314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (251 - 275)

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That was weird, pressing a button that says "Vote" making a comment about a US President when I am not an American, and many people in America do not vote. It is compulsory here, not that it makes any difference to the result, no matter who you vote for, a politician always gets in. I am very far from a Trump supporter, he thinks along he same lines as our Government on may issues important to me, and my views are mostly different from those of my government. However, as it is here as well, the alternative did not seem a good choice either.


He is a national embarrassment.


I will not, cannot or even think of supporting the current monster in the White House.


Hell yes I support Trump! After 8 years of that idiot Obama we need a shakeup in Washington!


I didn't vote for either of them and I have not one single regret about that.


I disagree fully, this president was is not legit, he is not a leader,
When OUR president ridicules and mocks the left wing, the poor, the disadvantaged, it is time for us to awaken NOT pledge loyalty because he holds the oval office. This is democracy and with that we seek a leader of all people not just the rude and uneducated.
This president is NOT our president, he may be that of those who support authoritarianism but not the rest of us. I want the US to remain a democracy, which trump wants overturned.

EMC2 Level 8 Jan 9, 2018

I agree on you idea that the current system needs an overhaul. But I do not agree that tRump deserves the respect afforded by the office. I don't believe he has the best interests of the country as part of his agenda. His administration is just like his financial empire. Crooked.


I don't see how even a devoted Republican can support him at this point.


Love your poll. It is interesting that so many in this community do nor support this man.


I don't think trump would qualify for concealed carry. But he has the nuke button? Wtf?


I do not support him because he continually disregards basic human decency. I can not and will not support someone who cares so little about others, including himself and his family

Kodi Level 4 Jan 27, 2018

I do not support him as President. He has not shown himself to be presidential. He responds to anything against him with his twitter, which in my opinion is inappropriate. He does not seem to be trustworthy of the position. I find his narcissism and arrogance to be beneath the position of President of the United States.
Just my opinion.


I find it ironic that you would ask that we not sling insults because he is the president, when it is a rare day that goes by that he isn't slinging his childish insults.


I feel like he doesn't respect the office that he holds and he acts as if the government, and all branches of the government, are his and his alone to do as he pleases with. There's supposed to be separate but equal branches for checks and balances of each other and he's trying to make them all do his bidding.

LizL Level 5 Jan 30, 2018

Haha definitely fuck trump!!!


Well, he's a wake up call, inspiring a lot of women and LGBTQ people to run for office now.


He's a racist, a bully who belittles people and calls them names, he knows nothing about the government (I learned more on schoolhouse Rock than he knows about the government), he's arrogant ( knows more about Isis than the generals and will fix obamacare), he's been bankrupt at least 4 times, he's cheated on his wives, he's been sued hundreds of times, he hires people that he owes favors too, then fires them, and who have no knowledge or experience in what he puts then in charge of, he doesn't read, he doesn't learn, he is not diplomatic, he's rude, and that's just the tip of the Titanic iceberg!


The orange clown needs to go!


A) I have no desire to take seriously someone who doesn't use the grammar taught in grade school. B) It seems to me that the Trumpettes I have encountered are the snowflakes here. They can't seem to accept criticism of their Fuhrer. These are most likely the same snowflakes that posted effigies of Obama hanging from a tree and on fire.


I'd only support him til the noose was around his traitorous neck, then I'd let him drop.


I don't support him because he has the emotional control of a 2 year old in the midst of a tantrum. I will say I don't support impeachment because while Trump is childish, Pence is dangerous. Neither one of them has the intellectual capacity to do the job.

I believe that as soon Ryan and McConnell get the most offensive of their goals push through, they'll have Trump removed from office and install Pence. Trump is their fall guy.


I personally feel he is way too reckless with Americans basic human rights and the future of our citizens well being. I am all for revamping regulations for public assistance, gun laws, illegal immigration, and topics such as environmental protection vs removing regulations that will now open loopholes for irresponsible companies disposing of hazardous wastes. He isn't trying to change the laws allowing abuse of the systems because then he himself would be shut down. Instead, he wants to rip the proverbial carpet out and not have a car about who can survive his one size fits all tactics.The list goes on and on regardless of how many attempt to validate his lack luster justifications that if they were to personally wear one of the shoes others wear everyday, they would get a very rude awakening.


As a person whose political views swing way to the left, I would never support Trump or any other GOP politician. Trump and his three ring circus have made a laughing stock of our country. It will take years to repair the damage that they have done. I live in Michigan and my heart breaks for the people of Flint who still can't drink their water. The GOP politicians and emergency managers need to be held accountable for the thousands of lives negatively impacted by the lead in the water. I'm actively promoting the campaign of progressive Dem Dr Abdul El Sayed for governor. I'm an avid Bernie Sanders supporter. I marched in Philly in protest of the DNC and after what the Dems did to Sanders and their members I left the Dem party. I will vote for progressive Dems if they don't take money from corporations and they support universal healthcare and tuition free college.


He isn't my president. I will show him respect when he starts respecting this country and it's citizens. He lies to us all the time and has no concern for anyone or anything other than his big fragile ego.


I am absolutely embarrassed that he is our President. How I miss President Obama.

RRRR Level 4 Mar 12, 2018
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