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Have you ever been on a first date with someone and found that you have nothing in common yet the other person is still interested in seeing you? Is it just that men are not very picky about women? Do you think that women are more picky about men?

Kojaksmom 8 Aug 8
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I have been on several first dates and knew 5 minutes in it was a waste of time and had to explain it just wasnt going to work. I don't think that women are more picky. Some of us are not just looking for a hook up.

Ktruin Level 5 Sep 16, 2018

As a man I have been on a number of first dates where they were interested but I wasn’t. It goes both ways. It may be the law of supply and demand here, in the eyes of the two people. It is probably being more picky. It may also just be different criteria the two have.

BudFrank Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

As a man I have been on a number of first dates where they were interested but I wasn’t. It goes both ways. It may be the law of supply and demand here, in the eyes of the two people. It is probably being more picky. It may also just be different criteria the two have.

BudFrank Level 8 Sep 9, 2018

I have to go out on a date first...


If he thinks you're hot in relationship to his level of horniness, he can ignore what you say and still want to see you again.

I think you're right


She carries that thing 9 months if she is not careful. Then it is stuck to her for 7 more years. Where is he? At the pool hall, smok'in in the boys room. Screw 'dat!

Mooolah Level 8 Aug 9, 2018

@Shelton Oh you boys don't get it.


I think it is not so much about being picky. It has to do with the personality and communication. Eventually chemistry. It does not always work both ways.

Rose2U Level 7 Aug 9, 2018



It seems that men and women are both picky, but about different qualities. I'm attracted to people who are kind to waiters and waitresses, who smile and maintain eye contact, and who ask questions about me rather than just talking about themselves all the time. If that's being too picky, then so be it.

jjuneau98 Level 4 Aug 9, 2018

If the other finds that you do not volunteer info about yourself they may end up talking about various facets of themself to try to elicit response to identify common ground to build foundations for a relationship. It seems many think others can mind read or can be shaped into their desired ideal.

@FrayedBear oh, I'm an open book! But it's very telling to wait and see whether someone is interested enough to form questions and actually listen to the answers to build organic conversation. A give and take, to be sure.

@FrayedBear. Good point... Its a get together to meet? If no chemistry there is no bloody chemistry Im a bit curious why a furst date is so important in "establishing a relationship" Does time and age have that much of an impact? Im simple Vibe, instinct and curiosity to either find out more or not

@EvaV 1st date v.important - if you cannot stand the others smell there is no point continuing anything other than in virtual reality or by phone. Having overcome that hurdle however is not the be all and end all. Much more should be exchanged unless you simply seize the day and ravish each other on the spor. Lust can last for eighteen months and an awful lot of living can be fitted into 18 months. Not everything has to be "for ever".

@FrayedBear yep indeed... First meet separates the chafe from the wheat

@EvaV and the hog's breath from the tea rose breath. The huggers from the clutchers and uptight from the "maturely like my physical".


Yeah maybe. Sometimes I just wanna make out, no strings. Lol

Seriously though, I am very cerebral and want to text, then talk on the phone. If there is rapport then meet in person. A lot less weirdness this way I have found.

Sometimes women are way more pickier, it's tough out there for everyone. Smart phones have changed the game.

Electro68 Level 7 Aug 9, 2018

I go one step further and video chat first.

@SukiSue that is brilliant. Let's do it. Lol

@Electro68 well that depends... Do you have nice legs? ?

@SukiSue lmao


I spoke with a fruend testerday and discussed some of the differences ....laundry list Hell yes...As men do as well Particularly if they are leaving a LTR.. They may still have the skills of a twentysomething but are in their 50s and older.... Doesn't make for an 8interesting experience nir change my lack of interest in them

EvaV Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

No I have had many coffee dates.... Just knew and it was sad to realize absolutely little in common but wished them well

EvaV Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

More often than the reverse, absolutely. It might be just projecting what they feel and want.

Justjoni Level 8 Aug 8, 2018

I think there seems to be a half-truth to men not being very picky. I also think that there are two sides to that coin, as I've found myself in that situation as well. I can't really speculate on women being more picky about men though I have observed that personality in men seems to be a make-or-break characteristic for women that even looks cannot supersede. But again, I see that as a half-truth, as it's not always the case.

I'm sure the concept of this phrase has a previous origin but I remember it as Chris Rock had said it, "Desperation is the worst cologne."

MFAtheist Level 7 Aug 8, 2018

In my experience, yes. Women seem to have a more highly refined definition of what they are seeking in a relationship.


it works both ways

Yes it does wirk bith ways as evidenced by " expectations" of fundung the " One"


I bet you both had tongues!


I don't know about other men or women, I know about me. I've had a couple guys that really seemed desperate and I just could not see it happening. One was really hard to discourage. Partly at my age, men seem to be afraid of being alone as they grow older, they want a nurse with a purse.

i'd rather be alone than with a woman with whom I wasn't in synch

Oh I bet. I remember about 25 years ago. I was laid off from my job which I loved. I tried to talk to my best male friend about my loss and despair.

He asked me if I wanted to get tickets to a ball game. It changed my life . I never expected emotional support from a male friend again. And it's good that I havent.

I want a nurse with a bar service. Lol


Some men would date a log. Clueless and thoughtless

see my comment above

@Compassion8doubt of course! You could litigate to that effect!!

@Compassion8doubt you said you owned your own business I thought. .

@Compassion8doubt aww just finished my will darn.

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