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This is just a random post of something that I wonder about. All relationships have their ups and downs, but do you think homosexual relationships are more rewarding than heterosexual relationships? Often times I find the differences between the sexes can be a huge wedge to total trust and intimacy. Men consistently complain about the same problems that they have with women, and women complain about the same problems that they have with men.

Kojaksmom 8 Sep 4
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I can speak for women/women relationships because I have a very married gay sister. It's working for her and they are happy. Have you explored women? If not, I would encourage you to explore the idea and see if its a proper fit for you.

No I never have. I don't know if it's even possible. I just can't see myself being sexually attracted to a female. As attractive as it is to me, I'm just not wired that way.

@Kojaksmom - see a movie on Netflix called: Below her lips

@Our_existance this was my favorite scene from the movie called Frida.

@Kojaksmom - Women know women far better then men. I see why you liked that scene


Personally I think People ARE, and therein lies the issues. I don't think gender has as much to do with it as much as people being people.


I play for both teams and problems come up in gay relationships as much as straight.

Sydland Level 7 Sep 4, 2018

But do you find that it's easier to relate to your own sex? For instance I don't have kids I don't want kids. But if I did have a child I would hope that I would have a daughter. I can relate to a female and their problems but I can't relate to a male and their problems and point of view.

@Kojaksmom I do. There’s that familiarity and connection. But there’s the same jealousy, infidelity, etc.

@Sydland oh ok


I think it depends on the chemistry. two people whether straight, homo- or bi-sexual will face the same situations


Humans are humans. We all have demons to face and it doesn't matter who our partner is, there are always issues. They may not be the exact same issues, I won't be having the "I dunno where I want to eat, but not there, or there, or there, ..." conversation with a dude, but dude relationships have their own mine fields.

Nukdookum Level 8 Sep 4, 2018

It's an interesting question. I have only ever been in hetero relationships, but my guess is that all of the same issues are possible in same-sex relationships.

IAMGROOT Level 7 Sep 4, 2018

That's true. Perhaps it is just another example is the grass greener on the other side of life thing.

@Kojaksmom I think people just love to put everyone in boxes and assign attributes to them, but that is not how people are, or how life works.

@IAMGROOT when my husband was alive I helped him with a job at a lesbian couples house. Everything was in two's. Two chairs in the garden, two rocking chairs on the front porch, two chairs by the fish pond etc etc. She talked about all the things that she and her partner do together. for a fleeting moment I thought to myself ,damn I wish I was a lesbian. Lol! The overwhelming majority of women do not get treated like that in a heterosexual relationship

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