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Single during the pandemic, a good read. []

MizJ 8 Jan 30
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I really has not been that much different for me. I am lucky to live in Australia, Canberra where we have not had much trouble with it. At its worse I was on a cruise for two months. The only thing is that we cannot travel, but this too will pass. It is nor forever.

Jolanta Level 9 Feb 27, 2021

I am nearly MIGHT be forever for me!


Yes, it is tough. This is how a lot of older people have had to put up with before the pandemic.

Jolanta Level 9 Feb 27, 2021

It does suck. I'm a frontline worker,but other than that I have zero social life.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Feb 16, 2021

I have been reconnecting with people that are generally far from me geographically, if it wasn't for the net and WhatsApp I wouldn't talk to anyone!


I was just starting to learn to go out and socialize when the pandemic hit home. So much for that.

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 31, 2021

For some it is a blessing in disguise and others it is pure mental torture and everything in between

RoyMillar Level 9 Jan 31, 2021

what was it for you?

@Mermaidfantasy I live alone with my cat ,but do have people drop bi on occasion ,but know them and know they are safe ,I get texted regularly as i go to the nursing home to see mom ,I get bored and depressed. I have projects to do around my home and go thru drive thru co ee shop and sit with riends in our vehicles ,socially distance and talk out the windows ,we are down to 2 cases in our area at the moment. Do a lot chatting on the net here and making plans when it is over ,horny like everyone else lol


I live alone and during the time my business had to close I was looking at this might be me. I am fortunate to live in a small town and to have a handful of also single friends living alone. Until winter came I would get together, one on one and go for walks with these friends, keeping social distance. It did not give me physical touch but at least we got to talk and help us not feel so alone.


An interesting article. I count myself fortunate to have had my two teenage sons at home during the 2 layoff periods from work during 2 different lock downs in the past year. ( I return to the plant tomorrow after 3 weeks down due to semi conductor shortages.) While we spent most of the time in our own spaces doing our own things it was helpful to be able to ask for a hug once in a while 🙂

Davekp Level 8 Jan 31, 2021

Ihave reached my limit of free reads. Quarantining alone is no fun but it could be a lot worse if you were quarantined with someone you didn't like very much and I'm sure that happens too.

Lorajay Level 9 Jan 30, 2021


I honestly believe that if I had to quarantine this long with either of my exes,I'd be dead (probably by my own hand)or in prison by now.


The pandemic has not changed much for me, except I see my kids less. I've pretty much given up hope of meeting someone. I do miss the kidlets, they're so good for hugs and amusement. One of my kids delivers most of my groceries and I ended up not seeing her for two weeks due to her quarantine after a (false) positive covid test. My book club has been meeting via Zoom which has saved me some money... we used to meet for lunch on Sundays at a restaurant. By far, the quarantine is not the worst thing that has ever happened to me, it is just another doggone bump in the road.

As retirees in a rural area,the pandemic has had a minor impact on us but I haven't seen my 88 y/o mother or my children& Grandchildren in over a year. That's what hurts.


Thank you for posting but my senses, experience and carefulness are more than necessary to guide me here for my ordinary life. Unless there is anything specific medical or scientific i can use, there isn't much here to use.

St-Sinner Level 9 Jan 30, 2021

Thus my posting it in this group and not in a science-based one. That said, our emotional lives have been proven to have a direct effect on one's physical self. For example depression is now understood to be every bit as much a physical illness as a mental one.


Was mostly isolated even before the pandemic .

Cast1es Level 9 Jan 30, 2021

I empathize, the pandemic has made it much worse for all of us singles.

Me too, but it was my choice .


you're right. interesting read.

TheDoubter Level 9 Jan 30, 2021

Thank you

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