43 7

Do you fear people at your kid's school, neighbors, coworkers will find out that you don't believe in god? I am relatively new to Phx and want to make friends and playdates, but I've been burned/ghosted by potential friends after they found this out about me.

egiggy18 4 June 10

Enjoy being online again!

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43 comments (26 - 43)

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Not so long ago I entered a junk food outlet run by Muslims. When I ordered some fries they asked me whether I wanted chicken salt with them. I replies, as I often do when I don't like something, "It's against my religion!!" Strangely enough they asked me what religion I belonged to. They seemed underwhelmed by my reply: "The one that is opposed to the consumption of chickens."


What would the penalties be if they found out? If people drop you, they would not be true friends anyway.

Where I live, bullying of the kids by other kids and their teachers. For me, it would likely get me fired. These are not paranoid exaggerations. We've experienced two of the three already. I am keeping it quiet at work until I reach my retirement window next spring. People have been fired around me that way already.

@Zster holy shit ... I was not aware that this was possible in a so called modern country.


It doesn't matter what people really think about when it comes to kids in schools. That's why Madeleine Murray O'Hare voiced for many of us. Let them go chase their Easter bunny's and unicorns and shit of that whatever they call it

Qiru Level 6 June 10, 2018

I live in the reddest part of the state and have since the mid-seventies. At times I've felt that I should move elsewhere but most of the time I have fared well and been treated well. If asked I tell folks that I'm a bleeding heart liberal and a non-believer to boot. Most of my friends are religious conservatives but we persevere. We agree to disagree and move on. I've lost a few since Trump came on the scene but Oh well! I have to, of course, also accept them while not agreeing with their beliefs. If someone burns you for your beliefs they weren't worth the effort to start with. I will also say that it takes time and you shouldn't expect to make real friends overnight.

gearl Level 8 June 10, 2018

I couldn't care a damn, and neither should you ?


Do you care, BTW, what these people say about you?

I have had instances where I was getting along with people, such as on a 2 week trip to Bolovia for Habotat for Humanity. I spent my own $2000 while the rest of the folks had their church rasie the money and send them. I got along with everyone, until I innocently said on the bus that I'm not sure god exists. After that, the entire group ghosted me for the 2nd week. It was my vacation and it was an eye opener. I've had other similar situations happen, as I am a working mom looking for friends. Some of the SAHM ladies I'm meeting start to distance theirselves from me when they hear I don't belong to a church. Being a working mom can be lonely, and community and neighbors are important. They say it takes a village..but I don't want to be burnt at the stake.

@egiggy18 Dear, is a lot better to be alone than with people whose ignorance is as evident as it's pathetic. Look for people who share your beliefs or, at least, is intelligent enough to respect them.
These people did a favor to you because... sooner than later... you would have ended up running away from them on account of their extremely short mental work.


Personally, I was only ever worried about my family finding out. They finally did and it was rough for a while, but its cool now.

Unfortunately, I know of too many others that are in your situation though. Many even being exiled from their families. Have you looked for a local atheist/secular group? I'm sure there is one.

I tell everyone even family the truth will set you free! I feel it is to believe.

Im on a local freethinker facebook group, but am afraid to like or comment on posts. Also if I say im "interested" in a free thinking event, my religious friends might think we hate religious folks. Its not that, i just want to be around people that are like minded when it comes to being a working mom, and soul supporter of my family.


I've been an Atheist since childhood, I faked until the end of childhood.

Winning awards even.

I for my rent and food now.



Not at all.


I’m a lifelong Unitarian Universalist who evolved from childhood atheism to humanism. I’ve had relatives and friends pray for my salvation but in general I’ve had no problems being accepted. My girls were raised UU. Mostly people are confused by the and ask questions like, “If you don’t believe in God, don’t you commit crimes?”

UUNJ Level 8 June 10, 2018

In the words of Kazantzakis:

"I hope for nothing. I fear nothing. I am free."

Gareth Level 7 June 10, 2018

I don't care who knows I'm an atheist, if they can't accept it then that's their problem.


It sounds as if you were surrounded by Torquemadas.


No, never have, do you advertise? (sarcasm) How does anyone know one's religion or politics? Lie, if you think it would help, what difference does it make, it no ones business.
it's not necessary to join a neighborhood community church or political group. This is how Jews must felt when moving into suburban communities.

Tomas Level 7 June 10, 2018

Offering support, stay strong.. I'm holding my head up high because that's what you have to do when you are flooded with bad ideas/erroneous ideology..


A 2016 religious survey of major world cities said that in Phoenix Arizona, only 16% were Bible-believing, so I'd be surprised if you had any trouble.

Besides, short of you walking around telling everyone, how would people even know what you believe?


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Nope. Don't care what they think of me and my views. Because I don't parade it around, they should respect that. Even when they parade theirs around freely.

Wait... still talking about faith... or lack thereof.

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