314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (51 - 75)

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I’m sorry, but the man has mental (and sexual) issues that should have disqualified him. He has NO IDEA what he is doing. He’s an amateur trying to act presidential, and doing a lousy job of it. Many from his administration are under indictment for collusion with Russia against the United States, and HE could potentially be indicted at some point. But, here’s the kicker. Do you REALLY want this golf happy clown impeached, and replaced with #ChristianShariaLawPence!?? HE scares me more than Trump! #CarefulWhatYouWishFor

I feel the same. Pence scares me more than Trump. We can only hope that the indictments take them both out. But then what? Ryan??? How far down that list do you go until you get somebody worthy of the position?

Why because you watch CNN??

@Ravenwolfcasey I don't watch CNN, OR #FauxNews!

@trasinater Sad but true. I just hope we can vote that entire hot mess OUT OF OFFICE in 2020. But I won't hold my breath. Thanks to SCCOTUS (Supreme CORPORATE Court of the U.S), and their "Citizens" United decision, the Kochs and other billionaires, now largely control the system. I, sadly, expect to see #ChristianShariaLawPence elected in 2020, if the plutocrats succeed in bringing down MUELLER before he can complete his investigation.


Drumph is a nut job and should be hanged for treason !! I will never call that whack job my president !!!

The Cheeto monster

The Cheeto Monster must be impeached... Bernie Sanders should be president


I don't see what supporting or not supporting the idiot has to do with being atheist or agnostic.

That's like going into one of your Trump sites and saying "Is poop food?" While most of the Trump supporters would agree that it was...being fed it constantly by their wouldn't have anything to do with the subject at hand.

I bet you're just one of those confederate nazi types hunting all the social media sites in hopes you can find one or two other people...obviously not in the state you live in, that agree with your beliefs. Remember, Trump won with only 8% of the total population voting for him. You're a bigger minority than the black people are. A white....minority.

And most of the country is backwards and bible beating. That isn’t an ideal that we want to achieve.

Also, Harleyman is misunderstanding the poll numbers. Typical for a low-IQ redneck. He's taking poll numbers showing what Trump got OUT OF THOSE THAT VOTED. I'm talking about the number of votes Trump got OUT OF THE ENTIRE POPULATION. Two different polls. You may be 100% correct that 46.1% of the National vote went to Trump, but that doesn't say how many people we participants in the national vote. 2016 was the lowest voter turnout in the United States EVER. Only like 14% of the entire population voted. The bulk of the Left threw in the towel when Bernie was cheated out of his win and wouldn't support the DNC. Trump's support on the republican side was so low that he had big name republicans like the Bush family and the Cheney family voting for Hillary instead of him. Only 14% of the nation voted, and out of that, Trump got 8%. But believe what you want to believe, redneck. You got a one-term chance at being happy you're a racist. congrats on that.


Unfortunately, I Am "Not" Supporter of Trump At All Or His Views...I Did Not Vote Neither For Clinton Nor Trump But I Voted For 3rd Party Candidate, Jill Stein (Green Party) Instand.

Then you helped elect Trump

@TheMiddleWay So did Putin, Fox news,and the people who voted for third party candidates


Donald Trump suffers from an extreme case of Narcistic Personality Disorder. He is extremely self centered, cannot stand criticism and has a very short attention span. He cares nothing for anything other than himself. As a business man, he has had numerous failures and is notorious for not paying his bills. In short, he is the worst kind of crook. His run for president was not about issues or principles but only about winning. To this end he aligned himself with the religious right conservatives. Although I may agree with some of the ideas he espoused in his campagn, I don't think he cares about any of them. To have a person as unstable and lacking in tact and diplomacy is such a position is just dangerous.

But he’s a damn sight better than that idiot Obama or Clinton would have been!

You have much more confidence it the insane than I do. At least with a sane thief you know what to expect.

I am entitled to my opinion. And it is my opinion that the man has serious mental problems. On the basis of my opinion, he scares the shit out of me. And for that reason I am doing something I have never done before; voting a straight democratic ticket.


I don't think Donald Trump is Satan, but Satan is the wind beneath Donny's wings.

@Countrycuz666 Huh?

@Countrycuz666 smh

I think country cousin, the gentleman Satanist, got all offended that i made fun of his stupid ass comments about Satan and Don being a "god emperor" and blocked me. Its scary to think this is how far the GOP has drifted away from reality. This being a grown ass man as old as my dad was, except, yknow, Pop would never high five some Nazi or be talking crap about "Satan" unless he wanted to end up at the rubber room.


Why would anyone in their right mind support that whiny little bitch

Because of their hatefulness and willful ignorance.


I'm from Canada, so I'm mostly wondering how someone so shallow, racist and sexist could end up being elected. He has repeatedly shown that he does not respect women or their rights and people of minorities through his words and acts. Economically-speaking, his whole life has been one of losing money (he'd be much richer if he never used the money he got from his parents than he is now) and he's even trying to lower taxes for the rich now and cut services for the poor and middle class people.

MarcO Level 5 Oct 6, 2017

Sadly trump represents what MOST of america is- there are a few of us not at all like him. My son and I have always had a European state of mind and would love to be living in Canada ?

How could you possibly reach the conclusion that Obama was the most hated? That's demonstrably false; and not only because of the record-breaking low approval ratings that Trump has consistently gotten. But also compared to W. Bush, Obama's approval ratings were significantly higher. As far as calling Obama the most divisive, I am again at a complete loss for how you could believe that. I'm willing to look at any evidence that you may have to support those statements. But I don't believe there is any evidence to produce which would support that.


I would use a live rattlesnake as a condom before I trust Trump.

Holy shit, that is frikkin funny! And, a very scary vision! LOL

You win the best comment award! BTW, my dearest friend of 35 years is from Butler Alabama. What a small word. ROLL TIDE! I'd message you but I just joined and I can't. My email is if you care to message me.


When Drumpf entered the race for President, I had a visceral negative reaction and nothing has happened since to change that. I'm offended by every indecent and immoral action he has made, i.e., his mockery toward a man with a physical disability, his inability to respect any woman ever, his determination to trample the Constitutional rights of anyone who opposes him and, last but not least, his inability to tell the good guys from the bad guys (white supremacists) and further inability or unwillingness to call them out. He is a disgrace to the principles of our Country,

Chesan Level 2 Oct 16, 2017

the feeling of a wet blanket soaked in a mild acid draped over my shoulders kind of sums up my visceral feeling

There is no such thing as white supremacy. Claiming it’s to blame for anyone’s woes is ignorant and racist . Denying history is being stupid . Just put your head in the sand. Colonisation is civilisation!

@Seriousreason Sadly for you, your statement is one of the most ignorant I've seen on this site. So sad. White supremacy is akin to 'white privilege' and it's very real and alive as we speak. 'Chesan' just stated the facts re Trump, so, how has he denied history, and what do you mean by "Colonisation is civilisation"??? I have my own idea of it but would like to hear yours....


Trump is the antithesis of presidential. He is nothing beyond a petulant spoiled toddler who has never been required to grow up. He surrounds himself with yes-men (or women), and is incapable of taking criticism. He seems to think the United States is a junior high school, for clearly he has never matured beyond puberty.

If he hadn't been born into money, he'd be nothing more than just another broke, loudmouthed, con man from Queens. He'd probably have done time by now.

@Countrycuz666 well, actually Trump is an empty suit with an empty head; he is incompetence on steroids, but he sure has been a 'lightning rod' for waking people up...that has prompted the current success of the 'blue wave'...Obama was smart and earned his accolades through law school legitimately based on his talent and intellectual skills. Where I balked was his ties to Wall St; that was an ultimate let-down


I support him and his entire administration being sent to Guantanamo and waterboarded until they each die of a stroke or heart attack. Divide their illegally-obtained billions among programs to improve homelessness and hunger throughout the world. Then everyone gets the chance to piss on their corpses before they are thrown into space to get sucked into the sun.

Best reply yet...thank you, I needed a chuckle.

don't hold back

Commie!! . I hope all you regressives get what you deserve . Bernie, Nancy, and Maxine, . No military. Immigrants up to you eyeballs. White genocide. No boarders , just kiss your ass goodbye Red , white and blue. Post modern marxists want the end of you.


While I consider the prez to be a bull in a china shop almost daily, I do believe that his business and negotiating smarts serve him well....Despite not getting major legislation passed, he has created enough enthusiasm to propel much optimism in the business world with evidence of attendant gains in the economy.. Most of all, when I think of a particularly dumb thing he has done, over and over, I think of Hillary and rerun my strong opinion in my mind and am convinced that next to Hillry, as bad as he is in some ways, he is like Abe Lincoln. That is to emphasize how BAD I believe Hillary is, rather than how good Trump is.

Kind regards,

Old Bob

Trump is a mediocre businessman at best. If it wasn't for the 22 billion he inherited from his dad, he'd be a door greeter at Wal-Mart right now.

Trump has pissed away over half of his inheritence on his "so called" business dealings. Even I could take 22 billion and turn it in to a nice profit by investing it in high yield bonds and living a comfortable but unexorbitant existence on the interest.


I Am Not A Fan Of Trump At All But I Am A Fan Of Bernie Sanders

Unfortunately, I Am "Not" Supporter of Trump At All Or His Views and I Did Not Vote Neither For Clinton Nor Trump But I Voted For 3rd Party Candidate, Jill Stein (Green Party) Instand.

@TheMiddleWay I agree. I couldn't believe they did that.


Please folks. This is a President of this country. He's a habitual liar. WTF? The President is a LIAR AND THIEF!

@Countrycuz666 This fall on Fox... Cocksuckers and Pussygrabbers, hosted by Mel Gibson and Paula Deen


I’m disgusted by many of his comments. I do take a lot of bullshit pointing out the few occasions when I feel something he’s done is right; fortunately for me, it doesn’t happen often.

Such as....?

@rafferty He appears to have drawn Kim Jun Un to the denuclearization table.


How delightful to read through these comments only seeing references TO the Trumpies I have blocked. Keeps the BP within normal range. Btw, "satanism" is a BELIEF; in my opinion, one who considers oneself to BE one does not belong on this site.

Son of a slumlord and the BDSM slavemaster to Yawn Hannity.

I'm a Satanist. I'm on this site.
Fight me. Your opinion is extremely uninformed.


Atheism and politics are completely separate issues. Just because I DON'T believe in a God doesn't necessarily mean I DO agree with all other atheists about anything else. We are a very diverse group. Personally, I think it's hilarious how upset Democrats are getting about not getting the white house.


"Who was sexually attacked"... umm... What? You mean who claimed she was sexually attacked? Because that's what happened. I'm surprised that someone who can, conceivably, see clearly the distinction between RELIGIOUS claims vs matters of fact is so confused when it comes to our JUSTICE SYSTEM and people's claims vs matters of fact. When we catch alleged sexual predators, we give them an innocent until proven guilty assumption. (Or to put it in terms you might yet understand, since this seems alien to you, a 'null hypothesis'😉.)That necessary cornerstone seems to be seriously eroded by the current trend. And it seems that's a trend you applaud. Gross. Welcome back to Salem. Or the Red Scare and the McCarthy trials. Just a claim is not, and should not be, enough to destroy someone's career or life. The president making fun of the seeming holes in her story aside, seems to me like you're missing something vital here buddy.

In any event, your simple assertion that the president is -fill in the blank-, or that she was sexually assaulted, or that I have issues... are just that... assertions. I expect more valid arguments from critical thinkers.

Especially 70 year olds.

Get with it.

@FlyingSpaghetti Dr. Ford was vetted and found credible BEFORE the hearings. There was nothing fake about it and she was factually supported when her medical records showed her revealing Kavanaugh's assault during a counseling session 6 years prior to the hearings. So, yes, it's still a claim but rather revealing when the Republican led committee and the WH made impotent, the following FBI investigation. Hmmm, why would that be?? Perhaps there's a there there?!?

Your rationale is fine but a woman's story of sexual assault, when made public is doing so at great risk to herself and her family (verified). People don't do that unless there's something to be gained; in her case, it was the issue of keeping someone away from a position of power who has an abusive history of behavior. Remember, he's had 83 complaints against him for poor conduct, that the Senate (republicans) simply overlooked and nominated him. Once a justice, the SCOTUS removed all the complaints...not a good sign for what's left of a free country. So, how does that suit your rationale??

Thought you might find this of interest....


I don't think he has performed the duty of president well in any function during his time so far in office. He has done nothing productive or successful. I have zero reason to respect him as a human being or president.


Have NEVER been a fan of DT. As part of my due diligence during the campaign, I watched two documentaries about him, watched Frontline and the news shows and read one book. I knew I would never support him as a potential POTUS.

I actually cried the night of the election when I saw what was happening. I was incredulous. HOW could this have happened? How is it that SO many people didn't see him the way I am all of my friends did? What was happening in America? Was this the end of America as we have known it for over 200 years?

Since the election night, he has done not one thing that was Presidential or that would benefit Americans. He has alienated our allies and cozied up to our enemies and is now waging a very, very dangerous word war with Kim Jong Un while threatening to undo the Iran nuclear deal. I have never been so scared personally and for our country in my entire 70 years.

World War III starts over (excuse me, please) a FUCKING TWEET! I'm so embarrassed for our country.

I agree, I am very embarrassed and ashamed and scared. I don't remember much about the cuban missile crisis because I was a kid but I know a lot of people were scared enough to build bomb fallout shelters! I am that scared now but there's nothing to be done other than to let Mueller do his job--which he seems to be doing very effectively AND he's keeping his mouth shut--a near miracle in Washington, DC. I live close enough to a huge city that if there were a nuclear bomb, I doubt that I and the people in my area would be spared which in the end would be a blessing.

I AM trying to remain optimist and I've limited myself when it comes to watching the news. I live on a very limited income but as of January 2017, I committed to sending at least a token amount of money every month to a different group that would help fight DT's actions: the ACLU, FFRF, AHA, Planned Parenthood, NPR, PBS, DCCC, TYT, NOW and others. I also have marched (January 21, 2017) and participate in local politics when I can.

The bottom line for me is that once DT was elected it lit a fire in me that I MUST fight back in every way I can. I have never been this motivated so in a way, his election was a good thing. I and many of my friends are similarly minded and we have taken up the banner of freedom and we are waving it high as we fight to hold our ground on all of the important issues of today. So, here's to freedom, democracy and the separation of church and state!


Trump is brilliant at marketing aka propaganda; however, I find that he sells nothing more than snake oil and racism.

But you wait, "It is the greatest thing anyone has ever seen or done!" What the eff it is, nobody knows, but it will be epic!!!

It works though


we are watching him engage in the major meltdown that i've been talking about since after the primaries.

hes providing what i expected him to provide, some high quality entertainment


He lies (alternative facts) about 70% of the time. He doesn't understand nor respect the Constitution - per his comments on the free press and protesting. He is also clearly racist - per his comments on Puerto Rico and Charlottesville. So far he has done nothing good for the country. His actions have proven him to be a bigot, racist, homophobe and xenophobe. I do not respect anyone like that.

CS60 Level 7 Oct 13, 2017

He needs to be impeached for his conduct. His attitude against women, minorities. His connections with Russia


This is the most inept leader our country has ever put into the White House. He is always causing some stupid drama on Twitter, insulting those who disagree with him or his policies, and just a triggered special snowflake in general. And chances are, if you support him, you might be a snowflake as well.


I was a plaintiff in the Trump University Lawsuit. We won, he lost to the tune of $25 Million pay back. The man child conned me out of $7,000. That swindle alone most will understand why I didn't vote for him, then add to the mix his Cray Cray approach to life and leadership and my objections to him are dyed in the wool and cast in concrete. NO I DON'T SUPPORT HIM.

He lost nothing in that lawsuit! I doubt you got your money back. 25 million is a drop in the bucket compared to what he raked in. Can’t wait to see him lead out of the White House in handcuffs!

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