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I am an opinionated person, who calls a spade a shovel. Has a dry sense of humor and doesn't take much seriously. Have lived in three different countries, Poland, Sweden and now Australia. Have been married, , divorced, married and yet again happily divorced. Loves to read, to travel sometimes and spend some times with the people I love. Politically lazily active, always on the side of the underdog, wherever the underdog may come from. Always curious about life and what makes others tick. Happy to be single but would be happy to be with someone too, I think.


Jolanta comments on Aug 16, 2019:
Wow, the more I hear about life in the US (relating to religion) and also when I visited the more baffled i become. The rest of the world doesn't function like that, not even Muslim countries. Religion is not rammed down your throat and people are not rude or obnoxious to you when discussing it either. What is is it with the US, is it in the water or what?
Americans Paid $90 Billion MORE In Taxes After Republican Tax Cut [youtube.
Jolanta comments on Aug 17, 2019:
Yes, probably all the trump supporters, except all the rich ones because they don't pay any tax, actually they are financially much better off since Donald has cut the tax rate for them.
What would you do if an acquaintance invited you to get coffee because they said that they want to ...
Jolanta comments on Aug 20, 2019:
I would ask them that if they were interested in knowing me or just interested in “saving “ my soul.
So there is a condolence card in the break room for one of my coworkers who’s dad just died.
Jolanta comments on Aug 22, 2019:
That depends, do you want to be "right" or do you want to give your coworker some sympathy/empathy.
After the orgy and why I love going to the dentist.
Jolanta comments on Aug 25, 2019:
Unfortunately not all dentist will give you gas. Some will just give you pain in two places. One is your mouth and the other is your wallet.
Is it ethical to have children?
Jolanta comments on Sep 1, 2019:
I get mad when i see large families being interviewed on TV or in papers, how tremendous they are, but I just want to go and smack those two adults and take them both at once to the hospital, have his tubes cut and hers as well. So selfish, they cannot take care of the needs of those children. People say it is fine if they can afford them but it is not only about money. There is no way you can give all those kids emotional support if you have so many.
10 Valuable Things Extroverts Can Learn from Introverts
Jolanta comments on Sep 6, 2019:
I am an introverted extrovert.
this "new" christianity is rather offensive
Jolanta comments on Sep 22, 2019:
You have it wrong. Their religion is money not Jesus or God.
It's funny how people will maintain faith in their religion despite even the BS in their own camp ...
Jolanta comments on Sep 24, 2019:
Not only BS but right down immoral things done by their so called Christian leaders.
Who amongst us is the most keen to spread the agnostic message?
Jolanta comments on Oct 2, 2019:
Just live your life by example.
Flu shot is critical, but only half of American adults plan to get it - ABC News
Jolanta comments on Oct 5, 2019:
I am not sure it is critical at all. Who knows what poisons are in that.
What are the best places for people like us to live?
Jolanta comments on Oct 5, 2019:
You can live where ever you like, just use some common sense.
I just finished 84 days at St.
Jolanta comments on Oct 6, 2019:
Good on you.
Has anyone ever noticed a strange thing going on with Atheist giving up the faith in god or a higher...
Jolanta comments on Oct 12, 2019:
Oh, so you hates big Government, but I bet you that you want all the services that come with the big Government. You know like roads, schools, infrastructure etc, etc.
Ralph Reed: Christians Have a “Moral Obligation” to Support Donald Trump in 2020 | Sarahbeth ...
Jolanta comments on Oct 13, 2019:
They would not have a clue what morality was if it hit them on the head.
I have a friend who shows up every now and then at my house to chat and pray over me.
Jolanta comments on Oct 15, 2019:
Well she is a fanatic and fanatics do some horrible things not only to themselves but to others too. It almost sounds like she "enjoyed" the interrogation to me too.
Flood of hikers from Seattle on Eastern WA trails. I did something evil.
Jolanta comments on Oct 17, 2019:
Gorgeous pictures as usual, however karma will now come and get you girl.
Speaking of dying I just read a post about it.
Jolanta comments on Oct 25, 2019:
Why oh why would anybody want to keep someone alive if they are suffering, after all we put animals down who are in pain.
In San Antonio to see Randy Rainbow.
Jolanta comments on Oct 25, 2019:
To see Randy Rainbow is worth the horrible drive me thinks. How was he?
Lions Club International.
Jolanta comments on Oct 31, 2019:
If it does not work out for you, you can always start your own club.
I sincerely have a hard time comprehending what "spiritual" means.
Jolanta comments on Nov 3, 2019:
Yes, you will get a lot of answers but what does it matter, if people are happy with being spiritual and don't try to force their believes on you, just be happy.
Why is it so hard to find a lover that shares the same beliefs?
Jolanta comments on Nov 11, 2019:
It is because you live in the US.
Largest U.S. Christian Charity Reportedly Donated $56.1 Million to Hate Groups
Jolanta comments on Nov 15, 2019:
Would you rather be in love or have someone be in love with you?
Jolanta comments on Nov 27, 2019:
Yes, and yes, but oh so long ago that I hardly remember it. Now i just simply love myself every day.
Correcting Others Make You Look Bad
Jolanta comments on Nov 28, 2019:
All those men who drive you crazy what is a girl to do.
A question for older people: how has what you find attractive changed from when you were younger?
Jolanta comments on Dec 5, 2019:
I have found that now I am not really attracted to a man who is handsome anymore if he is mean, loves himself or haven't got anything between his ears.
Photo Bombing my Daughter on her Engagement Announcement Day.
Jolanta comments on Dec 5, 2019:
I think these days the parents do not pay for any weddings at all. That is what they do in Australia anyway. The two people who wants to get married pay for it themselves.
Declining invitation to church,
Jolanta comments on Dec 7, 2019:
Well if lunch was provided after the service I would consider of going. But while the sermon was going on I would be thinking of what to have for dinner, how many loads of washing I needed to do, what dress to wear tomorrow, you know stuff like that.
Alright, alright! Everybody has a bitch! Tell me - what have you done to further the age of ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 8, 2019:
I am a devils advocate where ever I can.
California nativity scene depicts Jesus, Mary and Joseph as caged family separated at border
Jolanta comments on Dec 9, 2019:
Brilliant, the only thing I would want to change there is the colour of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, after all they should be of Middle Eastern appearance.
I know people love their animals, but I wonder what would happen if you were required to sponsor a ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 11, 2019:
I have often thought of it. I have friends who have no children but have dog that they overindulge. The money they spend on those animals is immense. It is a disgrace.
The Man Who Slapped a Female Reporter’s Butt on TV is a Christian Youth Leader | Hemant Mehta | ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 12, 2019:
A typical religious hypocrite, thinks it is ok to do that.
It is impossible to believe a person (a man named 'Jesus,' for instance) did what is described in ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 13, 2019:
Yes, all myths and legends. If you believe in Jesus you may as well believe in Thor and Odin.
"You shouldn't judge people!" I have often heard this from my Christian friends.
Jolanta comments on Dec 17, 2019:
Do not take any notice of what they say, they are usually the worst perpetrators
Justin Trudeau moves to ban gay conversion therapy all throughout Canada – DeadState
Jolanta comments on Dec 18, 2019:
So coming up to Christmas please tell me Athiests what you think of the Holiday season since you ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 19, 2019:
One doesn't have to believe in God to enjoy the festivities.
To everyone here...
Jolanta comments on Dec 25, 2019:
The noodly appendage probably taste delicious with a bit of soy sauce, garlic and olive oil.
Why do Christians get threatened and terrified by Atheists?
Jolanta comments on Dec 29, 2019:
It seems to be happening in the US a lot. I have never come across it anywhere else in the world.
lately I'm beginning to think they should change an IQ test from measuring how intelligent someone ...
Jolanta comments on Dec 29, 2019:
I know plenty of University professors who don't know how to boil water or tie their own shoelaces. An IQ test doesn't mean much look who is the president in the US, prime minister in Australia or prime minister in UK. All buffoons. Good at lying, cheating and being generally very bad people.
What gave you joy in 2019?
Jolanta comments on Dec 31, 2019:
Finding this website and making some new friends. Realizing my hording obsession and doing something about it. Finally getting rid of my ex from my life. Getting to "know" myself better.
How do you stop swearing?
Jolanta comments on Jan 3, 2020:
I think it is great that you want to stop swearing, or do you? Some people say that people who swear are more intelligent than those who don't. I think it is just justification for using bad language. When you get angry with someone you want them to know why you are angry, if you start swearing it gives them a reason to stop listening to you and it escalates the issue. So lose, lose, instead of win win. Besides it make you and you fellow swearers look ugly and you have such a lovely face, don't make it ugly.
Any thoughts on Gervais' speech?
Jolanta comments on Jan 6, 2020:
Fabulous, just fabulous. Love his irreverence.
It's sometimes strange to look back on one's self in the past, particularly the distant past.
Jolanta comments on Jan 11, 2020:
Yes, I remember when I used to be a size 8, what happened suddenly? I have no clue.
What do you see as being the best approaches to normalizing agnostism, atheism etc?
Jolanta comments on Jan 18, 2020:
I think this mostly has to do with the US, the rest of the western world do not give one fig about your religious beliefs.
Jolanta comments on Jan 18, 2020:
Your cousins doing the right thing. There are good Arabs just as there are good Jewish people.
This past summer I had a medical emergency that put me in a LOT of pain, couldn't even stand up ...
Jolanta comments on Jan 19, 2020:
If people want to pray than it is okay with me. Just don't force me to believe. They did what they thought was right.
I grew up in the Bible Belt in a non-religious home.
Jolanta comments on Jan 25, 2020:
No, I am lucky enough not living in the US. Nowhere els in the world have I come across this phenomena but in the US, not even in Islamic countries. They don't try to "force" their believes onto others.
The hypocrisy of those church pastors.
Jolanta comments on Jan 29, 2020:
If people are okay with sugar daddy for females then what's wrong with a sugar daddy for males. That in itself is a hypocrisy. The fact that he is a pastor, only his church should have to object and his wife too of course, if he has one.
Coronavirus is a punishment from God: Conservative Christian TV Host Rick Wiles claims that the ...
Jolanta comments on Jan 29, 2020:
If the Coronavirus is punishment from god then he should attack all those Catholic priests and all those other religious leaders who are living a life in sin all over the world first. God is not very aware is he of what is really going on here.
Study of European Countries where young people are not religious.
Jolanta comments on Feb 4, 2020:
If you go to Italy or Spain and visit the churches you will see that they are mainly attended by the very old and even then they are not full.
What if the money that is spent on religion throughout the world was instead spent on science?
Jolanta comments on Feb 8, 2020:
Not only science but how about poverty and homelessness.
Not having been on a real date in a very long time, I was thinking of inviting someone.
Jolanta comments on Feb 10, 2020:
I rather have 12 pairs of new shoes.
Christian parents sue their school district to force it to out trans kids / LGBTQ Nation
Jolanta comments on Feb 20, 2020:
It is time for all those Christians to find themselves an island that they can move to and live there forever happy as can be. Now let us see what can possible go wrong on that island?
AG William Barr: “Men Are Far Likelier to Obey Rules That Come from God” | Hemant Mehta | ...
Jolanta comments on Feb 28, 2020:
Which god?
Jolanta comments on Mar 30, 2020:
I think they should move in there and not come out to mod with the rest of the population.
Louisiana Church Packed For Services Again, Pastor Says You Can’t Arrest Us All | Michael Stone
Jolanta comments on Apr 3, 2020:
You can barricaded them though. Let’s see how they like that. Surely god will keep them alive. Just pray a bit more.
The prose (?
Jolanta comments on Apr 11, 2020:
Sounds like a rather troubled individual, a good friend of Donald me thinks.
Searching for a soulmate is futile. Your thoughts?
Jolanta comments on Apr 12, 2020:
I don’t need anyone to make me whole, I am already complete. When people speak about a soul mate or the one it is a fantasy. Yes one can meet a person who one loves to be with but not every moment of the day. There are not two people on earth who would have the same desires or hobbies one always has to compromise or give up one’s interests. Most people are together because they are afraid of being alone.
I'm working hard to keep up with my hygiene..
Jolanta comments on Apr 14, 2020:
It’s bad for you to shower every day unless you work in a job that requires it.😊
I have a tendency to delete any post I make that hasn't gotten any replies within a few hours.
Jolanta comments on Apr 14, 2020:
Why all this worry about if a post doesn’t get any response? Just leave it there and get on with your life?
Jolanta comments on Apr 17, 2020:
Don’t tell anything, you don’t have to justify your beliefs.
Jolanta comments on Feb 22, 2019:
Like father like sons. They are practicing for bankruptcy.
"You do not have to extend compassion to your childhood tormentors."
Jolanta comments on Feb 23, 2019:
I am not surprised that those same guys were all over you. You already looked gorgeous at 12, and you are still gorgeous at 65 with your new haircut.
It's time to just be happy.
Jolanta comments on Feb 26, 2019:
Agree, agree. Anger and sadness can take over ones whole life to the point of that all you see is negativity and life is just to short to do that.
Bravery: Richard Dawkins interviews Saudi Arabian atheist author Rana Ahmad
Jolanta comments on Mar 4, 2019:
Yes she is brave, however lets remember that the fanatic Christians around the world, especially in the US treat their women despicably too. It will take many years for Saudi Arabia to change, just as it's taking the western world a long time to change too.
Jolanta comments on Mar 4, 2019:
You know why, because poor people have to work 2 - 3 jobs just to pay the rent, so how would they be able to take a day off to vote, and considering a huge portion of them would vote democrat or independent, why would republicans want them out there voting.
Jolanta comments on Mar 4, 2019:
Don't be surprised about anything those is power say or do anymore. May soon be time for a revolution. I wonder how long they will be able to push the public around before they erupt.
My mom's refrigerator! My mom died early Wednesday morning.
Jolanta comments on Mar 7, 2019:
Looks like she enjoyed life as much as she could to me.
I’m curious about how many women believe they have a one track mind.
Jolanta comments on Mar 12, 2019:
What do you mean with one track mind. Yes women do multi task better than men. Not only do we have to look after the house, the kids, the pets but often the man too, he is a lot of times the biggest baby we have.
My mom is threatening not to come to my wedding because it's not a religious ceremony. sigh
Jolanta comments on Mar 18, 2019:
Sorry to hear that. I would tell mum that she will be sorry for the rest of her life is she doesn't attend but you will still love her and you love to have her there. And leave it at that.
The Latest: Mississippi 'heartbeat' abortion law signed
Jolanta comments on Mar 21, 2019:
Children will be born who will starve and women will die.
Fear of Death
Jolanta comments on Mar 27, 2019:
No I am not afraid to die. I just don't want to have to suffer an agonizing death or die before I have declutterd my house or red all the books I have.
Where are all these Scammer accounts coming from?
Jolanta comments on Mar 27, 2019:
Please send all the money to me instead. I shall take good care of it.
Is it me or this app feels like a religion or govt?
Jolanta comments on Mar 27, 2019:
You are already "rewarded" by being here. There is not need to do anything you don't want. Nobody is going to be mean to you or say anything bad. If you want to post do so, if you like something or not you can say so or not. Nobody is making you and nobody is going to worry you about if you don't. It is up to you.
The local Baptist minister just rang my doorbell offering me a pamplet for the upcoming celebration ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 1, 2019:
You just be polite to them. Just treat them as you would want to be treated. Say thank you but no thank you.
My latest question to any potential date is "On a scale of 0-10, how religious do you think you are?
Jolanta comments on Apr 12, 2019:
I don’t see why this should even be a question. If a person is a good person and you get along, have things is common, are fond of each other and give each other respect why would religion be a problem? We all have some peculiar things we believe in or do, nobody is perfect.
How many of you have been told you are going to hell?
Jolanta comments on Apr 13, 2019:
Maybe I have not been told that, probably because I live in Australia. Seems to me that in the US there are a lot of religious nutters, just like in Saudi Arabia.
Notre Dame in Paris is burning!!! We do not believe in god but we love art.
Jolanta comments on Apr 16, 2019:
It is sad but who was sad when buildings much older than Notre Dame was being bombed in Syria.
Hard core christians do not seem very happy.
Jolanta comments on Apr 16, 2019:
Yes, have you noticed how a lot or most right wing people do easily get angry and violent too. I have been watching the politics here in Australia, we are going to have elections in May how the right seem to be shouting when they are asked questions and people don't agree with them.
Chag Pesach sameach! How to celebrate Passover Jewish atheist style - []
Jolanta comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Really enjoyed the article
Cut Aid to Israel?
Jolanta comments on Apr 19, 2019:
Yes, why would you send aid to Israel when your own are starving, when your infrastructure is crumbling, when people die because they cannot afford going to the doctor. Israel has free health care, free education all this because you pay for it.
I was flipping through channels and briefly paused on the ID channel (true crime.
Jolanta comments on Apr 20, 2019:
They need to scare people to hold the power.
Catholic Church assures billionaires that none of their Notre Dame donations will go to poor - The ...
Jolanta comments on Apr 21, 2019:
Why should it, after all none of it goes to the poor now, why brake the pattern.
Bangladesh starlet apologises after 'atheist' comments - Bangladesh Weekly
Jolanta comments on Apr 23, 2019:
I feel sorry for her that she has to live in a country that it is not ok to say how you feel.
Yes, we removed the general forum.
Jolanta comments on Apr 24, 2019:
Thank you for all the work you have done. I really enjoyed the general forum the best and am sorry that it no longer is available.
Catholic League On Predatory Priests: It’s Not Rape If The Child Isn’t Penetrated | Michael ...
Jolanta comments on May 1, 2019:
Oh, yes it is.
Last night I attending a pinning ceremony for RN's at a public college.
Jolanta comments on May 2, 2019:
I would complain to the people who are in charge of it so it does not happen again.
This could be filed under health and safety or just funny but seriously people, people are traveling...
Jolanta comments on May 8, 2019:
I am a bike rider and find that some other bike riders don't have any common sense, however that said I find a lot of motorists are going out of their ways to intimidate bike riders and thus cause accidents.
Last week my son's girlfriend came over with her brother.
Jolanta comments on May 13, 2019:
One person at a time but not only for jewish people but all the people who are being persecuted in the world.
As a freethinker I don't believe in life after death.
Jolanta comments on May 23, 2019:
Yes some do get comfort from thinking that and that is ok too, as long as they don't try to force their beliefs onto others and you do the same. We can agree to disagree.
Did Billy Graham do anything that injured our society?
Jolanta comments on May 26, 2019:
He opened his mouth.
Do you think the draconian abortion laws passed by mostly white christian republican men; will ...
Jolanta comments on May 26, 2019:
No, I don't think it will matter. Those who vote for these people do not have the ability to think straight.
I do not know what American customs are, when you are starting to meet someone who is on the other ...
Jolanta comments on May 27, 2019:
Good that you checked him out. So many people who seem to be living in some kind of altered universe to what they perceive themselves to be.
Here are the Companies Threatening to Leave Georgia Over Its New Abortion Law
Jolanta comments on May 31, 2019:
I hope they really will do it, not just threaten to do it.
I don’t believe in god, but I do think that there is something either spiritual or universal going...
Jolanta comments on Jun 1, 2019:
I doubt that christians have "comfort". If they did they would not "scream" so much and so loud about how happy they are. You find comfort everywhere. Start with being grateful for what you have everyday no matter how small it is.
Proofreading failure.
Jolanta comments on Jun 9, 2019:
I don't know, I was hopping to turn into some nice compost for a lovely rose bush one day.
Were there any problems in this world BEFORE Trump was president or did ALL of the world issues ...
Jolanta comments on Jun 11, 2019:
Most presidents tried to fix problems, he is doing his utmost to create them.
If lawmakers ban abortion, laws must demand more of fathers, too
Jolanta comments on Jun 11, 2019:
And pigs will fly
Hung jury refuses to convict humanitarian volunteer who helped migrants
Jolanta comments on Jun 15, 2019:
It is sad that this is hung jury, means that some of those jurors wanted to prosecute.
I am in love with this woman and we've been seeing each other for 3 years now.
Jolanta comments on Jun 28, 2019:
Sorry to hear all that. But I shall be blunt, if she was feeling about you as you feel about her, then she would not act the way she does. You need to leave, and don't for one moment think about that there is nobody else there for you because there is. She is using you for her own purposed, whatever they may be. Why on all earth would you want to kill yourself, what purpose would that achieve? I know you are hurting but before you met her you were alone and you did survive, you will survive this too and there will be someone who will suit you better, who will treat you better who will love you and you will love them. If as you say her children are the difficulty in the relationship what makes you think that that would stop even if you were to get married or move in together. Seems like she will always put those children before you or anyone else. I suspect that they are not young children but either teenagers or adults. Get out and put your energies into things that you love doing. One step at a time. Many of us have been where you are and we are fine after the event.
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