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Recently, on a 15 hour unscheduled road trip with my boyfriend, we decided to pass a couple of hours by asking each other questions that were meant to help us find out even more about each other.
There are 36 questions that can ‘help’ you fall in love, but since we already ARE in love they were just interesting questions to ponder, discuss and yes, find out even more about each other and what makes us tick.
Here is the list of questions if anyone else feels like getting to know their partner a little better, perhaps on a long road trip.... Or, if in a new relationship or on a date, take a look at the questions and pick one to bring up on the date. Perhaps just one will be suffice on a first date 😉
Has anyone else tried doing this?
Have other suggestions for some great questions to ask your S/O?


Hazydays 7 Sep 25
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If answered honestly 36 ways to become single

Simon1 Level 7 Sep 25, 2018

Questions: Do you work fulltime? Do you spend more than you earn? Do you smoke/drink/gamble? How is your health? D you have felony convictions? Do you have children?

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 25, 2018

Attitudes about retirement plans and death are interesting also

Very reasonable questions for a rational person to ask. Are there many rational people left or simply a world largely populated with snowflakes and angry people?

@UUNJ the list goes on. but stay on pertinent topics. forget the fluff.

@FrayedBear let's get some opinions on this. hope for the best, brace for the worst

@TheDoubter For a woman pension plans and death insurance are very important. Advanced communication and mass media have now changed the attitude that was "marry 1st for love, 2nd for money, 3rd to spend it" now is more likely "marry 1st for money, 2nd to spend it and be the toy boy, 3rd for comfortable companionship and blind belief in you always being correct"? ?

@PalacinkyPDX And some con artists, all sexes, get away with financial murder.


never tried it

TheDoubter Level 9 Sep 25, 2018

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