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I'm feeling a bit 'naked' right now and would like a listening ear and maybe some advice for the future.
I am 48 (will be 49 soon), separated, and recently started chatting with a 51 year old divorced lady. We hit it off real well; it seemed as if we could talk about anything and everything, comfortably and as adults. She respected me and I respected her. In the course of our many conversations, or pasts came up and I happened to hint at some lifestyle/sexual choices (all consensual and nothing criminal, btw) which I had made, as a young man, while in the US, over two decades ago. She was immediately intrigued and plied me with many open-ended questions asking me to enumerate on the details...after some initial reluctance, I did. This morning, she asked, via WhatsApp, if I would want to indulge in these sexual activities, if we were a couple. I laughed and told her that I was past the age for such dalliances, but that if she was curious to look into the matter, I'm game. I told her that we'd have to sit and talk about it extensively as such issues were a live wire, and could potentially destroy a relationship if not handled which point...she announced that it would not be a good idea for us to talk anymore. She said that all of this had been a 'test' and that she did not want to be with such a morally bankrupt person. I politely withdrew from the conversation and the friendship while feeling extremely violated and 'dirty'.
What did I do wrong?
Should I really be tarred and feathered for something I did over 20 years ago?

Green_Soldier71 7 Aug 21
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No one should shame another person for their sexual experiences. Sounds like she’s pretty repressed, probably good to be rid of her

Marcie1974 Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

Good freaking grief, she asked you to open up, and then she punished you. Oh gawd, red flags all over the place. She is not a person to ever be open with, she will punish you. I"m sorry, she used you to make herself feel righteous. No one should be judged for 20 years in the past. Can you imagine what other "tests" she would have for you down the line? Consider it bullet dodged. I think maybe you hit too close to some of her fantasies...

totally agree!

I see aspects of my ex in her. You are so much better off without her. It might have been nice to find out without so much investment in the relationship but them’s the breaks.


She's a manipulator.. That's entrapment.. You were willing to accommodate her and she flipped it on you.. She's morally bankrupt..
Say hallelujah, Ra' men and move on🙂

Definitely entrapment


No. You were honest with her and most importantly honest with yourself. If this person wants to "test" people from past actions that is both irresponsible and immature. You are better off without this person. She was wrong to treat you that way. If she wants to test people so bad she should become a proctor. I'm personally tired of women and their games. I'm sorry this happened to you. BTW. I am aware all women are not the same. Please do not attack me from last statement.😒

MrChange Level 7 Aug 21, 2020

I agree. She seems to be playing a childish game

@Green_Soldier71 sorry. You misunderstood. I was talking about women who stalk these posts ready to attack guys for the smallest of things. I believe in woman power. Hell, a woman can lead me wherever but some of the women mistake my words as a pig. Lol.🤣🤣.

If you hadn’t asked us so nicely, I am sure someone would have called you out on that statement. I am sorry you have had to endure women that play games.

@EyesThatSmile thanks. Its all good. That's all part of the online world.

Believe me, other woman are also tired of women playing these kind of games. They make it hard for the rest of us to find men that will be open and honest with us, because they are always afraid we are just another woman playing games or trying to scam them.

@Mermaidfantasy so very true😔


You invested emotion in a charlatan. Your hopes were raised by someone who led you on. Such is the scene currently. Many of us have experienced the same tho us women have to contend with creeps lurking in internetland. I feel for your disappointment but be happy you escaped her (?) with your life intact. She could have been playing you for nefarious reasons....most likely. She revealed her true self. And you got her to reveal her true self. Rejoice in your escape.

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

@Green_Soldier71 Check out the Deviant Group & compare just how deviant you are. It is all relative unless consenting is not given ore there are under age issues. This is culturally fluid. What is forbidden in one is not taboo in another. Doctrine looming its imposition regarding your growth as a human being & ethical man. Take this as another lesson in life. Take from it & go forward. Folks here like to help.


Sounds like you paid the price of being honest with a dishonest person. Instead of feeling dirty, you should feel relieved that you dodged a bullet in avoiding getting further involved with her.

@Green_Soldier71 You will be better off temporarily with a puppy. You probably need a break from that roller coaster ride.


no similar experience here, but she is a loser. consider yourself lucky to be free of her.

TheDoubter Level 9 Aug 21, 2020

This is a familiar situation for me. Not the youthful dalliances, but being "tested". The resulting feeling I remember is that of being shamed. Not ashamed, but slapped, demeaned, betrayed, punished. This is the kind of experience that has rendered me shell-shocked when it comes to dating.

I don't have any advice for you to recover from this experience. I'm only able to commiserate.

BitFlipper Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

No you should not! It is not like any of us can go back and undo the past, you were open and honest with her about your past, which is a positive thing in any relationship. This is all on her for judging you. If she did not want to get involved with someone who has an adventurous sexual past she should of been open and honest about that in the first place, like maybe in her profile. Her so called test, is what was dishonest and Immoral. From what you stated here, I got that you were over that part of your life, but because she showed an interest in it ( for herself) and you not wanting to deprive or judge such an interest you stated that if this was what "she" wanted, you would go there again, maybe, but with long talks first, knowing what turmoil it can cause in a relationship. That was a trap, not a test.


The woman seems to have issues! I agree that you are lucky she is gone.


I don't think this was an issue of "too much, too soon." This woman goes out of her way to "test" people, and I don't think it has anything to do with weeding out those she finds unsuitable; she enjoys the process, setting guys up to think there's a connection only to pull the rug out from under them. I suspect that even had you been the most vanilla guy on the planet, she'd have found a way to build the semblance of compatibility just to tear it down a couple of conversations later. Although she says she was testing you, she didn't realize that she inadvertently set up a damning test for herself that she ultimately failed. While you were forthright about your sexual history, as people should be when entering into a new relationship, she revealed herself to be dishonest about her intentions and manipulative, not to mention ostensibly judgmental and moralistic. Good riddance!

resserts Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

You have had a lucky escape...she is a "mousetrapper".....drawing you in & then using your honest sharing to play "Gotcha"! Just nasty!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Aug 21, 2020

No you did ,right,she asked,you came out in the open which has to be respected and in the future would not be hiding anything ,she seems to be the one with the moral problems

RoyMillar Level 9 Aug 21, 2020

My guess is she was testing you if you were willing to proceed with the conversations, if she could entice you more with her photos, videos and ultimately ask you to go an URL and click somewhere to subscribe. Usually that is the game. Often these are men doing these scams. Once she found out that you are not easily led into more conversations and started "resisting", she decided to quit while blaming you.. Any one who is genuinely interested would not jump on WhatsApp unless you have met and are comfortable with each other.

However, I recommend you continue with your dalliances. I see no reason to stop. 🙂

St-Sinner Level 9 Aug 21, 2020

They are there and they come everywhere. It takes longer but if you know wgere to look you will find them. There is Tinder in India, there is Fetlife in India. Just because the society shuns it people's natural feelings have not and will not change. The more society supresses it, the more ways it will erupt. That is how it works. Good luck to you.


Count yourself fortunate. It's fine for someone to try and find out about you, and while her method doesn't seem optimal to me, it works for her. And in this case, for you as well. You were honest, and cut off any losses up front.

Move on and enjoy.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

Absolutely not....what's past is supposed to be left in the past. You actually gave her the perfect response when you acknowledged that such past behavior might not be conducive to a healthy relationship going forward. It should have been a clear indication where your head/heart is today. That whole "I was testing you" BS. IMHO

Lavergne Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

Welcome to agnosticism, atheism or whatever. Her using "morally bankrupt" is IMO key to her beliefs as religious, whether she attends church or not. Morals usually come with hypocrisy, but ethics are rational. IDK what you did 20 years ago, but IMO if you didn't hurt anyone, i.e., leave scars, either economic, psychological or physical, or kill someone, you weren't unethical. In which case, you shouldn't feel you did anything wrong. If you did leave scars or worse, then whether your actions were/weren't ethical is complicated. (I'm not pumping you to tell me). If you feel they weren't ethical, you fessed up to her and she didn't pass your test. Based on your post, my guess is you don't feel bad about what you did, but she did.

Consequently, you and she have different standards, and she felt they were too great to reconcile. Better to split now, rather than trying for years to mix oil and water. I know, reason doesn't heal bruises; it takes time to heal. Finding someone you can accommodate in your life is difficult, but finding a soulmate is damn near impossible. Dating is sweet and sour. Good luck.

EdEarl Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

@Green_Soldier71 YW


Sounds like a mind game. You never met her in person, right? Could she (?) just be a troll?

mischl Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

Scammer or idiot

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 21, 2020

I'm exhausted, so to put it simply, she sounds like a crazy bitch. I think you dodged a bullet and you didn't do anything wrong at all. Sorry she played head games with you.

debwein Level 4 Aug 22, 2020


What a sh!tty thing to do to someone! I'm sorry this happened to you.
It really is easier to be open and honest. No need for "games" or "testing". Seriously, we're not teenie boppers who don't know what we want or how to communicate our needs. Life is hard enough... there's no need to be an a$$hat ... IMO.

Sonja44 Level 7 Aug 21, 2020

Ugh. Sorry that happened. I agree you dodged a bullet. People can truly be awful sometimes. Makes it hard to open to others when you have people like that out there.

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