13 6

I dreamt about President Obama last night. He was kisssing me (and making a pretty good job of it too, to be fair). The thing is though, I've never found him attractive (and still don't) even though I think he's a wonderful person. So tell me, what's that all about?!!!

And my other question is - which surprising individual trespasses into your dreams? Teresa May, Angela Merkel, Forrest Gump...?

ValJ 7 Nov 13
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Obama was an idiot and he gave me nightmares.

Trajan61 Level 8 Dec 8, 2018

Counselor Troi, DR Beverly Crusher Lady Gaga all comfort my dreams with songs wisdom and perfect joining over me and if we taste each other completely I wake up grateful and remember my many dreams that came true in real life all giving me hope I shall marry be chosen again for bliss


Given the screwng 45* is giving the world, maybe you were dreaming of a better tie?


There is a reoccurring dream where an unknown female who seems to know me(I don't recognize her) walks into my home sits down a suitcase and says " Well I'm back". As I do not know her, I strangely reply " well then, welcome home." The dream progresses...but never reveals who she is.
As far as celebrities, I had a Huge crush on Ruby Star...but we only crossed paths twice, both times we were both working fantasy there. Oh well...

@ValJ Me too


Obama is so hot! And Anton Chekhov! Oy!

@ValJ Take a number...


i remember only that i dreamed, but never the details

TheDoubter Level 9 Nov 13, 2018

@ValJ thanks for comment. I've never heard that but it makes sense


Must be something in the air, I dreamed I was kissing a friend of mine, we're quite close but he's not my type, far too religious for starters.
The only dreams I have about Teresa May are where there's a firing squad pointing at her.


You can better understand your dream by determining what it is you think or feel about the man and how that coincides with your current life.

@ValJ yes but it started in the conscious mind...


Your attracted to powerful people.
I dream most nights and remember some dreams from when I was five years old or did my parents really throw me off that bridge?
I can't remember any surprising visitors ,I think they would know better.I have dreams like films and can sometimes go back after waking.I am sure there must be some famous but their faces are always vague.mostly friends.

Xanadutoo Level 7 Nov 13, 2018

@ValJ I was being a bit cynical . I try to see the funny side even when it is serious. It is my way of coping with life.The best advice if you can remember .When you wake form a dream try not to move especially your legs that gives you the best chance of remembering the dream.


Obama is a sexy man.. I always found him so. He’s intelligent, confident, an incredible orator and appears a cool guy just to hang around with.

Unfortunately I don’t remember my dreams but I would hope they’d be Trudeau.

Green_eyes Level 8 Nov 13, 2018

Or Macron.... 😉

@ValJ man!

Trudeau.., ?


I seldom remember my dreams anymore. I am not gay, but of the four people in your post, I would choose Obama too. With a little luck, maybe Michelle will be there too. 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 Nov 13, 2018

@ValJ She is for me. Maybe we can leave them both and go have a drink somewhere. 🙂

@ValJ Yes, there is a little problem of distance. 🙂


President Obama... is a good man. He is respected by most, and respected by his Family. He has a certain charisma to him... that probably appealed to you.


Usually just people from my past

Me too. I've had very detailed sexual drama with me ex. I don't think it means anything.

Please make room for one future dream come true

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