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Me and my partner of 12 years that I just recently split with as of 2 years had a VERY erotic sex life, it was from adventurous to down right movie standards sometimes, nevertheless it was great. Now my question to y'all is...when I get into a relationship with someone new that is a little more conservative like, having sex with the lights off compared to in the woods.
How can I try to get her to meet me in middle of the road? Saying for 12 years all Iv'e known was "NO HOLES BARRED", we are starting at complete different ends of the spectrum. And to be honest missionary sucks.
I love being in a relationship, so I'm presently making an effort and looking for someone.

Tippa 5 Apr 15
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I was on a similar sexual level with my husband. Nothing off limits. Finding that kind of mutual chemistry and level of trust and intimacy again is going to be extremely difficult.
I would suggest trying to find out what turns them on and then ‘feeling them out’ through conversation before deciding who to spend your future time, and potential emotional investment in.
I hope you find someone compatible.

Hazydays Level 7 May 2, 2018

If you'd prefer someone who is open to "unconventional" sex, it's better to make that known upfront. I've dated guys who aren't too adventurous and it really takes a toll on me. Not that sex is all that matters, but it does matter. Being with someone who thinks anything out of the ordinary is gross or perverted or just plain wrong, makes me feel like a terrible person which makes for a terrible relationship...

Ginagm71 Level 5 Apr 16, 2018

Absolutely! Sexual compatible is a must, or you will drive each other insane.


It could be possible she has not been shown what deep sexual passion is like so doesn’t know if she’d like it? It would certainly take patience and building trust and lots positivity, perhaps she will open up and enjoy it if you can show her your world in a safe way?


Well the fact that you're willing to meet someone middle of the road is a positive step in the right direction. It's going to require a lot of communication and to develop a sense of trust between the two of you. I suppose it would depend on how high is sex is on your priority list. Perhaps you might benefit from putting yourself out there as a sexually adventurous person who is looking for the same.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

I think you might want someone into kink.

lbusche Level 7 Apr 15, 2018

. I want some one to give a damned about what happens to me.

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