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Is anybody on this site going to post an intelligent comment, ?

magicwatch 7 Dec 8

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if a rooster lays an egg on a roof, which way does it roll?

😛 Depends a lot on the shape of the roof, dontcha think?

Trick question, roofs don't roll. Or do they? I've never been altogether clear on this.

@evidentialist ..even if it is a square egg?

@PolyWolf, @evidentialist so close boys

Same way as when a dog lays an egg. Dogs come from eggs, right?

@ClaytonE83 haha

Roosters don't lay eggs.

@JeremyTaylor and Jeremy FTW!

@Freedompath -- Square eggs tend to slide so they aren't considered in this question.


Roses are red, violets are blue...why in the ‘hell,’ do I need to answer you?

Violets aren't blue though, someone was colorblind lol

@ClaytonE83 have you ever looked at a violet up close and personal? They are not violet!

@Freedompath true but the "blue" violets have too much of a purple tint in them to call them blue imo. Was mostly being facetious though

Rose are red
Carnations could be
Tulips might be as well
I'm shit at poetry

@ipdg77 i think you are right! ?


Water can be both liquid and solid at the same temperature, 32 or zero depending. This is due to the incredible amount of energy that goes into forming and breaking the highly complex crystalline structure.

There is, of course, the far more interesting stage we call 'zero point'.

Did you remember that from highschool? And, are you just keeping it in your head for times like these?

@Freedompath college, and I find it fascinating.

@Freedompath, @evidentialist are you referring to absolute zero? The point where even the electrons stop moving?


Not today, it is Sunday

@Jolanta -- Saturday here. Sunday's still 4 hrs 37 m off. Still possible here.

Sunday? It's only 9:25 on Saturday.

@evidentialist I am in Australia so it is Sunday at 1.27 in the afternoon.

@Jolanta -- And you assumed I didn't know that?


Considering that most on the website are left wing liberals probably not unless you go to the conservative atheist group.

where all the post are checked over by spiketalon to correct the spelling mistakes and grammar errors. The conservative group is a funny but hateful group that want to harm most everyone outside of their little group.

@Darthpug You only see things through your liberal glasses!!!

@Trajan61 Oh dang it! I forgot to get the snowflakes etched on my rose-colored glasses!

@Trajan61 One need not be a liberal to see that the conservative atheist groups are indeed hateful. Also, a surprising majority are incredibly ignorant for a bunch of people who continually claim how much smarter they are than everyone else.
They are incapable of offering reasoned, logical, and factual defenses of their positions, and go straight to ad hominem attacks and insults instead.
They're generally guilty of the same kind of hypocrisy as believers.
They have no credibility, and make themselves appear to be quite ridiculous.
Yep, that's the name of that tune.


Nah - we're just a bunch of dumb heathens ...

Speak for yourself. I'm not dumb.


Just uneducated? ???

@Dangrenade are you here to bash me? Or just look like a dick?


“The sum of the square roots of any two sides of an isosceles triangle is equal to the square root of the remaining side.”

Fair dinkum? Sounds intelligent but is it necessary?



I could tell you, if I only had a brain


If One of us does then people will expect everyone to


@Wildflower fat fingers and a failure to proof read. ?


An intelligent comment.

Like that?

You beat me to it also!

Mine says the same thing just with obscure words.


I wouldn't presume to steal your thunder, please go first.

U r something else ! ?


Wow, succinct! Good job!


Perhaps if someone first posts an intelligent question?

Everything is intelligent to somebody!


what color is yellow?

Nardi Level 7 Dec 8, 2018

Ah, finally a question I know the answer for: ~ 590–560 nm or ~ 510–540 THz


I try to post intelligent comments to intelligent questions or posts... Kinda need a more precise subject to comment on though...

I think your reply was perfectly intelligent given the original post 🙂


I will phrase my answer in a musical format.

Only u ! ??????


We're waiting on you.


Strike # 1

That's one.


No more rhymes now, I mean it!

Anybody want a peanut?

Me! I do!


There are arguments for and against the existence of God. I have looked into the logical, empirical, subjective, metaphysical and ontological ones.western philosophy uses epistemology the nature and scope of knowledge.Ontology the study of nature of being, existence and reality.Empirical arguments the elegance of laws of physics,which have been empirically discovered,which are abstract but which have empirically proven to be useful,are evidence of a creator deity who has arranged these things to be beautiful not ugly. With that said, human consciousness cannot be explained by the physical mechanisms of the human body and brain, therefore asserting there must be non physical aspects to human consciousness.This is held as indirect evidence of God, giving that notions about souls and the afterlife in Christianity and Islam would be consistent with such a claim.But I must point out that non physical aspects of consciousness could exist in a universe without any God's.For example,some religion's that believe in reincarnation are compatible with atheism, monotheism and polytheism.Then the order and design.Since the universe is complex it follows that it is ordered and designed.I say it's a fundamental misunderstanding,at best one can assume intelligence is not required for natural forces.people assume that order can come from disorder without intelligent design but it's an assumption based on observation not an observable fact.

I guess that answers your question...


Judging from the activity of this post, being an asshole pays off


I want to but it’s just not working out. ?


Why don't you show us how it is done.


If you're above us all then might be best for you to seek your tribe elsewhere.


I think you just answered your own question.

Deb57 Level 8 Dec 8, 2018

To what? They have in the past, to thought provoking posts, so I presume they probably will again, although not necessarily right here if thats all you have to say. The only thought you've provoked of mine so far is: Did buzz lightyear write your profile for you?

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