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Decisions, decisions?

johnnyrobish 8 Apr 9
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Do you know what kills more Americans by far than terrorists? Diabetes.


When was the last time that the USA got bombed by someone that wasn't a domestic terrorist or a pretend ally? Stop calling the military industrial complex a Defense Industry when it is obvious that it is an Offense Industry.


. . . false dichotomy


We would definitely have more money to subsidize things like healthcare if we didn't spend $740,000,000,000 per year on "Defense".

BD66 Level 8 Apr 9, 2021

There's hope in health care, not in war toys.


Since we already have at least 6 (SIX!) times the armaments of the next 5 nations Combined, i vote for health care! I think a budget for simple maintainence of existing armaments would suffice for 5 years, allowing for speedy ramp-up & implementation in health, dental, hearing aids & eyeglasses for All!


What is this mega military defending us against? The RePudlicans are dismantling the middle class beginning with Raygun. The Russians cyber walked into our 2016 election convincing people to remain absent on election day. Brilliant move Putin. Warfare is off of the field & into the realm of infrastructure sabotage.

Mooolah Level 8 Apr 9, 2021

We spend why too much money on the military complex. We have two of the longest unguarded borders in the world. You could cut the military budget 25% and still be one of the toughest guys on the block. This nation is failing its people at the expense of the enrichment of a few.

And, I'm a vet saying that.

Even Eisenhower, another vet, warned against the 'military-industrial' complex. Health Care investment benefits many more, if not all, than just the arms manufacturers ever can. & btw, I'm a vet, too.

@phxbillcee last good Republican President

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