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Do you believe in Karma?

I believe in Karma. Around 20 years ago my first wife and I were going through a divorce. I said something mean about her to a friend. An hour later I broke my thumb. It might be a coincidence but I won't chance it anymore.

ebdb 7 Apr 19

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Sort of....maybe. I kinda go with what goes around comes around but that's the law of averages really. Haven't really helped the argument here lol


Karma is the belief that what you do in this life will affect the next life. I am an atheist and do not believe in magical afterlifes. It is misunderstood in the U.S. to mean that if you do evil in this life you will have harm done to you in this life as some kind of magical punishment. This also has no evidence. Is it not possible that breaking your thumb was simply coincidental? What proof is there that some magical force had anything to do with it? These are the types of questions I ask myself in order to determine what is real and not real.

Your definition is closer to a Hindu interpretation. Karma is used in many more senses than the one you give.

@Gareth I speak as a historian and did give the commonly accepted meaning. Either way karma is hocus pocus until proven otherwise.


If you believe in Karma, how do you explain Donald Trump?

You live in a country with a lot of dumb people in it (sorry members of this site exempted). You chose the worst candidate ever to run against him. But maybe its Karma for giving the world McDonalds?

@273kelvin I think the Russians chose him. I sure as hell did not!

How do I explain Trump? The Kock brothers buying into politics and a lot of ignorant people.

It's Karma for the idiots that voted for him. What a liar, cheater, and a fake! I hope this is a big wake-up call for everyone and Democrats will win the House and Senate this November.

I am honored to be allowed to see trump demise. About the country.... well a lot of interference this nation has done around the world with the good nod of its people... Karma is a Bitch!

@273kelvin ". . . (sorry members of this site exempted)" Sadly, it is even worse then you think. There are trump supporters in these pages. 😟


Just no.


Allegorical evidence is not credible.

No, I don't believe in karma. It seems to me to be a laughably silly behavioral control mechanism, and to believe in something magical based on the flimsiest chance occurrence isn't an indication of one's skepticism.

If karma exist, what is the agent by which it is administered?

Is there not plenty of allegorical evidence that refutes karma?

Doesn't karma rely on reincarnation to administer justice in your next life?

Doesn't it seem that in the case you cited the punishment is way out of proportion to your infraction?

JimG Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

And Then There Is....

Coldo Level 8 Apr 19, 2018

In the sense illustrated - no. Otherwise dictators would die young. Actions are not balanced by other actions. But in the sense that negative acts will have a detrimental effect and positive acts a good one on the doer, definitely. For instance, a person who lies has the strain of maintaining their story and the fear of being found out.



You know why? Because too often s%$@y people get off on easy street while total sweet angelic people have horrificly s^%$#y things happen to them.

There are plenty of reasons for me not to believe in it. If Karma is real, she's a lazy DAF biotch.


The definition of karma by the Dali lama is "action".

That is all it means. In his explanation, "to blame your fate on karma is lazy, you have the power to create action to change it"

There is nothing to believe in. It just means action but people missunderstand the definition. Common mistake.

I don't like the word lazy but agree with his definition ??

This true truthful real answer including a quote from the Lama will now be lost in bullshit and I could weep ! however it would be pointless lol 😉

@Nanachu That is not true and like the the meaning of karma which came from the Taoist teachings not the bhudda but was adopted by the bhudda it is often misunderstood Hinud faith also see's Karma as action .. all faiths do but people don't know the real definition .. The Lama is non religious .. In all faiths karma is only action, read the definition on wiki -

It does not matter wether it is this life or the next Karma is defined as action in all faiths

read up


What you speak of is the circle of life it is not karma 😉

Notice in the wiki the definition of karma in hinduism is also action as I said

@Nanachu how many times do we need the word action to get it through to you lol ? A "System of ACTIONS" huh ?

LMFAO okay bud .. what came first Karma or action .. oh Karma by about 4000yrs lmao

Keep on talking lol


I like the idea of Karma. It has a satisfying feel to it, but who exactly is judging and punishing/rewarding? There's the problem to me.


Yes I definally believe in karma!!
when I was married my wife slept with a 16 year old male.
and now here it is 20 years later ,and she is on welfare and living with her sisters daughter,and her kids in bum fuck camden new jersey.
yes karma is a bitch!!!


This is one of those things that I wish was true. It would be immensely satisfying if there was some guarantee of ultimate justice. But I don't think it exists as a separate agency making sure everybody gets what they deserve. How would that work, exactly? Who or what decides that someone deserves one thing or another without a value judgment of some kind? Nope, nice fantasy idea, just not true.


.Karma is an odd one. Okay lets look at your experience. You were arguing then said a mean thing, soon after you broke your thumb. Freud said there are no accidents. Your mind was definitely not 100% on what you were doing ergo...
Karma or what goes around comes around is a good concept. It is not 100% true but we feel that it should be. If you are a kind and considerate person then people will be nice to you (well most). If you are a dishonest and mean person then people will treat you accordingly. Just like a belief in Santa will get a kid to behave (maybe). The use of Karma can bring about a better way of behaving in adults. Even if it is not true, it is worth living by.

Agree completely. Said about the same above. Not a law of the universe, but a general principle that gets moved-along by observant humans.


Not particularly, I do believe in consequences, karma and god are the same soup, served in different bowls.

kuali Level 4 Apr 19, 2018

I believe that how you approach life shapes what life gives back to you, and that is a succinct summary of what most people understand about the concept of karma.

Right. But most people get it wrong.


Not sure. Define Karma. I've heard different takes on the subject. What goes around comes around. Possibly. I'm a nice person. I'm sure I've said mean things a time or two but I'm not like the greedy 1%ers and they all seem to have life by the balls, no consiquences.

I copied the definition from Wikipedia "Karma means action, work or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering."


I don't believe karma is real, but I do enjoy it when it appears that karma is at work. Especially as pertains to my own divorce, which is happening.

Deb57 Level 8 Apr 22, 2018

When I do something wrong, I’m covered in InstaKarma. Yet truly evil men like Donald Trump get elected president. Karma’s a bitch, but to the wrong people.


No. When I was a child my parents constantly chided "god's going to punish you." if I backtalked or did something naughty. I would trip or fall down as a result of my bad deed. They would say it happened because god made it happen. Same bullshit as Karma.


No I don't believe in karma. There is no one or no thing out there keeping score!


Karma is nonsense. Morality is a human construct so Divine or Cosmic Balance of Good and Bad is also nonsense.

People try to equate karma with the principle of Cause and Effect but it is just not the same thing. Karma is the Universe punishing or rewarding you for good or bad deeds. The Universe doesn't even know of these things so how could it make a decision?

Like in your example of saying something mean then having a bad thing happen to you. It is just the first bad thing that happened to you after you did a recognisably bad thing. The Universe doesn’t care about our lives.


No, I don't. I believe coincidences happen.


I wish it moved a bit faster!


I believe people look after people. If someone does a member wrong... others will come to the rescue.

No they will not, please don't ever bet your life on this! When I was 19, my then-hubby attacked me in full view of approx. 200 people on a dance floor, dragging me across the floor by my hair after punching me to the ground & intermittently pausing to kick me, because I objected to him feeling up my sister in law on the dance floor. Not one person intervened in any way, in fact that was the pain I felt (until the next day). All I could do was keep saying, over& over, "nobody helpedme". In the long run it did me a world of good....


That's not Karma bud, that's just plain ol' coincidence.


Yes. I do.

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