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Hi everyone, I hope you guys are all safe with what the planet Earth is experiencing right now.
I’ve been separated from my wife due to work. We made it clear it was ok to see other people if we get lonely. It’s been four month now...
I haven’t been able to keep an interest to any woman. I mean, I see a hot women from time to time, want to see her naked and probably want sex. But I just can’t find the motivation to even go further. Probably cause I don’t actually want to know her. I probably don’t care about any of those women...
And it makes me realize that my wife is probably the one and only. I am afraid to develop a fear of losing her. I sometimes thinks about leaving my job to be with her. I ever anything would happen to her, I am not sure if I would recover from it (I am at the moment dangerously liking alcohol more and more)
I also know that she hasn’t been able to see other men.
Any thoughts on how to deal with this?
Or how to spice a long distance relationship?

TwelveToneTech 3 Mar 27
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I would prioritice the realationship with her before work of whatever brings you apart. Ideally she would move to you since shes a woman and the male to female dynamic works best when the man is the main bredwinner. Im also sure that you could find someone else to love, there is no such thing as one love outside of the moment. Quit her or the job.

Dark-blue Level 4 Apr 15, 2020

I have heard it said that you can have anything, but you can't have everything. Ask yourself what you really want. Choose wisely and honestly. Life is precious. Life is short.


Thank you all for all the comments and it seems that I’m the only one who had a dilemma here !


Fuck the job and be with her. You can always get another job but...

Nardi Level 7 Mar 28, 2020

Finding another mate is MUCH more difficult than it sounds (just ask the bulk of the group here). The two of you sound like you were made for each other. Do not throw that away. Jobs are easier to find. Get your priorities straight (and STOP DRINKING).

Thank you for your answer.
I am currently living in Japan, that’s the main reason why I jumped on that job offer at a full time position. It’s quite rare to hire foreigners here, but now I realize the cost.


If leaving your job isn’t an option, and clearly outside partners have no appeal, try sexting of Facetime sex.

UUNJ Level 8 Mar 27, 2020

My advice;
-stop the alcohol. Do spicy tomato juice, no-alcohol beer - but stop it. Now.
-You've tried a few women. You wife hasn't. Either file for divorce or bring her flowers and beg her to return.
-Help her find a new job near you...or find a job near her....and beg forgiveness. Bring her a nice -present...move back in; or help her move in with you.

-0r let her go. Don't keep her hanging. That'll keep you in limbo as well. Decide and act.

Robecology Level 9 Mar 27, 2020

What’s to forgive? They gave each other permission.


The planet Earth is experiencing it's own virus, the human one and the Earth is trying to recover and get well from this extremely invasive and destructive virus.

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 27, 2020

Well you both have each others permission ,but you both have choose not to do it so far,That is telling a lot ,at best all you want is a friends with benefits with no emotions involved for a good care free time

RoyMillar Level 9 Mar 27, 2020

Leave your job and go see your wife... And stop drinking...

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