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if your mother was on her deathbed and she begged you to pray with her.
would you do it, would you accept Christ as your personal savior so that she could be comforted in her last moments of life?

m16566 7 May 18

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In two simple and succinct words, No chance.

would that be for you or for her?
I understand you want to be true to yourself, but at what price

@m16566 For me it would be NOT submitting to her DEMANDS as I was forced to as a child who suffered much under her Domineering, Cruel, Brutal and Abusive ( in ALL the ways you can imagine btw) Reign and Rule, for her, it would be the visible and undeniable statement that she no longer OWNED, Rule over and Controlled me, a massive shock to her system to say the very least.
The price/cost, very little to me but to her, well I leave that to your imagination, but to me the benefit of becoming a TRUE survivor, free at last from her.
Btw, she died alone in April 2000 whilst I was by my teenaged Daughter's side 24/7 in Adelaide, South Australia while my Daughter was undergoing Chemotherapy for Mature B Cell Lymphoma.
We had Medical Permission to return to Broken Hill, some 300+ miles away for exactly 1 week to organize the burial ( cremation actually) of my 'mother(???)' before returning for the next session of chemotherapy and not one iota of a tear was shed by myself nor my daughter since my daughter had suffered from her Abusiveness as well.

it saddens me that you've had so much tragedy in your life.
I to feel victimized by my mother, I don't hold it against her though.
she was doing the best she could with what she knew.
she was young it had a lot of bad advice, I'm lucky I've done as well as I have.

@m16566 My 'mother(???)' was 33 y.o. when I was born so youth was no excuse or alibi.
Her mother was also a very bitter and often domineering person as well so perhaps it was 'like mother, like daughter' in a way BUT she adored and idolized my 4 sibling sisters yet detested me because I was NOT one of them.
It WAS only my Father and myself who copped her brutality, etc, NEVER my sisters and I always copped the blame and the lash from an electric cord for when they did something wrong but NEVER them.

it has been said" hate is a poison that you consume to kill your enemy"
are you working on those early childhood traumas, no disrespect it sounds like it's eating you, I do understand the pain runs pretty deep.

@m16566 Nope, I shrugged off those traumas ages ago, I AM a Survivor and shall always remain one and will support to my utmost those who seek to be survivors also.
That IS the reason why I relate the story because it may inspire someone else somewhere to stand up, fight back and become a Survivor rather than spend their life as a victim.


I look at this question the same way I view funerals. Giving comfort to someone in their last moments by going through the motions is no different than sitting in a religious funeral service. It's not for my comfort but the comfort of others who desperately need it.


I could say the words but they would have no meaning, to me at least, so if it gave someone solace why not


My mother remained her abusive, histrionic, narcissistic self on her deathbed. Her actual last words were abuse, hurled at me.
But I would not have prayed etc. Had she asked, I’d have found someone to pray with her while I went out of the room.

You deserved a better Mum

Precisely why reply was "No chance," because I suffered for years under an abusive, nasty, cruel vicious thing that called itself my 'mother.'


Sure , who cares . Dying parent or anyone worthing . I don't care at all if I pretend to pray to make them happy . If I have to lie that " oh yes I accept Jesus just for u " insert name ", who cares ! What's gonna happen man , Jesus gonna come next day and ask for my promise or something ? I give a rats ass about such details . If a favorite human is about to expire and asking me for comfort , no problem . Let the human go peacefully . It does not matter in the big picture ! 😂My integrity will not be damaged at least to my face on the mirror .
I have patients that ask me to pray w them b4 surgery . Or family members who ask me to pray w them while patient at OR . I have never refused . This is not the time to say " morons ". This is the time to say " I understand , I am here for u ". In ways that THEY feel is important .
Man , I have stood there w my head low thinking what's next on my list to do or what do I have to do when I get home , and yes , it made the patient feel good and made the families feel support . That's all I care . Rest are not important on a time of crisis .


I have done that for loved ones who were dying. I also kept my non-theist beliefs from my father, because I knew it would have hurt him greatly.

Pretending to pray, to comfort someone who is dying, feels weird, but it is no sacrifice.


My Mother a strong willed and beautiful woman in every sense would never try to manipulate me in that fashion, or anyone else for that matter.


Absolutely. I would pay homage to Satan if that's what she wanted. Then, after her passing, i'd resume my regularly scheduled program.


I would have gone through the motions to comfort her had she asked. She wasn't religious though and didn't.

I am nursing assistant in facilities so I have prayed with many people nearing death and just on regular days. It isn't really about me and it helps them feel better.

MsAl Level 8 May 19, 2019

Countless people do it every Sunday in church. Some people go for family and friends. Others desperately WANT to believe...but don't.


Yes of course. My mother has always been a kind, generous, loving human being. Allowing her pass in peace is the very least I could do for her.


I would pretend. I had to bow my head many times to give thanks to the sky Daddy. Can't hurt anything to play with somebody's imaginary friend for a little while.


No of course not. How controlling of her. What a lousy relationship she had with her child.


In that moment, why the fuck not? I know it's just talking to the wind, but it would make her happy.


Being an actor, I could probably pull it off just for her sake. Afterward, I would probably repent by washing my mouth out with soap.

Thanks for the Sunday morning laugh.


I close friend's mother was on her deathbed and a priest came in to administer the last rites. He did so for the mother but then turned to my friend and told her she was being excommunicated (she was 17 and living with her boyfriend - who she later married and they are still together after some 45 years). The dumbass priest had no idea of what effect that would have on her mother but it was the final straw for my friend to become a staunch atheist.


No of course not. She's an atheist too


No. A loving mother would never ask her child to do something like this.

I think a loving mother would ask this if she was convinced her child's eternal life was at stake.

@brentan A religious mother would, but not a loving mother. A loving mother will love her children unconditionally.

@SleeplessInTexas A religious mother couldn't help but see it as loving. And who knows, maybe she does her love her children unconditionally.

@brentan I stand firm on my disagreement here. I see your point, though.

Deathbed or not, I will not compromise myself for anyone. They won't be around to worry about me. My answer will not affect them once they're gone.


I'd tell her I had done it, I would close my eyes while she prayed, etc.
It is too late for her to see sense, and she is terminally ill, so at this point what is the harm in indulging her fantasy.
I sang along at my mothers funeral to avoid upsetting my father and causing a scene.
If the inquisition came back and it was renounce atheism or be tortured I would say so, it would mean nothing and leave me alive and well to undermine from the inside.
It's a bloody stupid thought experiment, but that is my answer.


Of course, send her off in peace. It's a rare thing now a days that used to be called common sense


Sounds to me like a deal made under duress. Aren't these kinds of agreements - between your mother's God and you - unenforceable; like, null and void?

How sad that mom would rather have you lie to her to feel better than to have you be honest with her.


Absolutely. As long as she believes I'm sincere about it is all that matters. I would make out a list to Santa Claus if it gave her peace on her death bed.


I'd fake it convincingly. I don't actually have to believe it, I just have to make her believe it because it would bring her comfort. It wouldn't be hard, as she would already be inclined to want to believe it anyway.


There is a big difference between praying, which is basically a wish, and accepting Jesus Christ as your personal savior. If my mother’s last wish was for me to pray with her, I absolutely would in order to give her comfort. My job in that moment is to make her comfortable and help ensure that she goes in as much peace as possible. I would feel selfish if I didn’t.

when I die, I don't want to hear any Jesus Christ bullshit.....they are just as crazy as the Muslims....

@FlyingEagle1952 and hopefully, if you have those that believe in the lie of religion near you, they will give you respect and show you their love by NOT mentioning their belief, which you find so odious.

@Leeshi My daughters are right wing fanatic evangelico Christians, they love Trump too. But they still love me. I am a spiritualist, not by wishful thinking, but by experience. I didn't know what is was in 1994, it took me years to find out.....I experienced a kundalini awakening, not fun either. I have to hear this JC bullshit all the time. I have 2 daughters and both of their husbands are studying to be ministers. I usually go to the Xmas services for my grand kids, but i've stopped more. My daughters know I want no discussion of Jesus Christ over my ashes.....that's for sure. There has been nothing that has contributed more to mental illness than Christianity. There is one sick sick.....end of story. BUT......there is life after death.....we are in fact beings of's all about light frequencies......and it is important to LOVE AND BE KIND. WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND.

@FlyingEagle1952 while I respect your right to believe in whatever you choose, I find it a bit hypocritical that you, who believes in some form of higher power (if I am mistaken in my understanding of what you just posted, please let me know), are calling others that believe in a different higher power crazy. What makes your higher power so much more realistic than theirs?

@Leeshi It's not about a 'higher power"'s physics......light frequencies......consciousness is consciousness......what makes ME ME....and YOU YOU. When our body dies, we must exit these physical bodies. It has nothing to do with what you believe, your religion. It's biological phenomenon. My mother believe there was nothing after you die. She passed in 1994. Well, .....too bad....but wrong. At the end she went into severe shock because she was not prepared for what was going on. Neither was i. There is a great book called THE JOURNEY OF SOULS, by Newton. He was a skeptic.....but just ran into too much evidence. It's a great book. So is BEYOND THE LIGHT by PMH Atwater.........i had dinner with PMH.......another one LIFE AFTER LIFE, by Dr Raymond Moody. I had dinner with Raymond Moody, the man saved my life. And Dannion Brinkley, he wrote SAVED BY THE LIGHT. I had dinner with Dannion too. Dannion was dead for almost an hour.......they made a TV movie about him and he was on Phil Donahue 4 times. Get on YOUTUBE and watch Ebin Alexander.....he is a brain doctor that died. He will blow your mind. I went IANDS meetings for 10 years, my experience was in 1994. Good luck....


My mom wouldn't have asked that of me but, yes, I would say what she needed to hear. They are just words...mean nothing to me and everything to her. My love for her far outweighs my tiny discomfort.

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