

@Holysocks I hear you on that, but I prefer being a pacifist, and I don't make empty threats, actually don't enjoy threatening, much less fighting people at all. The last time I was in a fight was in junior high. This guy could probably wup me in a fight, but he would have to throw the first punch, so that way he would go to jail over it, not me. But I know that if he did start it, I would not stop hitting him until one of us was unconscious. I would not hesitate to defend myself. I refuse to passively take a beating from anyone.

Agreed sir. My last fight was in elementary school, and he started it. Currently, I enjoy making people smile every day.

@Holysocks Same with my last fight. It was during a pickup basketball game and it's debatable who started it. I just got tired of this kid elbowing me repeatedly, so I told him that the next time he did it, I was going to hit him. So when he did it again, I clotheslined him right under his chin and dropped him. I then jumped on him and kept hitting him until someone pulled me off him. He never messed with me again.


You should remind them that only god can judge you.


Some "friend".
Anyone who threatens you with hell is not only a shitty friend, they're a super shitty christian, too.
Might want to remind them that the bible doesn't say jackshit about LGBTQ+, not to mention it also frowns on threatening people with hell.
Oh yeah, and most importantly, the bible is fiction.


The Sisters used to threaten us ALL with hell.


Over 600 commandments in their book. I'm pretty sure we are ALL going to hell

twill Level 7 July 16, 2021

Yes, but no big deal, I don't believe in heaven or hell. I believe that when you're dead, you're dead.


AS IF anyone would have the nerve! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!


Almost everyday because I am Gay. I tell em I will see em there and laugh.


Hell is an intricate part of traditional Christianity. It's the place for all non-Christians and those Christians who don't believe correctly. Without hell, heaven wouldn't be the coveted reward it is supposed to be - not something to make sacrifices for. Depending on the particular Christian and their personal beliefs, hell will be somewhere in their mind either to keep themselves in line enough to avoid it, or to condemn others for their differing beliefs.


Funny you'd ask this question? Today, I was told "it is not to late save my soul and repent.".
This was in response to this post.

"I'm an atheist, and that's it. I believe there's nothing we can know except that we should be kind to each other and do what we can for each other."
—Katharine Hepburn, Ladies Home Journal ( October 1991 )

This person knows I believe in myself and not into cults and fairy-tale stories and the evil that resides in a church. I have told this person many times over 25 years not to preach to me. They are all the same these bible-bangers. I let her have it today. But it does no good they can't shut up. To stupid and to brainwashed. They should outlaw organized religion it is every bit as bad as the plague and then some.

My favorite movie line on that sort of thing is from the movie Crimes Of Passion, directed by Ken Russell. When a perverted street preacher who frequents peep shows, played by Anthony Perkins says to the hooker played by Kathleen Turner, "Save your soul, whore!", she retorts by saying "Save your money, shithead!" Still love that twisted movie!


If Christians will be there, I guess there really is a hell ..


Are you sure that this person was a friend or just an acquaintance?

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