How do you respond when somebody you have never met in person and only exchanged a sentence or two with online suddenly tells you they are "honest?"
Do not believe them! Truly honest people never give it a thought...have You ever said that to anybody?
Seems like that is a staple of scammer vocabulary.
If the word honest is followed by stable genius, I'd run
Ask them what internet provider they have there in Nigeria.
Never ....that's a red flag right off the bat. RUN!
For starters...I have never thought a person needs to profess his honesty...we need evidence for truth, at least I know I do!
"I'd never ask you to trust me. It's the cry of a guilty soul."
I trust them about as far as I can throw them.
Someone who does that is either terribly naive, or terribly inexperienced in the online world, or full of shit.
Believe me... just like Trump. Why say that? Sounds shady.
People who can be trusted don't demand to be trusted.
I get this same feeling when Trump or any other politician or sales man says any of the following;
"Trust me!" .... ummm why should I do that?
"I'll be honest!" .... Normally, you aren't honest?
"I won't lie." .... Normally you are lying?
"Truth be told." ... What were you telling before?
People who volunteer they are fair, smart, one of the "good guys", trustworthy, or honest, are none of those things. People who are those things don't have to point it out. I myself, for instance, am a stable genius. I know more than my generals.
I know a guy who would start every grossly exaggerated story with “to be completely honest”
Like Trump's "Frankly"?
@davknight I can’t listen to Trump. It gives me the rage. But I suspect that, yes, like that.