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I’m noticing a recent influx of followers of Jesus (Harold? Is that his middle name?) Christ. They seem to think they can come here and somehow convert logical thinkers. Can we make some sort of digital poisonous arrows to shoot at these people?

BohoHeathen 8 Mar 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Block them. It's like building a wall only it works.


It's the pre Easter rush. There's an annual quota of bullshit that needs to be spread and, as usual, the slackers are trying to catch up before Jesus (its Herman, btw) notices.

1of5 Level 8 Mar 26, 2019

I'll remember that. I've got a church shift on Sunday. I love the meet and greet. "Hello, I'm Tony and I'm an Athiest".




Only thing worse is a trump christian


Send them to me, for I will feast upon them, and feed them reason.


Tell them you're fine with them spreading the word as long as they're fine with you ignoring it.


Block them would be the best to deal with them. Making them see logic and enlightenment would be best arrows we can use. If they are questioning the bs, we can help them journey from ignorance.

@BohoHeathen I see where your coming from. I 'm not saying we should waste to change them all at once. Making a crack in their armor might all we have to do start them on their journey of enlightenment. Of course others are so mentally ill they never question the fair tale way.

@BohoHeathen Ignore if you want, but just do a little if you like. Remember you are not alone on this site, even if you only deliver a pin prick, a lot of tiny chinks in their armour soon add up.


I suggest either confront and challenge them or simply ignore them. I personally ignore them. Your call.


Naaa, poisonous arrows would probably be a bad idea...jail time would really suck.

But they do get the point...


I’ve noticed too. I’d rather send them digital hearts as long as they are nice. Otherwise, a cold shoulder is in order.


No, but you can be as snarky as you like, and indulge in reason & common sense, and they will slink away.....


It's incredibly annoying and disrespectful. They have a gazillion other places to go spew their hatred...we don't need them here.


I noticed it. If they bother us in the streets, our homes, work, it doesn't surprise me that they come here to keep bothering. but here you choose who will you give importance and who will you mock, laugh or reply. Best thing to do is ignore them, although sometimes we feel tempted to reply or disrespect god and Harold...


Ignore them if they bother you.

@BohoHeathen That's the part I enjoy! LOL


Leave them be, they are good for a laugh. (My iPad isn't allowing me to respond to your message by the way, but thank you for the nice comments!)


I am having a great time with an apologist right now, don't know how long before he gets fed up, but for my mind they just don't stick around long enough. However if they are male and you are female, it maybe that they are stupid enough and/or indoctrinated with the male centric BS churches pedal, to think you are an easy target. If you can therefore, pass them on to one of our eight plus female members, you can easily work out which ones I mean, and they will soon be squashed flat.


I'm not seeing it. Do I have some sort of spiritual repellant?

@BohoHeathen Nah, I'm just naturally repulsive.

@BohoHeathen Have you tried this product?... It was designed to repel ordained clergy but it might work on door knockers too...


If everyone they go after blocks them, they will eventually run out of energy and leave. Or the moderator will get them on the radar and zap them.


Block or Report them. Or, ask them to worship Satan with you, if you want to stress them out.

I like to point out that satanists are christians, just like Hades and Zeus worshipers are from the same religion.

@nastynifty I know, but it will blow their mind.


The Trumplerites are here, too. These Cultists are everywhere!


The poisonous arrow thing sounds like a great idea lols or like arrows that make them loose memory ,lols


Report the trolls!


Just inform them that they are going to "burn in hell for violating Jesus's commands" and point out that in Matthew: 6 5-9 it tells them "Be not like those who pray aloud in the Synagogue or the marketplace for they are hypocrites and have already earned their reward..."

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