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If your kid was gay.
Yes or no and why?

Jjlh19u8 3 Dec 11

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It's common sense. Yes or no and why. But I'll help. ( YES or NO. ) would you except it?
( IF NO WHY ) ? Very mature with the burrito comment.

you mean accept, i guess. and what kind of monster would not accept his/her own child?



My job is to love, support and guide my children. I believe that being LGBTQ+ is not a choice and I would support them wholeheartedly.


I would have no problem with an LGBTQ child. If they became a Republican then we would have issues!

BillF Level 7 Dec 11, 2018

I tried hard to raise my children to know that it would be alright with me if they were gay. I wouldn't say things like "when you grow up and get married." As same sex marriage was not legal at the time. I would say something like "you are going to make your partner very happy someday", when they were especially sweet. I bought gender neutral clothes and toys. That's better anyways, no one should feel like they have to fit into a preconceived mold. I made sure to include my gay friends in our lives. It is very important for your child to know that he is loved and won't be rejected.


I have no problem with my daughter being bisexual. So is her mom.


My stepson was gay, my brother's son is gay. They were and are better people that the majority of people around them.


I'd still love him/her no matter what.


I don't understand the question. Yes or no what? If you mean would I disown my child for something they can't help, then no, I would not. I did not. I will not. My child is my child. Nothing can change that.
I don't understand parents who refuse to have anything to do with their lgbtq+ children. What happened to "we don't care, as long as the baby is healthy?" And even if the child is not healthy, you still have a responsibility to give them the best life possible. If you don't accept that, you should not bring a child into the world.


Either way, they’d still have to do their chores.


My son is bi and polly. We love who we love.


What do you mean, yes or no? Not up to you!


It's funny how one word can express a complete thought in the proper context: "Yes." or "What?" or "Stop!" are all clear. On the other hand, you can also type out random phrases with no meaning at all.

JimG Level 8 Dec 11, 2018

As others have said I have to assume youre asking if we'd be supportive or not. Hell yeah I'd be supportive, because theres no one other than your partner that you owe more love to than your kids. Almost nothing about who any of us is, was something we asked for. When you hit puberty did you have to consciously decide whether to be attracted to boys or girls? Could you or anyone else ever honestly talk you into switchin teams if it made you fit in better? If not then why expect that anyone else can?


Told my kid that their sexuality wasn’t my choice to make and that they would always be my child and as long as they were safe and happy then I was good


Although my son is not gay, because of the line of work I was in, he has always been exposed to the gay community. I've always made it clear that he would be loved and accepted for whatever choices he makes. I also made sure he knew the many struggles of the gay community.


36 Comments and not one reply. Interesting.

Oh and the missing text too....

You folks might want to take a look at the Scammer group to learn what that might mean. 😉

@PalacinkyPDX Agreed! 💜


Wondering how much thought ? Yes or no and why?


My eldest IS gay. Not sure what is yes or no about that... I love her and sincerely hope that she finds someone to connect and pair with if that is what would make her happy. She has my complete support.

Zster Level 8 Dec 11, 2018

Not sure what you mean, since you didn't complete your sentences.

"If my kid was gay".... Irrelevant. "

"Yes or no and why?" Why what? Are you asking why kids are gay? If so, IDK, I'm not an expert, it has something to do with DNA while the fetus is developing.


If my kid were gay, I wouldn't care


If I had a kid - yes. Why not ?


I have a Lesbian daughter. I don't know why.


I would have preferred him to be gay before he turned 18 because he couldn't get a boyfriend pregnant and make me financially responsible for a child that wasn't mine.

After he turned 18, I didn't care.


if my kid (i have no kids) was gay, what would my yes or no do, anyway? and yes or no WHAT? yes or no have lunch? and why do you choose the keyword troll -- or did someone else add that for you?



Honestly, I could care less. What I do care about is that he's honest, hard working and treats people with the level of respect that he would expect to receive. His sexual orientation doesn't change any of the above. Gay or not he should be honest, gay or not he should work hard, and gay or not he should treat people with respect if they're deserving of it.


One more thing i was asking because my best friend is gay and his hole family shit on him . Its a simple question .

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