75 45 husband and I have decided to divorce because he’s become a devout Christian. It got so bad that he’s rejected ALL secular music and only listens to gospel and sermons all day every day. I can’t stand the person he’s become since he ‘found god’ two months ago so I moved all my stuff out. I’m devastated and I feel hurt because he’s a completely different guy now. I’m hoping I have the strength to get through this

KMarie123 4 Sep 29

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75 comments (51 - 75)

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You are stronger than you know. You can do this & find a life meant for you. Religion. Opioid of the masses was said by Marx. One is not required to think on the religion drug. It is safe, sure, & a fantasy. Apparently he needs this for some reason. A security blanket for guilt, insecurity, or something of his own making etcetera. At least he is not a Nazi.


You do have the strength but it will take time. It's a shame that it came to this. Sometimes delusions are very strong.


Sounds like The Invasion Of The Body Snatchers.....I am sorry for you that he reneged on your arrangement, but, like the rest of the group said, you are very young and it will not be that hard to find someone better in the dating market. This time you already know who you are and what you want. Finding a non-believer at your age who will respect your wishes will be very doable. Just give it some time after you move on from this guy.


Do you think this may just be a faze he is going through?

No he’s says he’s never going to change and this is who he is now

@KMarie123 What are you going to do?

@Jolanta I have no idea

@KMarie123 just take one day at a time, there is no hurry.


Good luck to you.

It must be a sad time. Though also perhaps a relief? To have made the decision.

Be sure you didn't leave anything you wanted behind. And consider if you'll want a lawyer. That's probably your next step.


Life has its accidents and religion when done in the way it is supposed to be accepts nothing over it, even family, so he made his choice.
Know that if you need you have a community here of friends, maybe some very far, maybe some close to you, use it not just like a dating site =)

Also there are “recovering from religion “ organizations that help people who find themselves navigating through this. Good luck.


In the long run, it will make you stronger. Life is full of challenges . . . . and you have to keep a mindset to that . . . and see them as challenges . . . because if you allow bad things that happen to you direct your life, it can end up going in bad directions . . . . use this to build upon your strength . . . become more independent and learn from the experience.


He sounds like an incredibly frightened person. Too bad, very sad.....


I'm sorry for your pain. If you were not happy in the marriage, I'm sure over time it will work out so much better for you. I'm curious. What caused him to embrace Christianity so intensely?

He cheated on me on a deployment (he’s in the army) and felt like after that he needed to get right with god

I'm sorry. Certainly wish you the best. I'm a marital therapist and can tell you when people have affairs, it has very little to do with their spouse and is really about something missing with them. It doesn't make it Ok but you don't own it.


I'm so sorry for your loss KMarie. Losing a relationship is never easy, it's awful and I can only imagine what you're going through.


I’m very sorry for your pain. Take time to heal and find some peace in the aftermath; lots of self care.
I’ve been divorced a few times...and because my partner changed and became a person I could no longer be with, leaving was what had to happen.
I wish you strength and peace.


Bummer! That's really a shame, and i feel for you. Hopefully, you will meet someone else, with whom you can make a solid connection, as you move on from here.


Oh no! That sucks! I would have done the same thing. Good luck!


I think that I speak for most people on this site, when I say, we are here, if you need to vent or chat.


I had the same thing happen to my Brother years ago and no longer associates with us or our mom & dad.

And what is Christian about that? Jesus would not fucking walk away from his family.

@Donotbelieve True dat.

Thank You folks! Your thoughts and support surely feels good.

@Deiter Read my response to Donotbelieve. I was duly corrected and I saw the error of my ways. No need to pile on.

@Deiter Ahhh. OK. A lot is lost in the written word. I get what you are saying now and could not agree more. Cheers!


Leave quickly

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 30, 2019

Not good.

Is a difference in beliefs so important in a relationship that you can throw all else to wind? Was he insisting that you believed in what he did?

I believe a true love should transcend differences. Was he a good human being? Was he a good husband, a good father, a good brother, a son? A good provider? Did he have gratitude in his heart? Was your love so shallow?

My marriage had a lot of incompatibility but our love and responsibility for the child and gratitude for what do for the family unit transcended all else.

It is disappointing that all here are beating the drums of divorce with you.

Generally, when someone converts to a patriarchal religion they become very judgemental. These religions are "our way or the highway" type deals.

You are almost an evangelical christian yourself. Your political views are no different than theirs. I disagree about this and nearly everything else you right, to the original poster, get out as fast as you can.

@Angee I agree with you if a partner is imposing his or her views on you but it is surprising that a person can change so quickly after both have dated for some time and have been thoughtful about marriage.


Everything about Evangelicals is not bad, just like everything about liberals is not bad. We all can learn from each other. Being a liberal does not mean dismissing everything on the other side. No one side has the sole right to "being right."


That's a really sad story. I'm sorry you have to go through that.


I'm terribly sorry you have been going through this. You will definitely recover... stay strong!

palex Level 6 Sep 30, 2019

Fuck that's bad sorry honey

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 30, 2019

You will find your own path, and be happier and stronger for it.. hugs


Remember your previous post where you were trying your best to make it work. My little advice would be that the person you're divorcing is what he is today and not the man you married years ago.

Thank you. That is something I need to keep in mind.


You guys are young and still learning stuff. Stuff about the world and stuff about each other. I wouldn't be so quick to leave unless he has gone cultish on you and you far for your safety. My (ex)wife was a catholic and was fine with me being atheist/agnostic.... Well... perhaps "not fine" but she understood.

When did this start? Does he have a religious friend or family member? Perhaps all is not lost.

this does already sound cultish. cutting off all music except christian music? what else has he cut off? it's the first step for any cult: isolation.


Are you serious? The guy has banned all secular music. If it was me, then I would be looking for a fucking hitman not a lawyer. Just how much christian rock could you put up with?

@273kelvin My wife liked country and pop... I am all classic rock. We rarely listened to music together... Except when I was working a project... Then it was classic rock.

She didn't say he banned her from listening.. Only that he rejects listening to it. Just because he has been doing this for 2 months doesn't mean they should end their marriage now... In my opinion.

@RiverRick I suggest that you read the ladies previous post on this. When they married he agreed to keep religion out of it. Now he says "She has to get good with god". This is not a case of agreeing to differ. This is tantamount to abuse (and I never use that word lightly). It has been him not her that is saying "my way or highway".
Just because you and your ex managed to live with your differences for while, does not mean that she has to subjugate herself and beliefs to fit in with his new-found delusions.


I am so sorry cult obsession is destroying your marriage. Were you two betrothed in a church ?? Has the boy you married become involved with a different cult ?? Real men think for themselves rather than allow preachers to brainwash boys with blather and "music" filled with hypnotic mind control. I hope you get an Atheist lawyer who will represent you fully and prevent religious theocratic compromises forced upon you. If you have children or are pregnant THAT LEGAL FACTOR is an immediate issue an Atheist lawyer will protect children and your choices right now.

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