7 2

There is NOTHING Liberal about islam: : : :, ,Jihad Report ,,, January, 2020
Attacks 127 ....Killed 921..... Injured 576.....Suicide Blasts 6 .... Countries 23

36,357 attacks since 9-11 , , , not including the outright wars and invasions.

Islam: spread by the sword for 1400 years . . Stop tolerating this darkness.

JacarC 8 Feb 3
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You're neglecting to mention that US imperialism cultivated Islamic fanaticism in order to destroy socialists in countries where muslims are a majority.

Krish55 Level 8 Feb 4, 2020

funny how they skip that one huh? much like bitching about the russians influencing US elections when the CIA has been shaping Latin American and African politics for decades if not centuries. I do think Islam is a crappy religion in many ways, but it's the application of human behavior that creates all the problems. my view is this:

  1. seek truth (satyam bhaja)
  2. create order (kalpitam kuru)
  3. avoid discord (adharmam tyaja)

Fuck All Religion .

GEGR Level 7 Feb 3, 2020

I guess submission and liberality are naturally at odds with each other. It is a religion that does a lot of wrong. Don't they all? Unless we think of modern Western countries as non-religious. Even if we do, the death toll is horrific on both sides. I think most Muslims just want to get on with having a life, like everyone else. I would be really interested to know if Muslims in Europe and America are becoming more liberal just by living in the Western culture.

brentan Level 8 Feb 3, 2020


You're preaching to the choir here. I doubt a single member of will say the Islamic faith is liberal. It's grossly, primitively conservative; as are all religions.They're basically pre- or anti-scientific. They're anti-family planning. They're pro-male-dominance. A sad, and sorry condition.

They're people with Middle-East problems.. []


All religions killed and are killing

St-Sinner Level 9 Feb 3, 2020

Tell me one religion that hasn't caused death and destruction.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 3, 2020

@dan325 so much boiling in the name of the Pasta it's not even funny


Warcohol, but the rest is AOK for govt. work

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