Why do you think the religious right are so intent on forcing their agendas on others???
They have confused agendas but their religion asks this of them. It requires that they try to convert others as part of the "gospel." This is the "good news." God does not want you to be "burned up." You can be "saved." There is a way out.
I had better quit. I'm likely to convert myself if I continue. Just kidding.
Religion is and always has been about controlling the masses.
Mostly because they feel that America was founded as a "Christian Nation" and they will keep on with this nonsense in hopes that Trumpian America will help make that possible. The Evangelical right wants a theocratic form of government and Trump's fascists will help bring that about. Christian talk radio pointed out today that America ceased being a "republic" during the 1960's and 1970's. This is talk to get the right prepared for what is coming, and what is coming could be nasty unless we act to stop it now.
I believe that! We are no where near getting a place at the table, even!
Because it's their job. Their purpose. Their divine duty. Just ask 'em, they'll tell ya.
Aggression and fear are the only ways to spread hateful ideology. Allowing people to live and learn and think for themselves is the enemy of fascism and theocracy. Only the very few richest nuts benefit from those systems, so to force it on others is the only way to make it spread.
I suspect it’s pure rage and spite that so many of us have slipped through the cage bars and escaped religion while they remain miserably trapped. I base this on a few family members and exboyfriends who were simultaneously the most hateful and most religious people I’ve ever seen.
They are compelled to do so. The indoctrination includes making you believe "go make disciples of all men!" I used to do that. Almost lost my best friend coz he didn't want to hear it. Now, neither do I. Christians are afraid of their god, which is stupid, and they believe if they don't try to get you to think, act and live like them, their god will be mad at them. Lake of fire and brimstone! Sounds hot, and fictional. I mean, there are lava lakes on earth, so when they were coming up with the tenets of their religion, somebody probably saw one and then imagined "hell" would be similar. Dragons probably resulted from someone finding a t-rex skull and didn't know what they found was millions of years old.
Different people may have different motives, but I am sure that many truly believe they are trying to save the prospective converts from eternal hell fire. When I was a believer that's what I (thought I) was trying to do when I supported the religious agenda.
Because, they feel superior...’they are in with GOD,’ so nothing can touch them! They feel empowered, so if you are not like them...don’t speak the lingo...you are ‘less than!’
For the very same reason the liberal left is so intent on forcing their agenda on others........ "Everybody wants to rule the world"
Liberal left?.. here is the USA?
I fall leftish...and I want each person to be treated with dignity FIRST, and then with fair and justice when things go wrong! I can’t force that on people, but a civil society want function well, otherwise! I want ‘force’ anything on anybody...but, I do and will challenge people on issues!
@CommonHuman every side have its own views and things will get better when everyone starts to understand that we all can meet in the middle....... That is my point. Not interested in engaging in any endless discussion.
Because they reach the people who cannot think for themselves.
Same reason the followers of "the prophet" do so. They need others to accept their dogmas in order to bolster their own insecure "faith" in the ridiculous ideologies.
Great comment! I think some people are just hard wired to put "faith" over reason.
Because no sane and well informed person would choose to live by their ideas and ideals. Force, keeping people ignorant and coercion are the only ways they can perpetuate their stupidity.
Depends on the individual. Probably has more so to do with their insecurities.
I honestly think much of it has to do with desperation. The GOP cannot play the long game when they are losing hold of the majority so quickly. Republicans have lost 6 of the last 7 presidential elections popular vote. Around 80% of newly minted voters are progressive while most of those dying off are conservative. They are trying to impact as much as they can while they can, cause the clock is ticking. Can I get an amen?!