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For how many of you guys here is it significantly important if your spouse or Date is Agnostic or Atheist.Do you think it plays a great role in a relationship?

guadastudio 4 Dec 22
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I haven't had the fortune of meeting Atheist women. I'm sure it's because of my lack of patience. Or better yet, letting my sexual desires to lead me. I'm 63 years old. I realized I am Atheist 30 years ago. Yet all the women in my life believe in ghost.

newt125th Level 4 Dec 11, 2022

The last time the OP posted was in December 2020.


In my case it is a problem the there is even any attempt at conversion. Practice what YOU want, enjoy yourself. I feel discussion is difficult because of always trying to convince me she has the answer.


I would love to have more viable agnostic/atheist ladies to choose from. Unfortunately either smoking, drugs, extreme politics, or not attracted have prevented me having a relationship like that so far. With my ex wife, religion was a non issue. With the two ladies I have seen since the divorce, one was not an issue, the other was only an issue when I disagreed with her other life choices, then all of a sudden it was "chaos" in her life because god was warning her.



Daniel2021 Level 2 June 2, 2021

I have been an athiest for around 30 years. I have never even dated a athiest. Not a big deal at all. I dated one woman who was a little too Jesus for me and I broke that off. 2 Catholics, a Muslim and a Buddist (Tibetan). All were/are very cool. Easier when there are no kids being raised. To me, either cool or not cool. That has been a issue for the women, not me.


It is more a function of how they think. They seek the right answer, rather than seeking to be right. Most religious people can't do that.

Mitch07102 Level 8 Dec 31, 2020

It all depends on you and them. As long as you are not a fanatic, it may even make it more interesting.

Jolanta Level 9 Dec 30, 2020



I don’t think it is critical. It depends on how religious, and dedicated to that religion they are. My wife believes ( but does not partake in religion) we get along fine. We have friends where he is Protestant and she is a Jew. They celebrate eaches holidays and been in love for 40 years...

Canndue Level 8 Dec 30, 2020

Cold and heat don’t get along.
Can’t stand a wife who would teach
my kids to believe in imaginary beings.
Not withstanding, they’re exceptional
cases. 😊


Will not date a really religious person ,a casual one that does not go to church

RoyMillar Level 9 Dec 23, 2020

It is rather important to me, largely because I need to respect the woman I'm with. I cannot respect my partner in the ways that matter to me if she is deeply religious, has extreme political views, disregards science and reason, and so on. A close alignment of viewpoints in certain areas is an alignment of values, and that is a cornerstone for my relationships.

resserts Level 8 Dec 23, 2020

For me, a very strong preference.

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