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How many times per month would you like to make love with a partner? What is a comfortable number for you to have sex with another person per month? How many times per month do you want to do it?

sweetcharlotte 8 Sep 12
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42... the answer makes so much more sense, now!

MFAtheist Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

The answer to life, the universe and everything


45-60. I definitely catch myself wanting it several times a day but I also understand that we have to save some time and energy for doing other things.


Daily intimacy is my normal.

Hazydays Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

Aren't some of you even lucky that you HAVE that opportunity.

bleurowz Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

Yeah, I know how that goes.

The question was about desire not reality.

@Nukdookum Didn't get that impression. If so, my answer would be different depending on who I was with.


So far I've not been satiated for one day, and climaxed at most a dozen times during a long night. I'm older now with less endurance. Have more time, since I'm not working 8-5. But, the biggest difference is taking hours of love making for a single climax, but generally one doesn't want to spend 2 hours every day making love. Lets say four or five long sessions a month and some quickies in between, once daily would be nice.

EdEarl Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

yes you right

Hello hello

@lauraMoore TY
@EvaV hello


How many times would I? 400. Basically as often as I can, as often as my partner wants, multiple times per day. What is comfortable? 25. I think there might be some days when the energy level just isn't there or maybe it was a long day and there just isn't time. I can allow a "And they rested on Monday, since that day was hellish." about 5 or 6 times a month without feeling like I'm being neglected. How often do I want to? 62. Morning sex before jumping in the shower to go to work and then again before going to sleep sex because I have been thinking about my partner all day long and dangit they are just so damn sexy laying there next to me!

Nukdookum Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

you are right


Every day 😉

Yep. Daily is best.


Minimum 2x per week.

Max, 3x per day

Preference, 1 per day, with the occasional 0 or 2 or 3

Dangrenade Level 6 Sep 12, 2018

Three times a week. So that’s about 12 times a month.

Sydland Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

Daily, if not more.


Is there ever enough? lol...

Rose2U Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

My average is 1.5 times daily.

zesty Level 7 Sep 12, 2018

what counts has 0.5? wink lol.

Just a BJ


daily....sometimes more...


That truly depends on a couple of things: how long we've been together, and our ages.

OldGoat43 Level 9 Sep 12, 2018

Familiarity does not always breed?

@FrayedBear . Way back when I was in my twenties there was no limit for how many times but now in my seventies I can see the speed limit signs. Same thing goes for when I got married we would rush to get home and play every day, but after twenty years our attitudes had mellowed along with our appetites. Since the divorce my desires have grown stronger, but not up to what it was fifty years ago.

@OldGoat43 You must have good diet, be very healthy and fit. Most men lose interest and or ability from mid 40 onwards.

@FrayedBear . If my first and third wives didn't kill me with stress that might mean that I'll live through my hundredth birthday. I broke up with a young girlfriend a few years ago who loved to do it more than once a day which was fun, but it was pushing my limits. She had to go find a younger guy.

@OldGoat43 Great if you can get it.


I would like it almost every day..
But realistically maybe 12 times a month..

hippydog Level 8 Sep 12, 2018

Many times ... Daily ...


As many times as you both feel the desire.. it may not happen every day but go for the brass ring...? is not a marathon and its not a competition ... but if its good ... We only have so much time in life ... so get it while you can.


Monthly, I'd go for around 12 to 15 times.


My wife gave up on sex a few years ago and I miss intimacy dearly.


If I had a partner that wanted sex as much as me....I would never admit it would think that I’m a Deviant

bubaj50 Level 7 Sep 14, 2018

I would love 21-23 times a month and that's allowing a week off for menstrual cycles and recuperation. The reality is i'm lucky to get laid 2-3 times a month 😟

Nardi Level 7 Sep 13, 2018

I think i go by how week going. It would be new to have a sweet man available..So frequently

EvaV Level 7 Sep 13, 2018


TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 12, 2018

As many times as is feasible in a given month factoring for other considerations, like health, work, family, ect.

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