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Just for fun. Modern dating lingo, how many terms do you know? I'll start! Ghosting- when someone simply falls off the face of the Earth after they've established a relationship with you. Breadcrumbing- the act of keeping someone just interested in enough as to ensure a sexting session or booty call zombieing- having the person who ghosted you mysteriously appear after a long period of time.

Kojaksmom 8 July 2
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Unfortunately I know what ghosting is. Noone can just reach out and be honest or at least do a Dear John. I do when it des not feel right. Serial dating when dating several at one time. That's ok until you find the right one then that needs to stop.

Rose2U Level 7 July 18, 2018

I will admit to Ghosting, when I was moving from the area and rather than explain anything, I just left town. We hadn't got serious, but I still feel bad to this day.

Ghosting has been around for a long time. It's much more common now because so many people on the internet have so little skin invested in an online relationship.


Good gracious, my vocabulary just expanded! Thank you!


Sorry, I can't relate to any of this 😟 It must be my age!

Arielle Level 4 July 2, 2018

I'm 52!

@Kojaksmom When you were a teenager, you probably had one-on-one dating. So, by comparison, how do you find online exchanges with its own lingo and behavior?

@Arielle I cry everyday!

@Arielle and in your day? - Arranged marriages? Incest? Inbreeding arising from the slowness of the horse and cart? Or simply swinging orgies?

@Kojaksmom What do you cry about? That the days of meeting real people and talking one-on-one are gone?

@FrayedBear I'm simply asking Kojaksmom a question? Is that ok with you?

@FrayedBear I'm not that fucking old! We didn't have internet dating. We had a little bit of a background on the men / women we dated. If we did go out on a blind date and usually was from a friend that set us up. So our friend was not likely to set us up with a complete asshole. So it's modern internet dating we have no clue and anything is possible.

@Arielle Ask away. Did my question to you suggest that you do otherwise?

@Arielle, @Kojaksmom the fact is my question is prefaced by @Arielle and asked of you not @Kojaksmom.


I thought returning after an absence, with no explanation, was called submarining.

UUNJ Level 8 July 2, 2018

It is, zombieing is returning from the dead


Crap i've been bread crumbed for 2 and bit years. I like it though ♥

Interested in what other terms there are. I'm too old to know 😟

Nardi Level 7 July 2, 2018

Me too! I was hoping we all could learn. Time changes everything.

Half a century ago after being bread crumbed I changed my rules to "three dates and no progress then no more". Life is for living not being tugged around by someone else.

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