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I had GF and we explored the three somes and while I did enjoy it. There was something missing, I have come to find that the nice one on one with some one that likes to take their time is more enjoyable, Do not get me wrong I would be willing to do three ways. But only if we both want to. One thing I still have not tried is sex out doors.

Whocares 3 Apr 28
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Sex outdoors? Did that several times. As @mtnhome pointed out seems like someone always turns up. No matter how far away from people you think you are.

freeofgod Level 8 May 8, 2020

No matter where you are and how far away the nearest known human... sex outdoors always has that edge of worrying about that lone hiker, The UPS delivery truck, the Google satellite (they've caught a few), or the troop of Boy Scouts suddenly walking past (what was that movie?). But at night, under the stars, eliminates that worry.

mtnhome Level 7 May 5, 2020

I agree. I found that there seems to be a selfishness to 3 ways where each is interested in maximising their experience rather than sharing the intimacy.
Sex outdoors is great. There's an uninhibitedness to it that spices the experience.

Cyklone Level 7 May 4, 2020

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