314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (126 - 150)

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No, please get him out of there. I personally support the efforts to permanently divide the country into smaller more ideologically similar country's like Cascadia.

Interesting concept.Ever read Riverworld? You might like it and its commentary on the human social condition.


He has lied more times than I have hair on my head. He is an adulterer. He doesn't have much of a brain. He is vulgar, vain, and seems to care only for himself. He is a bully and thinks the only way to win is to put down the other person. He is short sighted and has no long term vision or direction aside from his own desires.

A narcissist . No empathy . Lacks a conscious. The earth revolves around him


I do not support Trump. I am amazed he became President! He thinks and talks like a spoiled four year old who never got off the teats!

  1. No grandmother would allow children to be put in cages.

  2. Hillary would whip Pootie's rat eyed KGB ass for him. She would email him some Benghazi. He would not be now arming Turkwy with nuclwar power, meaning weapons, long since our deal.

  3. Don is a moron, but worse, an intelligence compromised one that is fighting with the DOJ and the FBI. That is because he is compromised. Uh oh...

  4. I have seen with my own eyes that he is functionally iliterate. Ive seen him live, in front of me, do multiple avoidance tactics that illiterate people do as a cover. I hope someone has taught him to read since then, but he is illiterate.

  5. He should be Lewinskyed right now out of office for his affair with Hop Hicks. Just for that. Fairs fair. Its onlt like 100 million dollars, and the GOP must do it! The Honor and Integrity! Oaths! Pledges! Blah blah blah


Ever since commenting on this poll, i now have all these redhat creeps "hovering" on my page, lol. Fellers that look like theyd try to grab my hands to see if I work for a living, but they are all like 70 and work for a living watching some fox.

They should listen to all the stories they heard growing up and "mind thier place" and not try to push it, lest shit go all Saul Alinsky/Weather Underground on them. Or FDR on them. They forget that not even shitbird Nazis lasted about 10 years, and not 1000. There are more good noncriminal people than bad deplorable ones.

Thankfully, there are relatively few people who voted that they support Trump in the OP’s poll. They are just loud and noticeable because they spout nonsense. Trumpism is a cult of personality that demands unwavering loyalty and that you ignore your lying eyes to accept Trump’s narrative.


No, I do not support Donald Trump. Donald Trump is the trust fund baby of a daddy who left him 22 billion dollars.... and he has still managed to piss away well over half of that nest egg in one single lifetime.

How are we supposes to trust a man to turn our country around who can't even take 22 billion dollars and turn it in to a profit? Even a freaking monkey could inherit 22 billion and at the very least still have close to 22 billion when it croaks from old age.

Let's be perfectly honest here. Donald Trump is a failed real estate mogul who has had to be bailed out of bankruptcy multiple times. The sheer magnitude of his failure as a businessman and a human being is astounding.

The one thing I will give him credit for is being a good con artist. His ability to take advantage of the least educated and least intelligent amongst us perplexes me to no end.

I won't even get in to what a vile and disgusting individual he is just as a human being. His laundry list of despicable actions is long and already widely known. No sense rerunning that sick horror show again.

Not a trump supporter but most sources say his father's estate was between 100 to 300 million. Not billions.


Fuck that twat, how is putting someone who has been bankrupt multiple times a good idea


I don't support him overall. He has done a couple of things I support, but I'm against most of what he's done.

What I don't support:

  • Attacking the media and calling them the enemy of the people. A phrase of dictators.
  • Increasing tariffs, which shows an ignorance of economics.
  • Constant lies.
  • Emotional decisions.
  • His pragmatism.
  • Wanting to build a wall.
  • Increasing government spending.
  • There are more reasons, which I can't think of now.

What I think he has done good:

  • Lowering corporate taxes. They should be zero
  • Eliminating some regulations, which will probably be reinstated by the next president.
  • There may be more, but I can't think of them now.

Corporations use resources that must be paid for, taxing them is the only way to make them pay their share of this. Corporations have not used the money to increase wages and hire additional people; instead their profits are soaring and they are using the money for stock buybacks, increasing their power.

Those regulations protect the air we breathe, drinking water, pesticide use (some are cancer-causing), the environment in general. These are all now in peril.


No, the guy is a joke.

Tejas Level 8 Oct 6, 2017

I think he's a fool, and I'm sorry but I don't feel I have to have respect for the office when someone like him doesn't respect it himself.


I can't think of a single day since his inauguration when there hasn't been some sort of scandal, incident, or negative event involving the Trumps or someone incredibly close to the Trumps.


Never will! He is just horrible!


I don't like him.


Everyday he disrespects someone. You have to show respect to others to have any expectation of getting respect in return. No one is automatically 'entitled' to it. No I don't support him.


Trump is a flawed human being in many respects. He is unstable mentally, has demonstrated a lack of respect, empathy and compassion for others, is an habitual liar, and is concerned only for himself, his family, and his brand. Any other questions?


Glad I found this site. Always thought there should be such a thing like or something to that nature. Its a breath of fresh air to interact with like minded individuals who are actually informed on issues and enjoy intellectual conversation.


Absolutely not. He and his clown posse need to go. This country is falling apart. There is no making America great while he's running the show. He's a nut job!


What I want to see happen to SEWOL (Stinking Eukaryotic Waste Of Life - my name for Drumpf), his criminal family, and all who have aided and abetted him in commerce or government is probably not appropriate for this message board.


I give him all the respect he deserves. Zero


Trump is an asshat who will kill the last few things good about the US.


Just read American Facists by Chris Hedges and you'll know exactly where this Administration is heading.


F Trump


For the most part, I have taken the position that I don't care what kind of personality the President has. He could act like an ass, say ridiculous things, be a womanizer... you get the point. the President is, in a sense, our political boss. I don't have to like my employer personally as long as he runs the place well, treats his employees well and is generally fair. His personal life or character defects are his business. Jesus or Horus has never been a candidate, so lets not hold any of them to that standard.

But Trump is worse than an a-hole with typical character defects. IMO, Trump has never grown emotionally speaking, older than a 12 year old; when his father shipped him off to the military boarding school. you can see this in the way he responds to most everything . If you close your eyes, that is a 12 year old boy talking.

So in effect, we have a 12 year old running this country. Ok, the GOP likes him because you can steer a 12 year old into signing off on your stuff and tolerate the rest. But intentionally or not, through his childish behaviour, he is breaking down the checks and balances that are supposed to keep us from sliding into a dictatorship.

It's a simple path. make half the citizens your friends and turn them on the other half. Illegitimize the press and setup a news outlet of your own. Demean the judicial and assign judges there who are your people.Strong arm the legislative into doing what you want.

We lost our democracy years ago but we are headed to something far worse.


He is a dangerous man.


Yes, I was highly disappointed that he became (cough, gag) our leader. But I wanted to give him a chance - hoping we would all be pleasantly surprised somehow. Well - that time is long over, and now he only brings daily dismal, and often potentially deadly news, and a certainty that if allowed to continue, he will do anything but make us "great".

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