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On the topic of porn- porn stars are paid actors and actresses. Does porn,in your opinion ,really represent human sexuality? Does it accurately portray what men and women want sexually? Has it affected your expectations of what sex should be?

Kojaksmom 8 Apr 12
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Nope,doubtful but i suppose it depends on the porn you are into and nope

weeman Level 7 July 19, 2018

I like porn as entertainment, I watch it to get turned on much like I watch comedy to laugh. Accuracy is basically irrelevant, I can laugh at wry observational humor that is very realistic or over the top antics. I'm very stimulated by the faces of women in pleasure so they need to be convincing, are they really having a good time or are they a good actress doesn't matter.Probably like conventional actors they seem most realistic when they believe it themselves. LA (American) porn tends to bore me because the women seem bored. I like Italian and French porn because the incidental music is better and like opera it's more enjoyable if you don't speak the language. Both my wives watched porn with me as foreplay.

Buttercup Level 8 May 16, 2018

You might as well say, does science fiction accurately represent how to fight an alien, or are all men built like John wayne and Sylvester Stallone.
It a movie genre, and all movie's present a fantastic and overblown, exaggerated version of a story meant to evoke an unrealistic reaction, that's the fun.
A realist porn movie, would be boring, over to quickly, probably unpleasant to watch and full of weird face pullings and complaints about wet patches, to say nothing vaginal and actual farting noises


NO, it doesn't truly represent human sexuality and isn't what most people want from sex... nor has it ever professed to be! It's intended to titillate, share creative ideas, expand horizons, go overboard, amaze, create excitement and bring the viewer (90% men, I suppose) back again and again for more. I doubt it affects expectations much for well-adjusted adults, BUT the early 70's movies like "Deep Throat" DID change people's attitudes about oral sex, I believe. I think porn is intended more for individual viewers because, admittedly, couples will have differing viewpoints on much of it. But people need to lighten-up a little and see it as very similar to what almost ALL genres of movies really are.... highly-exaggerated stories, scenes and laughable caricatures of glimpses of real-life and real people and things we would never expect to ever see/do in real life. Watching true "reality" on a screen, either sex or not, is actually pretty boring.

mtnhome Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

I agree deep-throat changed people's attitude about oral sex.
anal sex and pubic shaving are other examples of the same thing. My opinion is porn does shape what we see as sexually desirable. It doesn't always have to be a bad thing ,but it can cause issues when anal sex is viewed as a something that all men want and all women enjoy ,and the expectation is high to be hairless as an egg.

@Kojaksmom The main thing I hate about deep throat was the follow up movie "chatterbox" that reversed the premise and instead the woman having her clit in her throat, she had a voice box in her vagina.
That film was unforgivably stupid and a waste of a god comic premise.


Porn no more represents human sexuality than reality shows represent reality. I personally find it tedious and rather pathetic. Sexuality and sensuality are two completely different concepts, and unless a man or woman is only out for the “hit it and quit it” experience, there has to be something deeper than sex (no pun intended) which is where sensuality comes into the picture. Sexuality and sensuality are true art forms that must be learned and nurtured. Ask yourself this question: how many times have you walked away from a sexual encounter feeling empty, unfulfilled, dissatisfied, humiliated, objectified? If you have experienced any of those feelings, then mutual satisfaction and sensuality were not considerations and certainly weren’t the goal. Sex sells, porn is big business, and people like to fantasize. But the reality in my opinion is that people want something more than what porn portrays. They just simply don’t know how to go about achieving it.

Psmintexas Level 6 Apr 15, 2018

After reading the comments, I think the males are being less than truthful. No offense guys. To me porn is just a method to increase the pleasure of our sexuality. Like taking a pill or procedure to improve the way you feel. Some people express a belief that porn makes people engage in perverted sexual behavior. I disagree. Only a small percentage who are already teetering on the edge of normality would venture down that path of sexual abuse after porn. Yes, in the same way an accident victim in pain management becomes addicted to opiates you can become addicted to porn. Relationships can be adversely affected as a result. Addiction is addiction with no correlation to morality or ethics.

I am a heterosexual male and I speak from that aspect only. I had my first sexual experiences at
9-11 years old. I like many a boy was engaged in sexual experimentation with the girls in my neighborhood. I would venture to estimate 60-70% of the boys were doing the same. The girls seemed "in to it" as much as the boys. It felt natural or innocent for the most part. Something similar to a "R" rated version of "playing house". Along this same time I discovered Playboy and then Penthouse. The activity with the girls did give a feeling of marking your territory in the peer hierarchy, I suppose. We boys huddled around the magazines in our tree house just like shown in some coming of age movies.
At that time, I was not indoctrinated by religion. My view of religion came from vacation bible school building bird houses and coloring pictures of angels. Not heard the sermons on the original sin, going to hell for masturbating and the unforgivable sin of same sex activity.
Around the age of 14 things changed. The raging hormones made approaching a girl awkward. The game playing with who's good looking enough to deserve the pretty girls, Who is entitled by being athletic or plays the guitar or status of rich or poor or which boy acts like a sissy, et al. All this seemed superficial and ignoring our own natural desires even at that age. I essentially was a virgin through out highschool due to this environment. Not because of any moral or ethical reason. I don't remember what age my first porn experience came about.
Porn played a part in fulfilling the sexual pleasures for both myself and my wife in both my marriages. We utilized porn to explore pleasure related to pain, sadomasochism, bondage, role playing et al. Alot safer than pursuing these pleasurable feelings through porn than venturing out into the real world for this type of activity. I think "being naughty" carries some excitement for us all, if we a can be honest in ourself.
A lateral thought comes to my mind. I joined this site in part, thinking subjects of this nature could be discussed with an open mind and no hint of religious indignation. I have noticed comments on the subject of sex seeming to be religious doctrine disguised as morality and ethics.
Anyway, Kojaksmom did this address your inquiry?

2TuffTony Level 5 Apr 13, 2018

Thanks for responding. Yes sex is natural, fun and healthy, but divorcing it completely from morality and personal responsibility can have negative consequences and in extreme cases can prove fatal.


Porn is a fantasy, many times a screwed up one, it does not portray reality, and I don't think the genre even tries to approximate reality.

Sadanty Level 5 Apr 12, 2018

Perhaps for you

@Kojaksmom And millions of other people.


It's a very unrealistic and idealistic view of human sexuality. As a result I think it makes many people disillusioned when their own sex lives don't measure up. Sex can be slow, awkward, imperfect, and unglamorous, and pleasurable in many other ways other than what is shown in porn.

bleurowz Level 8 Apr 12, 2018

I agree

@LetzGetReal Agree, most porn movies are men's fantasies, and are about power and control. Erotica is more female-oriented. I do think much of it is still wish-fulfillment though. Not a big turn-on for me.


I am much more interested in erotica. Was shopping in a Chinese shop in Santa Francisco once. Tucked in the back of the store in a glass case was a carving of a Chinese warrior mounting a naked Chinese maiden from behind. Don't know which era. It wasn't a porn shop. The store was selling food goods and furniture and kitchen items etc. That little carving was very erotic.

lbusche Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

I've read that men are more visual, so just watching the action gets men excited. Women need a story line. Porn does not accurately portray what humans want, it appeals to the lowest basic instincts. Porn doesn't appeal to me, erotica does. My expectation of what sex should be were formed before I knew much about porn or erotica. When I was growing up it was Playboy magazine and despite having brothers I "knew" about it but never saw it. Yes, I'm a dinosaur.

I've known a few who have enjoyed a story.

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