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Is it OK to be racist against white people?

Using the Merriam-Webster definition of racism,

1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

You CAN be racist against white people but is it OK?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they need to atone for the actions of their ancestors?
Is it OK to tell an entire race they are racist simply because of their race?
Is it OK to blame an entire race on the actions of 2 people?
Is it OK to purposely tell your kids to not trust an entire race?

Sadly I doubt I'll get many honest answers because it's not PC to you think racism is OK as long as those your racist against are white. But hope springs eternal.

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MamaMOB 5 Apr 30

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125 comments (76 - 100)

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All bigotry is harmful to ourselves and our society.

Refusal of the truth is the real bigotry.


I don't mind if someone is sky blue pink if they are okay with me - at the moment I ma sunburnt red been out in the garden too long
I think that with anyone new that i meet I may be a little frightened of what might be hidden .But colour tells me nothing not even where someone is from.

You are a fool if you don't take colour into some level of account when dealing with strangers.

@Algernon At least i'd be a kind fool! Thats all that matters to me.

@Algernon I don't understand your comment 'you are a fool if you don't take colour into some level of account when dealing with strangers" Maybe it's because I live in a multicultural country and work with people with diverse cultures. I feel all the richer for it. Why is it foolish to consider colour when dealing with strangers? Unless there is a language barrier I simply don't understand what you are getting at.

@MsDemeanour Did I say at any time thtyou were foolish? I don't remember being that harsh if I did say it I apologise but still I take people as I find them ok with me I am ok with them difference is useful if there were no difference we would not have new cuisine etc.


If y'all don't shut up I'm gonna go outta my mind.


I'm sick and tired of hearing about privilege. I don't have privilege. I have worked for everything I have while helping others along the way. I'm also sick and tired of others expecting me to apologize for being white , which I refuse to do and because I refuse to do it I've been verbally attacked and called racist.

You want to talk racism? Let's talk about Affirmative Action. Let's talk about white women being skipped over for a job, even though they are more qualified, because they are white . How about when white children are suspended for using a racial slur, which in no way shape or form do I agree with, but the black child can call a white child wonder bread, afflack and white rat and no one bats an eye?'s accepted.

I look at people as people. Now when you want to act a certain way then I will judge the shit out of you. If you don't want to be treated in a negative manner, no matter what color your skin is? Be respectful, kind and considerate and by all means do not disrespect law enforcement. Comply.

It's easy to be sick and tired. Ask people of color who have been anti oppression activists since the Abolition.. imagine how tired we are


@NotConvinced RACISM is not a problem. It is a scourge on humanity!

Affirmative action is not giving jobs to unqualified minorities, it's OPENING THE POOL OF CANDIDATES TO INCLUDE QUALIFIED PEOPLE OF COLOR AND WOMEN. I am told by companies in various industries in Boston that they are unable to find qualified candidatesof color for highly skilled positions. I can refer a dozen Astro physicists and twenty cardio thoracic surgeon in a week.How committed are you to inclusion, who are your networks and where are you sourcing?

Everyone at some point has been, will be, or is oppressed. No one is exempt from racism or prejudice. Stop acting like you're special because you're not. Lose the victim mentality, stop pointing fingers at everyone and pull yourself out of the hole you put yourself into.

@JAEMPRESS excellent video by Candice Owns

I was about to watch the video you posted but I realize it was from Alex Jones channel. I stopped it immediately. Don't have time for garbage.

@MagRat I'm a female not a male and how the hell do you figure? Blacks and other ities get picked for opportunities before a white male. They are really the ones who are oppressed these days.

@MagRat well, thats the dumbest shit Ill read all week. I thought you were simply a misinformed good intentioned person, now I see you are just a ignorant sexist moron.


Are you harassed for being white? What is the point of these questions?


My opinion is that it's not ok to be racist towards any person or race. Sadly, since the white race perpetrated the most well-known racism on earth, they (we, I'm Caucasian) now seem to be fair game for reverse racism. The answers to all of your questions above is no, of course. The reality, however, is that American society is well-conditioned to attack any pro-white conversation. Personally, I feel that any time race is a factor at all, whether it is positive or negative in nature, it's racism. Affirmative Action and racial quotas is racism. The NAACP is a racist organization. Even when done with the best of intentions, it's racism. We celebrate Black History Month during February. Imagine the outcry if anyone suggested White History Month. I get it, but just making a point here. In schools and large businesses, there are often cultural/Ethnicity-based clubs. Again, imagine the outcry if Caucasian-based clubs were suggested. I wish we could celebrate cultural diversity without any taint of race.

@michaelinlivonia We're all entitled to our opinions. I can't believe you practically just called me a Nazi tho.

@michaelinlivonia I AM German, and no, you are twisting things here. You are applying inapplicable context to my comments. I answered the question in the spirit in which it was asked.


No. Get to know each person, I am very confident that you will find real reasons to hate someone other than their race, there are a lot of assholes out there. Race has nothing to do with it.


White is a colour, not a race. Hating "white" people is bigotry, not racism.


Racism is not OK, not even against white people

Yes in recent history a few white people have created tremendous hardship and cruelty towards people they perceived as different and inferior to them.

To turn around and hate all white people and discriminate against them for this is exactly the same as the original hatred and discrimination. It also ignores the fact that Many white people have also fallen into the Category of being discriminated against marginalized and abused
(my own father was Irish Catholic and Grew up in Northern Ireland in the 1940’s and 50’s, and no I am not comparing his hardship to slaves, just pointing out that even if you look the same, the ruling class will treat you like shit for completely arbitrary reasons)

Racism is something invented by the Rich to distract the poor and direct their hatred away from the Rich and toward any other recipient.

To the ruling class there is very little difference between a black/minority poor person and a white poor person, Dr King actually recognized this and spoke about it.

All the while the working class, the poor, the non rulers, are distracted by petty ridiculous conflict we don’t notice as they rob us blind, and destroy our planet, the only home we have, all in the name of accumulating more useless wealth

The Rich are not Racists, that foolishness is just something they try to get us to believe to keep us distracted

Being Racist against white people only plays into the hands of the hateful few who are attempting and succeeding in enslaving us all


Strange question.Is this aimed at non caucasian people only.


Well, if you go back in time, develop technology in other culture, then colonize europe as this culture will have the big guns. Put the beauty standard as other kind of ethnicity, develop myths and prejudices that will cause SYSTEMATIC harm to white people, invade their country, treat them as savages for centuries, keep their countries unstable and criticize when they try to flee from there (I don't see the spanish, irish, germans, italians etc treated as north africans or middle easterns are treated now when they flee their war destroyed countries), Isolate them on guetos, give less money for the schools on their area, arrest more for less harmfull crimes, create a culture when some white climb on a bus and everyone hold their purses and bags tighter.... Then we can talk about racism against white.

Of course in MICRO environments where whites are stripped out of power positions they can feel a piece of the harm that other ethnicities feel almost all the time. But in most of cases they can just walk away and it is over.


My question is which definition of racism do you use, the one that combines it with other word meanings like bigotry, prejudice, ignorance, discrimination, hatefulness? Or do we accept the one that fits it's meaning more closely without political/social bias? The belief that one's race/ethnicity is superior to another and having the (economic/political/ social) "power" or clout to systematically enforce or coerce those ideas? Without "power" racism has a different meaning ie: the previous social political bias... Ask yourself, in the final appeals in the U.S., do non Whites have the final decisions?


It would be more accurate to ask if it is okay for people to be prejudiced.


Being a racist makes you a bad person.


I believe it's wrong to be racist, period!


We're all prejudice in some way, we all have stereotypes and some of us even live up to said stereotypes. But it's ours, not anybody elses. So the minute someone opens their mouth and spews their opinions as fact is when they are wrong and that's not "ok". Who cares what someone thinks or feels. Just be nice to each other for fucks sake.


Umm.... No. Shouldn't be racist or sexist ... Absurd question.


That makes you a hypocrite.

Buxx Level 7 Oct 10, 2018

If you mean by that that all whiteys have to take responsibility for what other white people did in the past then that make YOU the racist. You are black, that does not make you responsible for Shake Zulu murdering thousands of his own people. The British parliament made the slave trade illegal in 1807 and banned the ownership of slave all over the empire by 1832. I applaud these decision, but even though they were made by white people I cannot take the credit for them anymore than I can take responsibility for the tragedy of slavery. And as a black person I cannot hold you responsibly for Moulay Ismail and his Barbary pirates for enslaving as many as a million white people.


shit. i hit yes because i read the question wrong.


That's a bit ridiculous. It doesn't matter if a people of a different heritage or skin tone unleashes a million years of oppression on another; it doesn't justify future generations being terrible in "return". The cycle ends as soon as race is measured as deeply as "human". Varying melatonin content doesn't create a higher value in a person.


Racism is wrong in any respect. Arguments for it make no sense at all. As a white man I know a lot of racists and "racist unaware" types. I hang out with none of them and was last married for 12 years to a black woman. My 2 daughters however have a white mother.


NO, it's not ok. Not all white people are the same. Some of us are enlightened people, that see past race, sexual preference,etc. and don't have religion clouding perception of the world.


I would love to hear from the 8 people that answered yes.



Racism is intolerable no matter who is the victim.


I am a Red Man and racism is pure evil. ...just like sexism both practice rape of land and bodies. ...Israelis are racist misogynists Andrew Jackson must be removed from 20 dollar bills PUT HARRIET TUBMAN there defeating racist plantation owners by the dozens

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