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Is Dating someone who is in a different political party a deal-breaker for you? As a liberal I just don't trust conservatives. I don't think I would ever be able to make a relationship work with someone who is a trump supporting conservative, it doesn't matter how many other things we have in common. Does anybody feel the same way?

Kojaksmom 8 May 30
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I could not be in a relationship with a conservatives. It is like oil and water. I think I would have so litle in common that even a friendly relationship would be difficult, especially with the conservative mantras like "If you are not with me you are against me". Remember Geoge Bush with his war on terror telling everyone that if we do not agree with America then you are against America. Could I be with someone that thinks like that? I don't think so.


Depends on the party. When it's an opposite then yes nearly always. For example, I could not be with a dogmatic, fundamentalist Trumpie. Though hopefully, I'd find that out before even a first date.

Mitch07102 Level 8 May 30, 2018

I am very curious. What if in two or three years time USA is humming along. There are jobs for all, taxes are reducing per person, troops are no longer needed, the police go to jail if they murder others, the corrupt bribe takers are behind bars, medicare is universal, big pharma brought under control etc.
Who will you hate then?

FrayedBear Level 9 May 30, 2018

This is not about having someone to hate, FB, it's about identifying our ethical allies!

@SACatWalker C'mon SACW.........Don't bully him......... FB's an Aussie.......... some Aussies take on appalling right wing politics to demonstrate that they're not convicts any more.......

@SACatWalker Is it good for me to know that there is one person in this world will continuously awake each morning knowing that life must continue in order to hate Frayed Bear?
In a strange way @SACatWalker that is heartwarming. thank you.

@SACatWalker, @Abbelyne Isn't anyone who achieves the unreachable dream for everyone going to be considered ethical? []

Silly question, if Jesus came back and could prove his claims would I join the cult? Yeah probably. The Christian Right is not going to do those things.

@Abbelyne lol. Hanson will be the first to be taken bare foot skiing over razor wire in shark infested waters.

@Buttercup Is Donald really consulting them and again what if they turn out to have favourable results from their answers??

@FrayedBear Yep, but it's not going to be achieved by that ridiculous child who's lying, abusing women, threatening international violence, destroying the environment and wildlife, spreading racism, supporting apartheid using prostitutes, committing fraud, undermining government and every other negative behaviour you can imagine

@FrayedBear Donald is a stooge and handy scapegoat if needed and again I would be overjoyed IF they did, but why speculate about something that's not going to happen.

@Buttercup The same reason not to think that a jumbo jet is going to drop from the sky on top of you? The glass is half full. Prophecy can be self fulfilling.

@Abbelyne Sounds like more of the same delivered by his predecessors?

@FrayedBear His predecessors weren't arrogant dickheads who openly flaunted assaulting women. I can't believe you're defending such an ignorant jerk. Please go away now and don't talk to me again or I'll block you.

@Abbelyne Clinton and Lewinski, Kennedy's and ... I'm not defending anyone I'm simply presenting an hypothetical as valid as 9/11, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the deliberate fire bombing by Americans of certain German cities at the end of WWII, the Chilean presidents murder on the original 9/11 back in 1973 ... The list is ongoing.
I suggest that blocking means that your cognitive dissonance is overriding your logic.

@FrayedBear My cognitive dissonance tells me that you personally have no respect for women, little sense of compassion, no empathy and that you're into power and control of other people. It's little wonder that you're incapable of seeing anything amiss in the current US style. Bye

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