10 23

I miss burying my face in his beard, lying face to face in bed feet and legs all tangled up, listening to his breathing, stopping at a kissing gate on our walk and grabbing a kiss. Holding hands, hugging. However for me the most intimate moment was when I realized he was really dying and we were looking into one anothers eyes and that knowledge passing between us.

psycheworks 8 Nov 8
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I’m so sorry for your loss. It can’t be easy missing that kind of connection.

Thank you @brainyactress


I know what you mean . Its been a few years now and (more ocassionally now) I still wake up expecting her to be there sleeping quietly - cancer sucks. Hopefully time heals but never cures


за упокой души товарищей

@ownworstenemy thank you


Thank you for sharing this.

IAMGROOT Level 7 Nov 9, 2018

Why is he gone?? I would have stayed there forever.

@PinkyandtheBrain the cancer wouldn't let him stay

@psycheworks I'm actually crying right now you have no idea how many friends and family have gone from my life.

@PinkyandtheBrain that must be hard for you


That fills me with such sorrow, such longing, so many regrets. I can’t imagine your range of feelings ???

Kodiamus Level 7 Nov 9, 2018

@Kodiamus Thank you for sharing you thoughts, my feelings range from wildly happy at the fact that Jock and I got to be together at all and very very sad he's gone


Thats made me cry inside and little on the outside too 😟

Nardi Level 7 Nov 8, 2018

@Nardi Thank you I'm touched and humbled that other people feel part of what I've been feeling


went through it with my wife

@TheDoubter A huge hug for you my friend


Thank you. What you describe and experienced is real intamacy.

@Science-guy Thank you


with memory none truelly die

zenith01 Level 5 Nov 8, 2018
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