314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (76 - 100)

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At every step of the '16 campaign, I kept thinking that there REALLY can't be that many people who would actually think that Donald Trump is Presidential material...

I've been around for enough decades that I understand that there are a lot of mind-bogglingly stupid Americans (WHY???), but "President Trump" is still a massive shocker.

More voters actively voted against trump than voted for him .... we are stuck with because of the electoral college. Not to mention the 50% of voters who didn’t bother to vote.


We need more mature person as a peesident....

Mickey Mouse would be a better prez.



Trump doesn't EVEN deserve the respect the position calls for. He has degraded the office to the point of mockery. In fact, Trump might be evidence for diabolical intervention in human affairs... except that it can actually be chalked up to sheer willing blindness and fecklessness on behalf of the people who voted for him.
No matter what you think of Clinton (ugh...) it's impossible to justify voting for a man who lies over 70% of the time, boasts about sexually assaulting women (and claims they love him for it), breaks contracts left and right, has gone bankrupt multiple times yet claims he's a brilliant businessman, started with his father's money but claims he worked his way up to where he is... I could go all day.
No, I do not support him.

they won't put that on fox news lol

Feel the Bern, Still...


Bernie or bust... they cheated him out of their corrupt party, then complained because his voters didn't want Hillary. Trump only won because he tricked the public like WWE wrestling-style interviews. Hillary and her traumatized followers just don't understand how terrible they both were... but she ultimately lost by her own arrogance of being elite. (IMHO, of course)

@VictorPotter Here, here. Trump also won due to the choice of Mike Pence, a strong choice for the Republican ticket. Hillary's running mate was lackluster and virtually unknown. I'm sure they didn't want someone who would outshine her.


Okay, let's not kid ourselves, is anyone shocked by the poll results on this website in regards to this issue?

I am actually a bit surprised. Every Trump supporter I know is a devout theist. To me this makes sense as their minds have been altered to accept Faith (belief without evidence) as truth (things that are demonstrable) so it is reasonable to assume those that questioned assertions (fact checked) would see through Trump's lies and recognize him for what he is. At the time of this comment, only 94% of this group's responses reflect not supporting Trump.


He's not prepared or qualified for the job. We need someone much smarter in this position.

did you consider the COmmunity Organizer qualified? If so, how?

Just a community organizer? Definitely not. But I would certainly consider someone who has also served as Dean of Harvard Law as well as a sitting US senator more than qualified.


I have an advanced degree in psych, but I don't think that is required to perceive this narrow-minded, self-serving, shallow-thinking person. He apparently has not read the constitution. He has trouble locating nations (Nambia?) on a map. It's far too obvious that the color of a person's skin or their religious beliefs outweigh their merits or contributions. This person is not qualified nor does he possess the skills to hold any high office.


im not from the US but even i know trumps an ass


it kind of stands out doesnt it?


I loath that fat fucking feral hog,and all the disgusting minions who support his filthy junta. Anybody that still supports this bottom feeding scumbag are just as culpable as him.

Your the one that’s the bottom feeder! Trumps a damn sight better than that idiot Obama!

Aw,gee,does this mean you won't be inviting me over for dinner anytime soon? While I think you may be more comfortable on Breitbart or Infowars,I think this is what makes this country great,even in these extremely scary times. We still have the right to say what we believe. Have a great weekend


I wish more people had investigated Trump when he was a candidate. I have disliked the man for years and so when he became a candidate it was easy to find the holes in his rhetoric. Economists have looked at Trump's "business" record and have stated that if he had just sat back and did nothing but live on the money his father gave him without trying to be a business man or invest, he would have 9 billion more dollars in 2016. He is a LOUSY businessman. He has filed bankruptcy multiple times, cheating contractors out of millions of dollars. He set up off shore accounts that would actually buy his businesses back once they went bankrupt at pennies on the dollar. He has had sexual harassment suits against him for years from dozens of women. He has cheated on two wives with the next wife and brags about how he tries to pick up women when he is married on the Howard Stern show. He expects 100% loyalty and gives none. He started the "birther" conspiracy for Obama and several other crazy ideas that were never true. He is a racist, narcissistic, greedy, unethical, delusional, and a compulsive liar. He was actually backed by several evangelical sects who believe he will bring about the end of the world. It's what they WANT!

He has snowed so many people into thinking he is something great, when the truth is that he's the worst kind of person. The day he won the election I had a pit in my stomach and it has been there every day since. If you follow anything he has done this year, you can see the poison that his influence has seeped into every major government branch, from Education, to Energy, to even the CDC. The anti-govt nuts want him to bring down the govt. The conservative alt-right are supporting him to advance their agenda and the rich 1% finally have their champion. It's sick.

He showed us who he was every step of the way during the campaign and before...everybody who had their eyes and ears open knew what he was all about and they STILL voted for him. People who were ok with all of that and still voted were/are the problem. And, yes, I’ve heard that bit about evangelicals getting him in so he’d bring aboutnthe end times. Sad for the rest of us, because there ain’t no end times.....just a long slog through a bunch of shitty years and possibly some post-apocalyptic war dystopian crap....nobody’s going to heaven or hell. All of that gets acted out right here.

First of all I do not believe he was voted in rather placed there by those most powerful, however, if he was elected it was to prevent the ascension of Clinton and the perpetuation of the status quo with some racism and Obama hate thrown in for good measure. All our politicians lie so ...


I think that the fact that a man of this type could become president is a clear indication that people will choose poorly to push for change. He isn't quite as bad as Hitler, but he runs a close second.

If he were as bad as Hitler you would be dead!


I fully support Him in his role in "The Apprentice" and feel his program should be reinstated immediately and his image on every cover of Time magazine for the next year or so, We should naturally wish for Him to be reinstated in his illimitable role in the "The most highly rated program in the history of history".

If that would get him out of the White House I would be all for it.

Hahaha...yeah, I see what you did there, capitalizing 'Him'...Well played!


I also support his impeachment. He is a woman hating white supremacist and a compulsive, pathological LIAR.

@Countrycuz666 extremism showing, lol. See comment aboe! Lol! Who called it? Hahaha!


I read the Canadians offered to pay for Trump's mental health care. Since inauguration, he has exhibited signs of...Narcisstic Personality Disorder, inappropriate sexual desire of his own daughter, Borderline Personality Disorder (via his thin-skinned tweets), documented serial sexual harassment of women, being a true Eugenics fan (so was Hitler), a blatant racist and slanderer of millions, a cheater of hundreds of small contractors, a worshiper of Authoritarian bullies (P-U-T-I-N), and an avid liar (admitted to Trudeau on live mic). We can't afford to fix Cheeto. I say give him over!


That's so generous! Having spent 15 years as a travel agent, I'll rebook it to London, Paris, and Berlin, places where women have a voice instead of genital mutilation.


I for one hope that Don and his entire cabinet, administration, are ousted, sooner the better, and each of them are put into 8x8 concrete cubes, with a small window. Preferrably having them dragged off in chains.

Drawn & quartered works for me!

@yppahagn I've been saying for years that we need to bring it back!


Looks like people here have brains that they don't sit on.

Unfortunately it seems most of the atheist on this website with the exception of the conservative group are Obama loving, Trump bashing, gun grabbing left wing liberal idiots!

@Trajan61 Mike Flora's other account...


sorry, he deserves as much respect as a painful rectal itch, which he closely resembles. he is not the office and the office is not him. i respect the office, which he does not. asking for no disrespect sort of scotches the poll, doesn't it? if you mean no disrespect for each other, that's fine; we can be civil here. but no disrespect for trump? disrespect doesn't even BEGIN to cover the contempt with which i view him. you ask why? well, he's a self-serving, lying little wannabe dictator who, for reasons not yet specified, feels more loyalty (i use the term loosely) to putin than to the united states; he's a white supremacist; he's a misogynisyt; he's a moron; and he's a moron. also he's a moron. did i mention he's a moron?


He is also a moron. ....

@Cutiebeauty true!



"Don't Support" I wouldn't Support Hillary Clinton either. All these candidates are corrupt. I Voted for Jill Stein and the Green Party. The Democrats have Betrayed what they stand for and no wonder many Hate the Democrats for their Reputation. A True Progressive will have more Positive effects then what the world see it. Hillary Clinton Fraud-ed the Primary Election. (She is Criminal in my eyes) And of course we got a Fraud-ed Election having Donald Trump. But that isn't from the Russians either. We are in a lot of Deception and that is what we need to get fixed up.

I honestly don't see any strong candidate from any party at this point. 😟


Like Bikersurfer, I respectfully decline to elaborate upon my deep-seated antipathy toward 45. He has long since squandered any respect I might have automatically had for him as my elder or as POTUS. I remember my feelings from November thru January. I was ready then to give him the benefit of the doubt - knowing that I would dislike his presidency, but ready to grin and bear it. But he has been far worse than I feared. I have absolutely nothing pleasant to say about him; to describe him accurately is, by definition, to speak disparagingly of him.


I have had many discussions with acquaintances of mine that supported, or still support, trump. There are three main reasons for their support in my opinion; they are unconsciously racist and hated Obama, they are unconsciously sexist and did not believe Clinton was capable to be President, or they supported him mainly on party lines. The question I always posited, and they would attempt to answer falling back on the three previous reasons without answering directly was, “ What, in his entire lifetime, has Donnie done to qualify himself to be our President and leader, or what has he ever done in his lifetime to help or aid anyone that was not a direct, and most consequential, benefit to himself first? Silence or redirect.

To me it would be like me, who is an finance admin for large service company getting a job as a CEO. Am I qualified in ANY way? Shit, no. Same thing.


i support his memes

we have voted for better comedic relief in the past


Two steps forward one step back I call it. I was a Hill supporter and actively volunteered for her camp. Sure Bernie had a lot of good ideas but the country just wasn't ready for free college tuition for everyone. He had a lot of supporters but not enough to win the Dem nomination. I'm with him though when it comes to national health care. And not because that will benefit me because I'll be 65 next month.The sooner we see that and get it over with the better. That may be a tough slog though with 150 million in this country now though getting health care from their employers. One thing I do know for sure. A 2009 study done by Harvard medical school showed that if your a working age American and you don't have health care you have a 40% higher chance of dying then someone that has private insurance. The Republicans know this but having a massive tax cut for the wealthiest in this country is more important to them. As far as I concerned all Republicans that supported repeal of the ACA should be charged with attempted murder. What I find so unbelievable now is that Trump seems to be purposefully alienating just about every segment of the population. This last week it was women by signing an executive order that can remove insurance payments for 62 million women's birth control. Maybe we'll all be lucky and Mueller will find enough to get him impeached on sooner then later.


He hasn't said or done anything I can support. His refusing to take responsibility for his actions and the resulting consequences is not the action of any great leader in history. The clarity of what he supports is everchanging making him not one I would follow. His agenda is laughable. If you look at great leaders in history he shares none of their traits. He's undone what others before him without providing a better replacement. He doesn't inspire people to greatness. I feel the life being sucked out of me when I listen to him. He evokes feelings of distrust and wrongness. I can go on but I refuse to citing the disgust he evokes in me.

SamL Level 7 Oct 8, 2017

Absolutely not...everything he has done has been an embarassment


If by support you mean voted for, I did Not. However, Yes, he if the US president but I would not take personal ownership and call him "My" president. I would say to a certain degree I do support him to make good decisions with the help and knowledge from those along side him. So far, I am greatly disappointed with how he presents himself through speech and action. I just hope as a nation we can pick up where our wonderful President Obama left off and continue to progress forward and not backwards into our horrible history.

RJAU Level 4 Oct 14, 2017
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