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We've said this forever but they have never listened.
Word comments on Sep 28, 2020:
If you want your God damn American laws, Take them back with you to God damn England and take your Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers with you where ever you come from prior to the European invasion of 1492 and the Masonic lodge secret religion racist devil worshippers freedom ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 28, 2020:
Anarchist maybe?
100 Reasons to vote for Biden without mentioning Trump (stolen from fb -- not my work, but wish it ...
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2020:
I bet it wouldn't take long to come up with 100 reasons not to vote for Trump.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2020:
100 Reasons to vote for Biden without mentioning Trump (stolen from fb -- not my work, but wish it ...
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2020:
I bet it wouldn't take long to come up with 100 reasons not to vote for Trump.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2020:
27th September 1066.
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 27, 2020:
The Norman conquest of England (in Britain, often called the Norman Conquest or the Conquest) was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and French soldiers, all led by the Duke of Normandy later styled William the Conqueror. Interesting...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@Marionville too bad I won’t be around to see the Disneyfication of the Trump history. I’m certain they could make it as thrilling as Beauty and the Beast. Possibly titled Freedom and the Beast. Hopefully it has a happy ending and Freedom wins the day.
27th September 1779...John Adams negotiates Revolutionary War peace terms with Great Britain.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 27, 2020:
And we are just on the cusp of trashing everything they fought and died for by turning the county into a Russian style government: one Party, one oppressive leader. Trumperica. 🤬
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@Marionville I prefer to be pessimistic. Then if I was wrong I can be happy. Much easier and stressful than being optimistic and being wrong. Then you spend your time after being depressed and angry. 😁
27th September 1066.
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 27, 2020:
The Norman conquest of England (in Britain, often called the Norman Conquest or the Conquest) was the 11th-century invasion and occupation of England by an army of Norman, Breton, Flemish, and French soldiers, all led by the Duke of Normandy later styled William the Conqueror. Interesting...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 27, 2020:
@Marionville at this point they barely teach any history in American schools. Kids learn their history from Disney movies.
I got through 12 years of school without reading many of the classics, or maybe most of them.
VeronicaAnn comments on Sep 24, 2020:
The Holocaust was so horrific, I can’t believe it actually happened. I also think that many people in America equate success to being well off/rich. I don’t think that’s true. Some people who don’t make a lot of money still feel they’re successful because they’re doing something that...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 24, 2020:
Some of the book has to do with the allied bombing of the German city of Dresden. Around 25,000 civilians were killed and the city destroyed. Nothing compared to the six to seven million people killed in German death camps, but a lot of people none the less.
"President Donald Trump decried the idea of “American exceptionalism” shortly before becoming a ...
t1nick comments on Sep 22, 2020:
American exceptionalism is a myth. Has been at least for 40 years. Its the ethnocentric rational we use to exert our muscle around the world. But even that is coming to an end.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 22, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd November 3 will go a long way in determining if that is true, or if our darkest days in a century and a half are just starting.
I think they can filibuster to stop trump's Supreme Court appointment. [].
TomMcGiverin comments on Sep 19, 2020:
It would be nice. The Repubs have been hypocritically using the fillibuster way more than the Dems in recent decades, while the Dems are usually too chickenshit to use it, which shows they are really not that much of an opposition party to the Repubs.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 19, 2020:
Sadly true. We have a tendency to eat our own (Al Franken for one) while the Republicans circle the wagons and protect even the worst of their ilk as long as they follow party leadership.
The rain arrived in Oregon!!!
Cutiebeauty comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Barnie2years replies on Sep 18, 2020:
@tinkercreek the only one I can see without facial hair too.
Would someone please explain how this happens?
barjoe comments on Sep 17, 2020:
Unconscious Inference of visual perception.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 18, 2020:
@Lorajay this goes a long way in explaining the Trump syndrome.
Society seems to venerate the rich, but is great wealth generation really creating the results that ...
EdEarl comments on Sep 18, 2020:
Like many things, great wealth is a mixed bag. For example, Elon Musk and Tesla are transforming the world to green technologies, while Exon has fought a greedy disgusting war to stop green tech. Most billionaires are greedy control freaks with few concerns about the environment or humanity.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 18, 2020:
From what I’ve seen about Musk, he is certainly not worker friendly.
All I would have to post is I need an Inhofe and a Trump sign for my yard. Can anyone help?
Barnie2years comments on Sep 16, 2020:
Trump was ordained by god to be president.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 16, 2020:
@MissKathleen 🤣 If I posted this anyone who knows me would know I was already dead and someone had taken over my media accounts! 😁
I’ve just been watching the devastation of the fires raging on the West Coast of America on my ...
Barnie2years comments on Sep 14, 2020:
We are getting sky effects from the smoke on the opposite side of the country in Pennsylvania. That’s thousands of miles away.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 15, 2020:
@Marionville back in the 1920’s Dust Bowl times the dust was blowing from the plains (Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas) and landing on ships in the middle of the Atlantic.
How Belgium had African Natives, people from the Congo, in zoos.
Petter comments on Sep 13, 2020:
Many Congolese took their deadly revenge on the white Belgians living there in 1960. In Kenya, we saw hundreds of fleeing Belgian families arrive, having driven from Eastern parts of that vast country in panic. They sold their cars and whatever else they could in order to buy air tickets to ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 14, 2020:
I would think it would make interesting reading.
How Belgium had African Natives, people from the Congo, in zoos.
LeighShelton comments on Sep 13, 2020:
nothing has really ever changed looking at the big picture
Barnie2years replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe the ancestors of these monsters are now the white supremest organizers in the US and in your counties. BLM scares them, because unlike the Native Americans and Australian Aborigines who never organized a viable resistance to their oppressors, the Blacks have had some success.
How Belgium had African Natives, people from the Congo, in zoos.
Moravian comments on Sep 13, 2020:
The actions of the Belgians in the Congo made British colonial rule seem almost benevolent. King Leopold 2 treated it almost like his personal fiefdom and the indigenous people were treated virtually as slaves.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 14, 2020:
@TimeOutForMe the Europeans mistreat the native people everywhere they went. It was really no different than what they did in Australia, America North and South, the Philippines, India and every other place they took control of over the centuries they were conquering the world.
William Horton in Facebook: I am very angry tonight, at two different but related things.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The only ways you can help drump are stay home on election day or vote 3rd party. If you are planning on either of these things, just vote for drump, do not pretend you are not. Oh, and I am Sick of people saying, "my state will go red/blue/ whatever so I do not need to vote"....this country ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@BitFlipper not sure where you got the idea that I would not vote for Biden. I do not support the DNC because they are out of touch with a large section of Democratic voters. I am not financially supporting Biden because I don’t believe at this point that anyone can be influenced to vote for him by spending money. I support the Lincoln Project because they may turn some Republican votes away from Trump. I support several Congressional candidates in states other than my own. I support our Democratic Senator in his run for office. Calling people jerks is not the best way to influence voting patterns. Especially when that wasn’t even the issue I was presenting.
Barnie2years comments on Sep 10, 2020:
The video of the sky in San Francisco are frightening! Breathing that stuff has to be terribly unhealthy.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 11, 2020:
@tinkercreek I would think like any air filter, a mask would clog up pretty fast from the heavier ones.
St-Sinner comments on Sep 9, 2020:
Just a book and Trump is toast?? You have the answer. You don't need to ask. If the answer to any of the following points is "yes", the answer to you question is "agree." There have been many explosive books published and have been best sellers before. **Is he toast?** 1. Trump's niece ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 9, 2020:
@St-Sinner Man, you've done your homework! I'm so sick of hearing the name Trump and listening to his constant lies and rants I can barely stand to watch the evening news anymore. Even the Late Shows are just more Trump, Trump, Trump. I agree with you completely. They could come out with Putin handing him wads of cash videos and it would not affect his ardent fans. But this denigration of veterans and throwing top generals to the wolves is going to peel at least a few of the military votes away from him I hope.
William Horton in Facebook: I am very angry tonight, at two different but related things.
AnneWimsey comments on Sep 5, 2020:
The only ways you can help drump are stay home on election day or vote 3rd party. If you are planning on either of these things, just vote for drump, do not pretend you are not. Oh, and I am Sick of people saying, "my state will go red/blue/ whatever so I do not need to vote"....this country ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 6, 2020:
The only way change to the DNC happens is if we have a viable government, which we won't if Trump has a second term for sure. What needs to happen is pressure on Biden to appoint the right people to his cabinet. Vote, vote vote at the mid-terms and every other election and start getting progressives into the state and local governments where you can so they can get experience (like AOC, who I look forward to seeing on the ballot or Senate and at some point president!). The problem is after the presidential election the Democrats go to sleep for four years until the next presidential election if they won. That's certainly what happened to Obama. He had two years with a Democratic congress before the Tea Party Republicans made an all out effort at the mid-terms and gave him Moscow Mitch to road block every initiative he and the minority Democrats in Congress tried to do. We can't let that happen again! Vote, everyone at every election for the candidates who represent your position. You may not win every time, but chance are you will start putting younger and more progressive candidates at some point and change will happen. Sitting back and pouting because your candidate didn't win this time is not going to make it happen ever.
Having moved away from the Co-operative bank as i lived too far away, I’m thinking about moving ...
dermot235 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
YES Co-operative banks are a great idea. In Ireland we have what is called Credit Unions. As a member, you save there, and when you take out a loan, the Profits from the Loans are paid to the Credit Union Members as a dividend every year. Banking without profits will always be more ethical.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 6, 2020:
@MissKathleen maybe not exactly, though the money lent out helps to generally keep interest on savings a little higher than profit banks. I have never belonged to one myself, but that is the way they are supposed to work.
Having moved away from the Co-operative bank as i lived too far away, I’m thinking about moving ...
dermot235 comments on Sep 5, 2020:
YES Co-operative banks are a great idea. In Ireland we have what is called Credit Unions. As a member, you save there, and when you take out a loan, the Profits from the Loans are paid to the Credit Union Members as a dividend every year. Banking without profits will always be more ethical.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 5, 2020:
We have Credit Unions in the US as well. They work about the same as yours.
It’s wild to think how many people still believe in the Noah’s Ark story, including MANY ...
K9Kohle789 comments on Sep 4, 2020:
I was never a believer but when some kid, a friend I guess told me about Noahs Ark I had to laugh. That ark would have to be larger than a continent, 'faith made him build it'. Like what? Never got past the ark. I'm a little afraid of people who wear crosses all the time, and cross themselves; I ...
Barnie2years replies on Sep 4, 2020:
God (Religion) is an addiction Which is why so often addicts become the most ardent believers. Addictive personalities have to have something that controls their life, chemical or psychology. It’s why they often join cults and love jackasses like the wacko preachers or Trump.
Larry Flynt is Getting the Last Laugh After the Fall of Jerry Falwell, Jr.
UrsiMajor comments on Sep 2, 2020:
Larry Flynt is still alive? Well, hot damn.
Barnie2years replies on Sep 2, 2020:
He is running 29 magazines at this point. Plus strip clubs, sex shops among other endeavors. 😁 The guy is scrappy, that’s for sure. In the movie Woody Harrelson plays Larry, but the real Larry plays the Ohio judge that tried to lock him up for 25 years. And the attorney for Jerry Falwell at the Supreme Court hearing in the movie was actually Larry’s attorney at the time of the hearing.
Two orgs who should be apoliical but aren't .
ArizonaJerry1 comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Most if not all organizations are now in clutches of Marxists and very political I was kicked out from Atheist organization for asking Santa to bring me a video showing a polar bear feasting on still warm liver of Nancy Pelosi. Facebook banned me for life for not following "society standard". My is...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 30, 2020:
They have special places for people like you Arizona Jerry! Feel free to find the Arian Brotherhood groups on 8chan. Along with your Nazi friends, KKK buddies and whacko militias.
A nice surprise, my t shirt arrived 😊
Barnie2years comments on Aug 30, 2020:
Got mine too. I guess they send them out in bulk when they get enough eights to qualify.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 30, 2020:
@MissKathleen really? I guess that explains why I didn’t get the pen they used to send out. Must have run out of them first. Oh well, I wasn’t here for the door prizes anyway.
RoboGraham comments on Aug 29, 2020:
As a person in a swing state, you don't have the same luxury as others who are in solidly blue/red states. I know my state will go blue no matter what I do so I feel free to vote however I judge to be best. Your vote is much more important. It will be disastrous if Trump were to win again so perhaps...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 29, 2020:
@bingst at this point I don’t think they want to jinks things and have something happen to RGB before January 20 next year. She seems to be running on borrowed time and I wouldn’t put any trick past Trump and McConnell if they should lose their elections. Best to leave that dog lie, let the Trumplicans remind everyone of what they will do if we don’t vote them into retirement.
[] How to actually get your vote counted in this hellscape of a 2020 election.
barjoe comments on Aug 26, 2020:
I plan to go to the polls. I'll wear a mask, which the governor made mandatory at the polls. The GOPs in Harrisburg head exploded over that. I don't think I'll get infected casting my vote.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 26, 2020:
I’m doing mail in, though I may choose to drop it off at the election offices.
It is often interesting how ancient terms, beliefs, and practices linger on into modern times but ...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 25, 2020:
My family always said “gesundheit!” when someone sneezed. A Pennsylvania Dutch thing. Means “health!”
Barnie2years replies on Aug 25, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 it actually almost sounds like a sneeze! Guess-une-tight pretty much covers it.
I am reading Mary Trump's book on her uncle Donald, "Too Much and Never Enough".
barjoe comments on Aug 25, 2020:
No Trump from any generation has ever served in the US military in any capacity.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 25, 2020:
Fred Trump Jr. did. “ He became president of the fraternity and graduated with a B.A. in business, also completing ROTC and entering the Air Force National Guard as a second lieutenant.“. One of the reasons his father Fred Trump, all but disowned him. Even serving in the National Guard was considered a sin against the family financial hoarding business.
...Until we got married 😜
Unity comments on Aug 22, 2020:
I woke up
Barnie2years replies on Aug 23, 2020:
I’ve had that one! 😁
Biden spoke amazingly and eloquently at the democratic convention last night, putting anyone ...
Varn comments on Aug 21, 2020:
One of our contributors here often points out that Biden overcame stuttering… It appears he knows what it’s like to be part of a minority: “*About 1% Stuttering, also known as stammering and dysphemia, is a speech disorder in which the flow of speech is disrupted by involuntary repetitions ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 21, 2020:
Also, real people on the political stage weigh their words in an attempt to not have the meaning misconstrued or cause harm. Unlike our current Creep in Chief, who doesn’t care what he says, who it harms or how much of a total fabrication it is. People with a conscience weigh their words, what Fred calls acting. Thugs and bullies don’t because they really don’t care who they hurt. And since they never apologize, they have no reason to think before they speak.
"Many Republicans feel that Joe Biden is actually more of a Republican than President Trump," former...
Barnie2years comments on Aug 19, 2020:
Because he is such a political savant! Just another blowhard Trump reject, I would never waste a moment of time on listening to his spew.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 19, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd thank you! 😄👍
Unbelieveable! Trump picture on absentee ballots in North Carolina. [cnn.]
FearlessFly comments on Aug 17, 2020:
Mailed to his 'supporters'. MN now requires (in primaries) to designate which party the votes are being cast -- no cross voting. Which means the D/R parties get lists of 'supporters'. NC (and others) likely has the same. . . . no mention whether any rules/laws broken -- not that that would ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 17, 2020:
@bingst PA as well.
Capitalism and Racism on steroids is affecting many parts of the world.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 15, 2020:
There is no easy way to reduce population without causing pain to some portion of the county, usually the elderly. At some point, it would even out. But as China found out, the fact that people live longer, supporting them with a diminishing base just doesn’t work very well. Either they continue ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 15, 2020:
@Lorajay one of the potential problems with immigration is that they tend to reproduce faster than the local populations, which is one of the reasons they left their country to start with. The most poverty prone, and biggest emigrating countries tend to have the largest population problems of the world. If Africa could get their population growth under control, they might have a chance at slowing starvation, youth unemployment and constant war. The youth have little to look forward to because they don't have retirement plans and the older population keep their jobs until they are unable to function and need the family to support them with their limited resources. There just is no easy way to reduce the populations, though Mother Nature may be taking care of it at some point, this virus just being the start of it.
[] Covid 19 changes grieving .
DharmaBum50 comments on Aug 14, 2020:
I would guess the inability to visit sick and dying loved ones, mentioned only once in the article, would add a whole new dimension to the grief process. I know plenty about grief and grieving, but I can't begin to imagine this aspect being added to it.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 14, 2020:
That is probably one of the most devastating things about this virus distancing. Loved ones dying in hospitals and those who love them not able to be there and say their goodbyes. And some can be in the hospital for weeks or months with no in person visits. My cousin lost her father. He was lucky his wife was able to be with him because she was positive as well. She survived, he didn’t. And their kids couldn’t be there to support either of them. Now the mother is by herself dealing with the loss of her husband of 60 years no longer being there.
Faking It.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 12, 2020:
I’ve seen the Evangelicals hand out their own version of this to homeless and on the buses. Their collection plates should overflow with these things!
Barnie2years replies on Aug 12, 2020:
@ZantiMisfit I’m guessing they are pretty proud of themselves! In their minds they are spreading their joy to people who get their stupid pamphlets or fake bills.
The reason why Black Lives Matter protests matter.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 9, 2020:
I just got verbally attacked on the Holocaust Museum Facebook page for pointing out that while the Holocaust was certainly one of the worst genocides in modern history, since the Nazis turned it into an industry, it was not the only one or only group. The post was about anti-semitism, and I was just...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 9, 2020:
It’s working now. Very insightful, interesting man. The South scares me on many fronts, I have no interest in spending time anywhere South of Virginia or West of Pennsylvania, since states as far North as Ohio and Indiana have become as Klanish as many of the states down south.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
skado comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I would be perfectly happy to be immortal. I know I'm not though, and I can accept that. The real test, I think, is to ask... If those who say they don't want immortality had to choose the last day of their life, even if their health never declined, would they ever do it? Life expectancy used to ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@skado I would not worry about things I don’t believe will happen. We can’t even control a little virus. Like I said, I live today and have no worries about what tomorrow may bring. If anything, at some point I expect the average age to go down, except for the very wealthy who will be able to afford whatever new fangled science comes up with to keep some part of a person viable. It doesn’t change the fact that I would not take extraneous measures to extend my life just for the sake of my own ego. I do have a DNR and my son has been instructed that no heroic measures need to be taken just to keep my heart beating.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
skado comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I would be perfectly happy to be immortal. I know I'm not though, and I can accept that. The real test, I think, is to ask... If those who say they don't want immortality had to choose the last day of their life, even if their health never declined, would they ever do it? Life expectancy used to ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 9, 2020:
@skado because I am in relatively good health, and my life is quite pleasant and affords me enough joy that I embrasse each day. Plus, suicide hurts those who care for you much more than it helps the person who does it. That has prevented me from doing it at various times in my life when I didn’t see a reason to go on. I would never do that to my parents and friends.
While on a long drive recently, I was listening to a show on NPR about immortality and time.
skado comments on Aug 8, 2020:
I would be perfectly happy to be immortal. I know I'm not though, and I can accept that. The real test, I think, is to ask... If those who say they don't want immortality had to choose the last day of their life, even if their health never declined, would they ever do it? Life expectancy used to ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 8, 2020:
Me! I have accomplished anything I would want to accomplish, seen all I need to see, loved move than I deserved. I am ready to go anytime.
I found this very interesting, an interview with Bill Moyers and Heather Cox Richardson.
Barnie2years comments on Aug 7, 2020:
Humans are shitty creatures! We will cause our own extinction at some point.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 8, 2020:
@yvilletom I have never denied that. I used to tell bus drivers I was training to assume everyone getting on the bus was stupid. That way if someone did something good, you could be pleasantly surprised. And I included myself in that. If I wasn’t, I would not have been married three times. If you assume everyone is smart, you set yourself up for disappointment when they do dumb ass things. Same with shitty. If you start from that premise, it’s much easier being surprised on the positive side when they do something nice than being disappointed when you find out they are creeps later.
Fernapple comments on Aug 5, 2020:
Basically I agree with you, and certainly modern life is on the whole a vastly greater threat to human health overall than the virus. Though it could be said that the virus is a creation of modern lifestyles as well. Since it is clearly only a problem because, we have massive over population, over ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 5, 2020:
Insightful as always!
HELP the Post Office! Just go on down to your local PO and buy some stamps! If everybody spent $20...
Varn comments on Aug 5, 2020:
How about we use this flagrant attack on the US Postal Service as a(nother) reason to clean ..the House, Senate & the Presidency this November!
Barnie2years replies on Aug 5, 2020:
@Varn what a pain it was before having a collection of $0.02, $0.05, $0.10 stamps around every time they changed the rate and you had leftovers! 🤣
Lorajay comments on Aug 4, 2020:
Since it's Florida, I immediately wonder whether or not there's been an IT fix to make sure he wins no matter how the vote comes out. Remember the Florida governor loves him.
Barnie2years replies on Aug 4, 2020:
I would put absolutely nothing past the Trumplicans!
Is it important to always step up when someone is insulted?
Barnie2years comments on Aug 1, 2020:
I tend to ignore insults, they run off like water on a duck. Especially online, they tend to be trolls seeking attention. I don’t give them the benefit. Once the dialog turns to mud slinging, I just move on and let their comments show what kind of person they are. No need to get in the mud with ...
Barnie2years replies on Aug 1, 2020:
@girlwithsmiles there is always blocking too. If it’s someone who just keeps showing up making derogatory statements on your pots with no real insight to their reasoning and name calling rather than address the issue: poof! They disappear from my world. Most times there is nothing they can contribute to ANY conversation anyway.
They have moved the delivery date up from July 28 to the 14th! They want to get it on the shelves ...
Lorajay comments on Jul 30, 2020:
A friend sent me the audio. Nothing surprising in it and it's a really short book.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 30, 2020:
Yes it is and not the most captivating writing style. But then her subject is rather an easy read to start with. Dysfunctional family produces a neurotic narcissist president due to half the population of the country being brain dead reality TV addicts.
I received this in our local telegram chat and I'm taken aback by what this article says about ...
RussRAB comments on Jul 29, 2020:
My first thought while reading the article (other than wondering if the research came from Pat Robertson's Regent University or a similar religious school) was the saying/proverb/song lyric "fools rush in where angels fear to tread." My personal experience is that making decisions based on ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 29, 2020:
This is exactly why Trump went all in on professing his (non existing) religious beliefs. No one falls in love and remains loyal as steadfastly as an indoctrinated person of faith. All he had to do was convince (or in my opinion, blackmail) a few Christian leaders into supporting him, and their flocks would blindly follow. This is not emotional (love), it’s blind allegiance to your perceived leader. Few Atheists have that need to be led through life. This is not lack of emotion, it’s asking for reasons and proof that something is worthy of giving our emotions to.
I do hope people are aware of this reality, but here's a map.
barjoe comments on Jul 29, 2020:
So I'm sure there's crime throughout the rest of Portland. Trump brought Martial Law to a few Square blocks, as you point out. Has that alleviated crime in Portland?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 29, 2020:
@Fernapple I believe that was his point.
Please post a picture of something that makes you smile. I call this one pure love plus joy.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 28, 2020:
Barnie2years replies on Jul 28, 2020:
@Lorajay yes! 😂
Past Time for all of us to Google "EXPONENTIAL" and then immediately tell our legislators to make ...
AmyTheBruce comments on Jul 18, 2020:
I have Googled "who should not wear a mask?" and found the answers from official sources to be disappointing. Among the groups listed was "anyone who has difficulty breathing". That's too vague! Sheesh! We ALL have "difficulty" breathing with masks on, if you want to define difficulty as "it ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 25, 2020:
@dave1459 Though many slammed the idea of running while wearing masks, experts pointed out there was no positive causal relationship between them. The students' deaths might have resulted from other underlying causes, like some other diseases. Doing exercise with a mask on won't necessarily lead to sudden death directly," Zhang Shunan, a respiratory expert from the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, told the Global Times on Tuesday. Other experts also pointed out that there are many causes of sudden death, including prolonged periods of inactivity during an outbreak and inadequate warming up before running, reported on Sunday.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 23, 2020:
Send a few dollars to ACLU! They deserve it and they'll need it to continue the fight!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 24, 2020:
I’m a member. They are working overtime with the Orange Buffoon working so hard to trash the Constitution.
This is troubling! This is the new Republican tactic to take over state governments.
Varn comments on Jul 20, 2020:
**Republicans are filthy.** Everything they do must be countered. Oregon has always suffered from ‘dark money’ pouring in, especially to place union-busting diversionary ‘ballot measures’ on crowded ballots … assuming folks won’t have time to figure them out or be overwhelmed by ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 23, 2020:
Shock and awe in Iraq was just a violent extension of Republican political policy in the US since Nixon.
I had one long term relationship since my husband died.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
We can’t change the past anymore than we can predict the future IMO, he certainly still has feelings for you, which is why he stays in touch. I married my much younger lover, and it didn’t work on many levels. We are still friends after a period of five years of getting over the pain. Some days,...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 22, 2020:
@Lorajay you are a great looking woman and seem like you are well grounded. Never give up! I have no expectation of having a loving, physical relationship at this point and have learned to accept this. But there is a little spark that burns deep inside that is always keeping the door open if the occasion to be with someone would present itself. As long as you are sucking in air and moving about, life can present surprises and not all of them are going to be bad!
Barnie2years comments on Jul 22, 2020:
For anyone who hasn’t visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC, they are offering a virtual tour online. It is a very sobering place to visit, as I suspect the African American museum is as well. Both show the inherent evil of mankind, the difference is in the shear numbers of deaths.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 22, 2020:
@MissKathleen as with the African American museum, it is not just the horror of the acts committed against the Jews, Gypsies, and infirm, but the shear volume. If you include those killed in horrible fashion in Ukraine, Poland, Latvia and other Russian countries at the same period, the total of dead would be well over ten million! To see the histories of these people, just common everyday citizens of their respective areas, who were eliminated in what amounted to a well run death factory to open pit slaughter fields. is just hard to even cope with for anyone. But seeing the pictures, the stacks of thousands of shoes and bags, personal items and knowing that it could happen again. That a monster like Hitler may be trying to work to his charisma to accomplish, even on a smaller scale, much the same objective, total control of the country, is frightening. NEVER AGAIN is the motto needed now more than ever.
"Atheists shut down Bible school for first, second graders" May 25, 2017 [youtube.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 20, 2020:
Like Tucker Carlson is anyone with an ounce of good sense!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 20, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd kind of made me throw up a bit in my throat! My dad used to say crap like this, my sister would go off on him. He was needless to say a die hard Republican. One could say that without the blacks, white southerners would all still be living like the ones in Deliverance! LOL
This is troubling! This is the new Republican tactic to take over state governments.
AnneWimsey comments on Jul 20, 2020:
I think assuming a special election will be low-turnout in this climate requires only some publicity to make it a Huge turnout & not in a way they want!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 20, 2020:
One can always hope the Left can get organized and get out the vote! I truly believe that the majority of this country is Liberal if not progressive. But we tend to be much less organized normally than the Right and their religious lock-step organizations which can move their people to vote against their own self-interests. With the current conditions and the Trump shit storm, the left is starting to solidify at the Federal level, but too many people are still not paying attention to the state and local candidates. Here in PA, a lot of districts don’t even have opposition candidates if the district is known to be Red. My district House Seat has never been won by a Democrat since I have lived here. But due to changing demographics, last election the Democratic candidate gave him a run for his money. The Left needs to have candidates and at least show up at the polls!
As copied from Facebook, author unackowledged.
FearlessFly comments on Jul 18, 2020:
If this is quoting Fauci, where is the link to the source ? (I don't find it) :O If it isn't, whose 'quote' is it ?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@FearlessFly I don’t mind being called out on a mistake. I will verify the that it is a mistake and have no issue with publishing a retraction or just deleting the whole thing. I have also called out others errors. If they are corrected, I will delete my post, not extend the argument. I find that easier than leaving an outdated complaint dangling or trying to explain it after the correction was made. Just saying! The whole thing didn’t upset me, takes way more than that.
As copied from Facebook, author unackowledged.
FearlessFly comments on Jul 18, 2020:
If this is quoting Fauci, where is the link to the source ? (I don't find it) :O If it isn't, whose 'quote' is it ?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@LovinLarge 😁It takes far more than a fly to get me upset. Words are just that. Words. I post what I find interesting. If someone shows me a mistake, I have no problem making corrections. I could not locate the exact quote, but the piece makes a very valid point. So I got rid of the reference. You spent way more time arguing with Fly than I would have wasted. 😉
As copied from Facebook, author unackowledged.
FearlessFly comments on Jul 18, 2020:
If this is quoting Fauci, where is the link to the source ? (I don't find it) :O If it isn't, whose 'quote' is it ?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@LovinLarge that was my point. The information was valid, regardless of the source. I added the video, which says much of the same. I also took Fauci’s name off it, because a quick search didn’t come up with this exact quote. But it did come up with interviews with Dr. Fauci where he made statements of a similar vein. I if those who have an issue with the point of the statement want to produce contradictory findings or statements go for it. If they just want to whine about the state of Internet information, start a post on that subject. Some people just need to have the last word, and thrive on mockery. I don’t waste my time.
Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms [youtube.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Where are the pro-2nd amendment, anti-government tyranny people hiding now that they have actual government overstep to stand against?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd exactly!
Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms [youtube.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Where are the pro-2nd amendment, anti-government tyranny people hiding now that they have actual government overstep to stand against?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 19, 2020:
@TheInterlooper How are heavily armed and flak jacketed People peaceful? I guess in your mind, had this been a large group of Black Men, heavily armed, they would have actually made it inside the building without being gassed and threatened?
As copied from Facebook, author unackowledged.
FearlessFly comments on Jul 18, 2020:
If this is quoting Fauci, where is the link to the source ? (I don't find it) :O If it isn't, whose 'quote' is it ?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 18, 2020:
Was posted on Facebook, copied as is. Regardless of who authored it, I think it’s pretty spot on.
Mask Education
Barnie2years comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Just commented on this on Facebook. Every time I am out in public spaces I see so many people doing all the things in the red section of this page. Thankfully, I don’t need to go out very often.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 18, 2020:
@sassygirl3869 the mask my stepson’s restaurant gave the employees to wear (has the logo on it) was so badly made it barely stays on his face and is constantly sliding off his nose. But it is the only one they are supposed to wear on the job.
Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms [youtube.
davknight comments on Jul 18, 2020:
I call the unmarked black SUVs 'Black Melanias' after the 'Black Maria' paddy wagons of the Russians, and the British.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 18, 2020:
Putin is teaching Donny well!
Federal Officers Use Unmarked Vehicles To Grab People In Portland, DHS Confirms [youtube.
PhoebeCat comments on Jul 18, 2020:
Where are the pro-2nd amendment, anti-government tyranny people hiding now that they have actual government overstep to stand against?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 18, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd didn’t see any Gestapo there, did we? No cops shooting tear gas even though they stormed a state government building. Wonder why?
HippieChick58 comments on Jul 17, 2020:
I never believed Bunker Bitch from the time he was a playboy, so I don't believe him or anyone in his administration now. From where I used to work I saw the predictions of how this could go, and I don't think they have improved since then. I do believe this is going to be a long slog to a very new ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@HippieChick58 I generally refer to him as the Orange Buffoon! And his followers as Trumpettes.
Risk factors for COVID-19 []
Barnie2years comments on Jul 17, 2020:
Laws of nature. When animal populations overrun their food sources and territorial needs, they have diseases develop that thins the herd. That can be avoided by hunting, which keeps populations thinner, or for humans, wars that thin out the males population enough to hold the numbers down for a ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 17, 2020:
@AnneWimsey in the case of deer, each dominant male has a harem, so if he gets culled, the younger bucks get a chance to mate. But they need to prove worthy, so it slows things down for a bit. But that is also why there are doe licences .Geese are not culled by sex, so the population control is pretty even. As for human males, those left over eventually catch up. But imagine how many more people would be around if the ten’s of millions of men hadn’t been slaughtered in WW I and WW II.
Dear lifelong atheists, how do you see yourself within the universe?
Barnie2years comments on Jul 15, 2020:
I find no need to ponder the vagaries of life. I consider myself a realist, dealing with the now and near future and not inclined to need answers to why is there air and the details of physics and chemistry that created everything. I am here now and I will no longer be here at some future time. I...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 16, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd pretty much!! 😁
Sorry if it’s been posted, but wow.
barjoe comments on Jul 11, 2020:
I would love to live in Iceland anyway. It's a beautiful country.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 11, 2020:
Lots of thermal springs to warm up in! 👍
Podcast listeners.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 10, 2020:
Thanks! Try to watch Henry Louis Gates Jr's documentary series, "Many Rivers To Cross"'ll fill in some gaps, too. The longer I live, the more I realize we were NOT well-educated about US history!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 10, 2020:
@LucyLoohoo I actually learned more of European history, though they put their own spin on their history. It takes a little digging to get to the honest history in any country. It’s there to be found if you don’t want to just follow the pretty stories.
Why do men not smile in their photos?
BitFlipper comments on Jul 10, 2020:
Should we smile? What do we have to smile about? Any smile that shows my teeth looks fake. I have a grin.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 10, 2020:
The mask helps take the pressure off! 🤣
Why do men not smile in their photos?
nogod4me comments on Jul 10, 2020:
They are pondering the complexities of life, ...or thinking about porn.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 10, 2020:
If I was thinking about porn I’d be smiling....or drooling depending on which porn! 😂
Podcast listeners.
LucyLoohoo comments on Jul 10, 2020:
Thanks! Try to watch Henry Louis Gates Jr's documentary series, "Many Rivers To Cross"'ll fill in some gaps, too. The longer I live, the more I realize we were NOT well-educated about US history!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 10, 2020:
Growing up in Europe I was spared much of the fairytale history taught in US schools.
dalefvictor comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Apparently he is running a contest and as he has said he wants us to be the best, the highest country of deaths due to his ignorance. Yea cheeto!
Barnie2years replies on Jul 10, 2020:
He's getting competition from his Trump wannabe in Brazil, President Bolsonaro. Donald has to up his numbers quick to stay ahead of the "see how many of your people you can kill before the virus goes away" contest.
Justme43 comments on Jul 9, 2020:
Why all the fuss? He said he’d release his returns. He said that just before the election— OVER THREE YEARS AGO! Guess he’s still being audited. 😂
Barnie2years replies on Jul 9, 2020:
That is what his blonde mouthpiece said today. As soon as the ten year audit is over he will be happy to release them! LOL
MissKathleen comments on Jul 9, 2020:
He has been making me sick since 2015.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 9, 2020:
He was sickening way before that! I almost threw up one time trying to watch his stupid show! LOL
Finally gained admission into the “8” club! Yay! 🎉🎉🎉 Those last f0.
ZantiMisfit comments on Jul 7, 2020:
Enjoy the tshirt.
Barnie2years replies on Jul 7, 2020:
I will wear it proudly! 👍😄
New guy, sends message: "Hello, dearie". My reply: "Are you scammers all completely stupid?
sassygirl3869 comments on Jul 7, 2020:
That small i's, talk of God, wanting to get married, poor grammar, widowed with a child if you have a child same age, etc. are all signs of scammers. Will text, email but not talk on phone. Will have Nigerian accent otherwise. Also claim they are overseas even though they live locally. We learn over...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 7, 2020:
Men get the same things, I have gotten a few on here as well as Facebook. I go to their profiles and they usually just have a couple of obviously professional portraits. Or just several sexy pictures.
[] Whispers - The Lincoln Project Strikes Again!!!!!
JackPedigo comments on Jul 7, 2020:
It is so hard for me to understand how someone so obviously morally, mentally and emotionally corrupted can even be considered for another term. Are there really that many people so blind and/or stupid?
Barnie2years replies on Jul 7, 2020:
Another brag about the state, Connecticut, that i am lucky enough to inhabit in these days: In my ...
IrishTxJudy comments on Jul 7, 2020:
In Texas I can select to vote by mail since I’m now 65. I have done that now let’s hope I actually see the ballot in the mail. I have my doubts
Barnie2years replies on Jul 7, 2020:
@IrishTxJudy November is the election you have to worry about. Trumplicans aren’t worried about the primaries. Glad you got your ballot. I voted here in PA by mail since they changed the rules this year to open it to anyone requesting one. I will do it again in November.
They have moved the delivery date up from July 28 to the 14th! They want to get it on the shelves ...
barjoe comments on Jul 6, 2020:
You know she's worth millions. She should just leak pdf online and then secure it. Say she got hacked. That's exactly what John Bolton did. Once the book is leaked it's public domain. You can't put toothpaste back in the tube. "The Room Where it Happened" is still on NYT Bestseller List. I got my ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 7, 2020:
@barjoe Trumpettes wouldn’t have cared when the book came out, they won’t believe it anyway. He would not have had to reveal all his dirt, but he certainly could have backed up the phone call story. He, like the rest of the Trump gang, is all about money and self promotion.
Another brag about the state, Connecticut, that i am lucky enough to inhabit in these days: In my ...
IrishTxJudy comments on Jul 7, 2020:
In Texas I can select to vote by mail since I’m now 65. I have done that now let’s hope I actually see the ballot in the mail. I have my doubts
Barnie2years replies on Jul 7, 2020:
The Republicans think everyone over age 65 watches Fox News and votes Republican straight ticket, so they’re happy to help them vote anyway they can. It would be nice to throw a wrench into that thinking.
They have moved the delivery date up from July 28 to the 14th! They want to get it on the shelves ...
barjoe comments on Jul 6, 2020:
You know she's worth millions. She should just leak pdf online and then secure it. Say she got hacked. That's exactly what John Bolton did. Once the book is leaked it's public domain. You can't put toothpaste back in the tube. "The Room Where it Happened" is still on NYT Bestseller List. I got my ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 6, 2020:
I was going to order Bolton’s book, but he has done so many interviews I wasn’t sure there was anything more I needed to learn. Plus, the fact that he didn’t take this traitorous presidential actions to Congress makes him a traitor as well as far as I’m concerned.
Happy Fourth of July?
Storm1752 comments on Jul 4, 2020:
I was PROUD to be an American because it meant it was a sophisticated and open-minded enough country to be able to take criticism, even condemnation, in stride. That was the country's greatest strength. In listening to, and learning from, critical voices it was able to learn and improve, constantly...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 4, 2020:
The problem is and always will be the definition of “happiness”. If your happiness is the fantasy of the whole world holding hands and singing Kumbaya, I fear it is out of reach. Humanity has never had total peace during its entire reign at the top of the food chain. Getting more localized, happiness for southern states was having human cattle to be used bought and sold like any other animal, for their and their family aNd race to benefit. Tor Prohibitionist, happiness was preventing those who wanted alcohol to be happy from being able to get it. For everything that makes some happy there is an often equal and motivated group of people wanting to take that happiness away for their own reasons and happiness. This was one reason I never wanted to be in my Union leadership. As with any other group, no matter what you accomplished or how hard you fought for a contract a sometimes large group of members would never be happy. Politics the same, winning margins are thin and that almost 50% that lost are never going to be happy until the 50% that won are not.
Another friend recently posted a story from his youth and the visits to his grandma.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I spent a lot of time around farms and my first paying job was working on a Mennonite egg farm. But even before that, my Dad was in an agricultural fraternity at Penn State, and most of his frat brothers went into some kind of farming, so I got to spend a couple of weeks on their farms over the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 2, 2020:
@Allamanda there are a couple of big turf farms here in the Lancaster area. It’s used for sport fields, new development lawns, even lawn repairs.
Another friend recently posted a story from his youth and the visits to his grandma.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I spent a lot of time around farms and my first paying job was working on a Mennonite egg farm. But even before that, my Dad was in an agricultural fraternity at Penn State, and most of his frat brothers went into some kind of farming, so I got to spend a couple of weeks on their farms over the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 2, 2020:
@Lorajay as soon as I got out of car they told me to change clothes, we had hay baling to do! For the next three days! I had blisters the size of acorns. 😄
Another friend recently posted a story from his youth and the visits to his grandma.
Barnie2years comments on Jul 2, 2020:
I spent a lot of time around farms and my first paying job was working on a Mennonite egg farm. But even before that, my Dad was in an agricultural fraternity at Penn State, and most of his frat brothers went into some kind of farming, so I got to spend a couple of weeks on their farms over the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jul 2, 2020:
@Allamanda That's it! Acres of lawn grass! He was a nice guy and he had too many people working for him, so that was an easy couple of weeks, just riding around on a mower.
How many friends do you have? []
Fred_Snerd comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I used to have a lot of acquaintances. Before high school, I was bullied and outcast. I hung out with the girls, not for hanky panky, but for conversation. The girls were romantically interested in the bullies. About the middle of my freshman year, I wrote a note to myself. I remember the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 29, 2020:
@Fred_Snerd I take great pleasure in going through old photo albums or boxes. Most of the pictures were taken during happy events. And even those attached to less happy times have value as stages in life.
How many friends do you have? []
Fred_Snerd comments on Jun 29, 2020:
I used to have a lot of acquaintances. Before high school, I was bullied and outcast. I hung out with the girls, not for hanky panky, but for conversation. The girls were romantically interested in the bullies. About the middle of my freshman year, I wrote a note to myself. I remember the ...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 29, 2020:
Self analysis can certainly sometimes be healing. You seem to have done a lot of it. This is in no way meant to be demeaning, rather just observational. I generally don’t delve too far into my childhood, though I feel I had a quite interesting one.
How many friends do you have? []
FearlessFly comments on Jun 29, 2020:
My definition of 'friend' is fairly strict (perhaps no one meets it) -- "Someone who I can say ANYTHING to and hear ANYTHING from without losing my temper or self-confidence". :O A more sociable way of putting that is "Someone who knows EVERYTHING about me, and still likes me anyway" :) I ...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 29, 2020:
My life! I have lots of acquaintances, people I interact with for various reasons. And I have many people who need me for help for certain things in their life. But I have and have never had someone who wanted to really know me or even try to understand me. Being alone is just so much easier than always being wrong or misunderstood.
Fake News []
Fred_Snerd comments on Jun 28, 2020:
Barnie2years replies on Jun 28, 2020:
The media is so starved for content and desperate to be first with a story, nothing should be viewed as fact without at least three independent sources.
Should Americans trust their government?
Fred_Snerd comments on Jun 25, 2020:
Will high school US history books ever tell the truth?
Barnie2years replies on Jun 25, 2020:
Just ordered both books! Thanks.
I think it is way past time for whatever state granted Barr a license to disbar him. Do you agree?
bobwjr comments on Jun 23, 2020:
Yup way past
Barnie2years replies on Jun 23, 2020:
Yes, yes, yes! It happened then, it can happen now!
These are the people who will be roaming the streets after Trump loses in November! []
davknight comments on Jun 23, 2020:
If Trumpy gets trounced, him and his supporters will stand on one leg, and whine loudly of course.But they will soon forget about him (until another carnival Barker comes along). Trumpy, on the other hand, may very well get slapped with a slew of corruption and civil charges in the courts, that he ...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 23, 2020:
You have much more confidence in the haters than I do.
Though I rarely see a sunrise (please don't judge), a sunset can always stop me in my tracks!
Cutiebeauty comments on Jun 21, 2020:
I see the sun rise and set everyday.. Early to bed, early to rise.. Both are wonderful..☺
Barnie2years replies on Jun 22, 2020:
What a go getter you are!
The United Nations Humanity Council has criticized the US for being unjust with racial ...
LenHazell53 comments on Jun 21, 2020:
Until the people of the USA started to stand up and condemn the behavior of the establishment, most countries would have thought twice about condemning the all mighty USA assuming no one would believe them. Today when 59 African nations say that their voices will be heard and the rest of the world...
Barnie2years replies on Jun 21, 2020:
Trump has exposed in a whole new way the scum of America that other countries knew was there, but ignored it in favor of the majority of good people and it worked. Now the scum is running things, it’s a little harder to ignore.
Assumptions .
Paddypereira comments on Jun 21, 2020:
There's a bit of everything in every group. The good and the bad. No exception. Most of my friends are religious but they are very educated and open minded.
Barnie2years replies on Jun 21, 2020:
@Gwendolyn2018 ha,ha. These are the same people that are sure they could get the gays to return to “Normal” if they could just spend enough time with them and show them the errors of their thinking.
Trunp had to cancel the overflow outdoor event in Tulsa, because no one showed up.
Fred_Snerd comments on Jun 20, 2020:
1 year in jail for burning a flag?
Barnie2years replies on Jun 20, 2020:
That’s already been ruled unconstitutional.


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