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Do any other people enjoy their favorite music playing while having sex? I really get turned on by it, especially songs by The Doors, Led Zeppelin, David Bowie and other rock bands. Maybe my history of loving to dance is entwined with sex ❤

LuvLayne 7 Nov 20
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42 comments (26 - 42)

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I can take very soft music with no drums. If it has a strong beat or great rhythm the drummer part of my brain will go there and my focus will be divided. I would rather that not happen, and I would imagine my partner would feel the same way. 🙂

Sticks48 Level 9 Feb 2, 2020

As long as its not too distracting its all good...with certain songs its hard not to sing along...which could be interesting too. No judgement


I like smooth soul

TimberBob Level 4 Jan 20, 2020

I love fucking while music is playing its stamina boosting 🙂

xtralong1 Level 1 Jan 18, 2020

In my own case it probably would assist my poor sense of (dancing only) rythum. I mate once described me as dancing like, and I quote: "A squid on amphetamines", end quote. He obviously never saw me having sex (Fortunatetly his wife and myself never got caught...) 🙂

UNJEALOUS Level 1 Jan 4, 2020

I do too, as a former musician! For me, it's artists like Leonard Cohen, or Jacques Brel! Maybe I'm just odd! 😀 x

fred33 Level 1 Jan 3, 2020

I don't need any music. I like the sounds of two people who are into each other!

mecornett Level 3 Dec 30, 2019

I have listened to music while having sex, but its mostly been to create a sense of privacy. I find that the rest of the world falls away, including the music, once we are in motion. However, I do tune in to what turns on my partner, so I could imagine getting swept up into the music if she was.

Kenoaks Level 6 Dec 27, 2019

Soft tantra drums are often a nice accompaniment to play.....and often make the evening that much more erotic. but I hadn't thought of The Doors....hmmm...that is certainly something we have to try sometime soon.

dgmelp Level 4 Dec 26, 2019

Love me 2 times baby, love me twice today. 😉


there are some classical, some eastern sitar, some quiet folk tunes that can be inspiring... the wind in the trees is pretty good too...

blzjz Level 7 Dec 1, 2019

Usually not, although there was that time with the 1812 Overture. The cannons...the bells.


Sex is the best love dance.


What David Bowie songs? Just curious...


Many musicians I know like me feel as if they are making love when performing with their instruments or singing.....we vibrate and our hearts rise in tender ANTICIPATION....who here feels the tempo of desire deeper than a cat purring ? Marriage is like a piano concerto memorized and embodied whether pianist or tympanist the promise of relationship is the conductors score daily practices and nightly dreamed


music while having sex is great ...although I prefer some jazz or perhaps some ragas...

blzjz Level 7 Nov 21, 2019

Bachmann Turner Overdrive: " it's as easy as fishin to be a musician....

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