314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (151 - 175)

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He's a mess. No support from this voter.


No support here.


My faith in humankind has been renewed. Thanks, Agnostic members!


God told me he is very proud of Trump...hahahahaha


No no no no no. I never liked him but I gave him the benefit of doubt because I was hoping he was going to do something good. I was in Florida during the elections and I remember people constantly knocking on my door to get me to come out and vote for Hillary. I didn't vote I thought both of them were garbage.


I am so far to the left of Republicans in general. But Trump is a an entirely dangerous, narcissistic, ignorant, imbecile. He pushes all my negative buttons and I will sleep better knowing when he is no longer president - which I hope is soon.


I honestly can't even believe that, that man is president. I am very liberal and don't align with republicans but Trump isn't even a Republican in my opinion. He is a dangerous narcissist that may be the death of us all.


Trump has shown himself to be a narcissistic, bigoted, racist, dishonest, and dangerous person. I hope that he and Pence are taken out of office with whatever legal means are possible, or that such pressure is put upon them so that they resign. There is no room in an enlightened society for someone like him to be in charge of the lives of millions of people.


Honestly Trump's behavior truly makes me wonder about his mentally stability.
He seems far to reactionary to be in a such a powerful leadership role.


Trump represents the antithesis of what our society should be about.


in general I don't misogynists


Trump lacks in so many areas it is impossible to list them all. If he would do anything that indicated he was learning and that he understood how his manner of being was deleterious to the existence of our nation, I could support him with reservation. As it is, no. Absolutely not.

I can tell you this much, we have a man waiting in the wings who is much worse in terms of how our republic could be seriously damaged -- and that is Pence. Want a theocracy, let Pence into the Oval Office with the power of the president.


No, the man is an idiot and has made us the laughing stock of the world. He's made the world an unstable and hostile place to live while doing nothing but golf on a regular basis. He has no idea what he's doing and I can only hope we can survive this disaster of a presidency.


A more apt question would be, "Would you shoot Trump as an intruder if he came knocking at your door?"


I don't support his clumsy implementation of policy.
I don't support his "pay for play" cabinet.
I don't support his inability to lead his party.
I don't support his party or his policies.
I DO support the office.


There is nothing to say here that hasn't been said. I'm still in shock that he was elected.

I would never have a relationship with someone who supported him. I've got enough misogynists in my life already.


NO, I could not, did not, and I will not ever support Trump.


Absolutely not.


Hell to the no.


No, I believe in reason.


Would not spend any time with someone that did.


Your kidding right? He deserves our support? You want to know why people either support him or dont? Wow, where do i start? I'll bet your on a dozen or more dating sites. The kind of person who likes to hear her own voice when she talks...about nothing. He has multiple women come out crying sexual harrasment. Puts down our military , including vets when he didn't have the balls to serve because of bone spurs but supposedly was captain of the football team. Fraud charges filed by multiple people. Under investigation for collusion with a foreign govt. The list goes on and on. Read, and educate yourself.


without a doubt hands down 1 million % NO. I have lost trust in my government. He can't even put folks in key spots that have hope.

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