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LINK Project 2025 leader falsely claims Harris would end Christians' "ability to worship" -- Friendly Atheist

Kevin Roberts is desperate, so he's lying in the name of Jesus

Nov 03, 2024

During a “Virtual Faith Media Roundtable” on Friday, Heritage Foundation President Kevin Roberts falsely claimed that Kamala Harris, if elected president, would take away Christians’ right to worship.

(Follow above article link to red the entire article...)

snytiger6 9 Nov 3

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Want to know who is lying and pushing propaganda: consider the source.

Trump's False or misleading claims total 30,573 over four years:


162 lies and distortions in a news conference.


He also says he doesn't know about Project 2025.

Project 2025 was written by people who worked with him, and his names is mentioned/stated more than 200 times in the document.

@snytiger6 Yes, I know, he is a pathological liar. He is a loser, his only option is to lie.

@nogod4me And, sadly, it appears he will be president again (written Nov. 6th)

The after analysis on NPR is that many people thought he is guilty of crimes and is a bad person, but they couldn't get over the inflation they experienced under Biden. They don't seem to realize that the factors that caused inflation under Biden, were already in place and set into motion before Trump left office.

I for one won't be above telling people "I told you so". when the country gets fucked up... again.

@snytiger6 Trump used old cult tactics to win. Instead of the election campaign being about who would be better at uniting Americans and helping them, he made it a competition. He incited the ignorant, the stupid, the cult-minded and fanatical, the racists, the misogynistic and the homophobic, etc., to join "Team Trump", even selling them his own merchandise. That is why he didn't need to speak about policy but simply cut down the other team. These "players" would do anything to win, even voting against their own interests and not listening to any other viewpoints from the competition. They fell for it hook, line, and sinker.

Now they will find out exactly what the price of admission will be.

@nogod4me I figure we have a few months (about six) to plan and adjust our investments accordingly to what we expect is to come.


She’s got my vote!!! Hallelujah, praise the lort!!!🙏😇🙏


Just more of the usual projection, paranoia, and false, exaggerated claims of victimhood by the theocrats.


Canada arrested preachers during covid. Yall idiots shut down churches and kept bars open. Not a logical bone in your body. Yall a bunch of fucking delusional morons


I'm not surprised anymore by anything the right says. About the only time that i'm surprised anymore is when they actually say something that's the truth.


So this "Godly man" lied to his faithful flock of gullible twatwaddles. What else is new? They'll buy it. They believe what they want to believe.

They believe what they are TOLD to believe..

@jlynn37 Yeah, religions want to be able to teach children from a very young age to NEVER question authority. Sadly, that opened door to the rise of the Nazis in Europe in the 1930's. The people behind project 2025 are seeking to use the same dynamic, only this time they plan to do it very purposefully and with intent.


The comments below are spot on and sum up the whole MAGA cult: self-interested, anti-democratic, lies, threats, and projection. I will just add destructive idiocy to the list, because they will absolutely wreck this country if given the chance.


Kevin Roberts knows this is a lie. Nobody is going to take away a Christians right to worship. On the other hand, he is the same man who said about the changes going to come through Project 2025 that "the transition will be bloodless if the left will allow it." Sounds like a coward shit disturber to me. bigly, bigly.


'Heritage Foundation' the ones who brought to us the 2025 project. Of course these people will say anything without even the slightest thought. The very fact they put out their totally anti-democratic and rights sucking project before a major election shows their brightness level (totally dark).
One thing many of us nones don't realize is that many major religious groups (Baptists) are totally against any idea of a christian nation. One woman even gave a long and well presented speech for the last Freedom From Religion Foundation. There are a huge number of christians that totally believe in the freedom of religion and having a christian nation totally upsets that right.


Again, PROJECTION. If Christians had their way, they WOULD force everyone to profess allegiance to their mythical Jesus, or DIE. How many times have they done this before???

They know its all lies and they cannot tolerate any other belief(or non-belief) as this repudiates their delusion.


Lies are abound.

Betty Level 8 Nov 3, 2024

What would you expect from these people? Not the first time they used tactics like this and won’t be the last.

They are more afraid of losing their tax free status in light of their continued interference in American politics.

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