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Where did you first learn about sex ? I came from a family that would never ever discuss sexual things with their kids. I learned from my friends.

Kojaksmom 8 Apr 11
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My parents were unique. They never discussed anything with me. Not sex, religion, food, safety, school or money. They left it up to me to find out for myself. Don't get me wrong, they took care of my necessities like clothes and shelter but they lived their life and let me live mine without interference. So learning about sex was done freely with peers talking about it and looking into magazines or porn novels or asking girls about it. When I asked some girls they volunteered to show me little by little. Usually with a sense of humor, joking about it. At school we learned the scientific aspect of it and figured out how to merge it with the flesh and blood reality later after school. It was always exciting to me to learn how different it was between the varieties of couples and individuals.

OldGoat43 Level 9 May 6, 2018

I learned about sex from talks with my older brother mostly, and through books... My parents never attempted to have "the" talk with me; and school didn't teach me anything of value through sex ed. America has so many hang-ups



2TuffTony Level 5 Apr 13, 2018

I first learned about sex when I was 16 by watching pornographic movies.


I learned about the mechanics from biology and sex-ed classes; thank goodness, because my parents never talked about it. The emotional aspects, however, I discovered on my own, and in not very good ways.

bleurowz Level 8 Apr 12, 2018

I know the feeling.


My family never discussed sex either. Sadly I learned about sex from abuse as a child. I think far too many people do.

Wildflower Level 8 Apr 12, 2018

I'm so sorry to hear about your experience, and you're right it's far too common.

Thank goodness I've gotten help to heal. I am a sexually healthy being.


Biology class age 11. The topic of conversation on our bikes riding home was "ugh, can't believe my parents do that". Not taught was the degree of pleasure and health benefits to be obtained from coitus.
It has always fascinated me that a country that enabled, albeit reluctantly, the genius of Masters and Johnson's research should reveal to the world that its President Clinton enjoys young intern's masturbating him with their mouths but does not call it sex! And then fires a Secretary of Health for talking about the benefits of masturbation.
What hypocrisy is this?

FrayedBear Level 9 Apr 11, 2018

I learned about sex at a young age my family was very open about it . I think growing up in England was a great thing we look at life very differently than what I witnessed when I moved here in the 80,s.

Robbo1847 Level 5 Apr 11, 2018

Your very lucky! When you're young and you learn about sex from young people it's like the blind leading those that can't see.

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