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I am a sapiosexual.

This means "a person who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing."

I like men of high intellect. Talking is sexy to me. It arouses my intellect. I think we are more than just an empty shell. Just what more we are remains to be seen.

I love deep conversations about EVERYTHING. Conspiracy theories, science fiction, good movies, love's existence or non-existence, life, traveling, photographs, witchy things, renaissance faires, medievel times, HISTORY!

I am a sapiosexual, and I have no problems at all with that.

JustLuAnn 7 Jan 17
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I'm kind of curious about the science of how sexual attraction works. The whole "bad boy" thing has always intrigued me and it seems like scientists are now able to, if not explain it, at least determine that it is rooted in primate behavior and not necessarily unique to humans. It seems like a lot of our mating behavior operates at levels that we are not usually aware of. I have heard women sometimes say they are attracted to brainy men, and even more often complain that their partners were not brainy enough, but I kind of wonder how that would have developed evolutionarily. I can't say in my experience that women seemed to generally prefer smart guys unless the rest of the package was in good shape. Could our primate ancestors have figured out who was smarter? And how did that characteristic rank with other aspects of sexual attraction? Bad boy attraction seems to be fairly well established, scientifically, but I wonder if smart bad boys might have an even greater edge? []

MrJoyBoy Level 4 Jan 18, 2020

One wonders how many men are sapiosexual? I think men go for looks over intellect unless they are really smart and have figured out looks fade. Do want to be stuck with a Barbie who cannot converse when looks fade or a woman who can hold her own?

@JustLuAnn I think most men would respond that they want both, although apparently there are men who have problems of one sort or another with intelligent women. But speaking for myself, I still haven't figured out exactly how to define intelligence. I have known women that were certainly as smart as whips in the way we usually define that, but then there was frequently something compromising the brainpower in some way, maybe just my bad luck. I did have a girlfriend once that made a big deal out of her intelligence and being in MENSA, and who liked to test me and match wits, but honestly could I say that the overall experience with her was better because of her IQ? Not really. True, every once in a while there is a woman that has very little interesting to say, but in my experience intelligence as it's normally conceived is probably less important than "personality" or "attitude," and that's one of those things that usually just comes down to chemistry, but in some sense can involve intelligence. Yeah, it's complicated. Looks, within certain limits, would rank third.

@Hugo_Stiglitz I have not heard of this Shallow Hal syndrome. I shall have to do some research. It's just a turn on to me that a man likes to hear me tell him what to do.

@MrJoyBoy mmmm Looks Third....Interesting....Here is my ranking of items:

10 looks
30 sexual chemistry
30 kindness
30 intellect

@JustLuAnn The inclusion of kindness is interesting and understandable, certainly, but it goes against the bad boy preference some women seem to exhibit. In the primate studies where bad boy attraction has been observed, the rationale sometimes offered is that, at least in ape society, uncaring behavior can reflect high status, since the dominant males have less motivation to behave in a manner appealing to subservient members of the group. But in human society kindness should be more valued, yet it seems to be a factor that is not mentioned that often. Maybe many of us still revert to our atavistic rules of attraction, but this disregard for such qualities seems to extend beyond romance in our culture, especially lately. Whatever happened to peace, love and understanding?

@MrJoyBoy Peace, love and understanding is a by-gone era.


I find intelligence very attractive in a woman, but I can't claim to be sapiosexual. All of my ex's were intelligent, but they had other characteristics as well. I don't think it was the intelligence that aroused me, but it was important.

BitFlipper Level 8 Jan 18, 2020


I made a group. Join if you like. I wanted to give it a try.

JustLuAnn Level 7 Jan 17, 2020

Totally agree. Most people can't hold a conversation, and don't seem to care about the real stuff that affects them - government, politics, environment, human rights etc. I'm happy to talk hobbies with people just not what celebrities are doing/promoting, I need things with feeling and passion linked to them.

Kev_bear Level 1 Jan 17, 2020

Sure are lot of pretentious pretenders here!!!

With overwhelming throbbing BS!!!

Say what? I'm as real as it gets.


You’re not bluffing,right? Question is.. can you back it up? ( I am asking myself)

avectoi Level 6 Mar 5, 2020

I never say anything I do not mean.

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