314 19

Do you support Trump?

I completely believe that the US government needs to be completely revamped and revised before we can actually do any good for this country. But - taking that out of the equation, for now, I'd really love to hear people's (honest, respectful and mature) reasons why they do or do not support Trump. (or is unsure). Please, no disrespect or rudeness. He is our president and deserves at least the respect that position affords him (that does not mean we agree with him, but we shouldn't be slinging insults and such)

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smilnjan 6 Oct 6

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314 comments (176 - 200)

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Trump was a well known fraud and criminal, and a pervert for decades before he ran for President, his followers knew that before they voted for him, just for those reasons.


He is a piece of trash.


He needs to be IMPEACHED!!


He is a boil on the buttocks of America.


Canadian here- ehh. I have no vote really. Appalled by Trump but I see 13 votes in support. We all have opinions....


I knew about Trump in the 80's when he was a brash, narcesstic real estate developer. Now he's a brash, narcesstic President way out of his league.




No he is a piece of shit and he won't get any respect from me. He gave no respect to Obama for 8 years he gets none.


I do not support any United States president as they are all product of imperialism and capitalism.


Trump is a inherent response to the evils of neo-liberalism.But while in himself a bad thing, does suggest the possibility of Far-Left candidates to have support in the US which can only be a good thing.


We know he’s a liar as he has lied about things that can easily be checked. We have an immoral president and it gives our country a poor image.


While I respect the office this evil narcissist has tainted it. As Joe Biden said I hope this is the American exception. Hopefully he will facilitate the end of the Republican Party as a viable organization.


He is not fit.


NEVER and cannot wait until he is GONE FOREVER!

ParkS Level 4 Nov 19, 2017

I support him in some things and do not support him in other things


Nice to know that when you free yourself of the prison of religion, you also can see our Tweeter & Thief for what he is.


He doesn't support our veterans, women, people of lower class, minorities, by giving support to him you are saying that what he stands for is ok. No I stand by my country. I'm ashamed to say that he represents the interests of this great country.


i have to remind myself that trump did not win the popular vote so that means the most of us did not vote for him either. maybe we can get rid of our electoral vote to revamp our country to start off with.


Trump is I bold faced liar, how could anyone support a man who tells lies on a daily basis. Donald Trump is not the problem so much as his radical Trump Supporters that believe his lies and refuse to accept the truth as it stares them in the face.Hitler had Trumps ability to confuse and lead people like sacrificial lambs, so did the so called Rev Jim Jones, Trump Supporters and the Republican Party will lead this country into oblivion.


For me, I never thought he would be any sort of competent leader. I am not surprised at what this administration is doing. I don't support it. I also don't support this bullshit "resistance" either. But that's me.


He disrespects women, he disrespects immigrants, he disrespects the poor and the middle class, he disrespects minorities. NO, he has NOT earned my respect. I have nothing but loathing and disdain for him.


There is a con-man in the White House. He is owned by the Russian’s, who pay him in golden showers! ????


Under qualified in all requirements neccessary to be the POTUS. Lacks all working knowledge of how our three branches of government function, does not possess the communication skills required to inspire other leaders to lead, and worst of all he lacks the ability to connect with others in a manner which is beneficial to both parties. A bad recipe for a leader if there ever was one.


I can certainly see why someone who is wealthy would support him, but any poor person who supports Dumpster or the republicans is voting against their own economic self interest. There is 30 years worth of evidence which shows this to be a logical, reasonable conclusion to make, just as atheism is a logical, reasonable conclusion to make about the existence of a god.


The only support I give to Cheeto Pendejo is for his impeachment.

d_day Level 7 Nov 24, 2017
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