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The agnostic crowd is much more intelligent than the rest!! Sorry, but it is the truth. The religious fanatics have ruined this planet!! So sick of the "it's my way or the highway" crowd. There are just more brain cells here!!! Religions have just caused death and hate!!!

FlyingEagle1952 6 Oct 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Define Agnostic because it's been my experience that many confuse Atheism and Agnostisizm. Or they think they are the same thing and they most certainly are not.

They’re not the same because they answer two different questions; they’re not mutually exclusive either. It is possible to be both. Agnostic describes what I do not know, atheist describes what I do not believe. Thinking of them as exclusive from one another is just as big a mistake as thinking of them as synonymous.

@Wurlitzer Agnostics deal in knowledge. Atheists deal in beliefs just like Theists.

@Norman347 That isn't true. Unless and until there is credible, verifiable evidence that proves the existence of gods, it is NOT unreasonable to say I know there aren't any.
Show me evidence and I'll rethink my position.

Theists have "faith". Atheists do not.
We are most definitely NOT the same.

@Norman347 Absolute BULLSHIT to the max.

@KKGator Methinks, and based upon my medical opinion here, someone, who shall remain unnamed, may be afflicted with C.R.I.S. (Cranio-Rectal Insertion Syndrome), a problem most frequently found in Politicians, Followers of Religions and the like.
C.R.I. S. can be remedied by 3 means, 1) A lengthy surgical procedure to separate the 'foreign object' from the canal in which has been incorrectly inserted, and Spinal fusion to, hopefully, reduce the chances of reoccurrence in the future, 2) massive oral dosages of Laxatives and intramuscular Muscle relaxants, BUT this method IS ALWAYS very, very messy after result as you can guess, and 3) the complete surgical excision of the offending part which either results in the death of the patient OR the patient becoming an even more fervent member of their chosen religion.


Since I have been spending here (and other secular online groups) I have learned it not to be as true as I once thought. It is a more intelligent opinion. There are plenty of "it's my way or the highway" fanatics here too. And not all religious people are like that. These days it is really a select few.

Some of them get pretty far into how much smarter we are and creeps into poor people and ethnic shaming. It has an almost eugenics type tone to it. Very alt-right-esque.

I probably piss some people off when I talk about this on here but Iv blocked most of the worst offenders on here so I can enjoy the space.

Even still it gets a bit self superior sometimes..

MsAl Level 8 Oct 29, 2019

I like your reasoning about why you think some religious people are not inherently fanatical. But I disagree.
They may strive to APPEAR open-minded and moderate, but are at their core close-minded about their particular religion, and about it dogmatically outspoken.
Now SPIRITUAL people are perhaps those to whom you are referring?
Aside: please explain what you mean, "...and creeps into poor people and ethnic shaming."
I HAVE noticed some Ayn Rand-style "Objectivism,' that is, the secular belief in human "survival of the ideological fittest," a faith in capitalism as a way to weed out the inferior, etc. (These theorists are, of course, among the superior "winners." )
I just chalk that up to overactive ego, and leave it at that.

@Storm1752 I'm referring to people who are Christians but not really living it and don't care that much what others do for the most part. Like a big part of the USA. Obviously not the active online Christians.

I am generally annoyed by people claiming to be "spiritual but not religious" What is spiritual anyway? are they saying some people don't have a spirit and they do? It comes off to me as apologizing or trying to be more legitimate to the religious palate and that isnt what I'm talking about.

I see alot of things like memes about middle eastern people having intercourse with animals, posts celebrating people dying in church and mosque bombings, people insinuating that certain groups of people should all die in some way, being very demeaning of people with less privilege and education than them, lots of toothless hillbilly memes. These things tend to make me angry. It's a fine line.

I do think secularism is obviously the more intelligent conclusion. It is dangerous and I find it distasteful when people start claiming their tribe holds more value. Same as with religious groups. Groups of secular people together do it too. It is prevalent and usually gets alot of likes from the group.


Atheists are better educated and more liberal than religious zealots.

10 Facts About Atheists, Pew Research Center


Why Are Educated People More Likely to Be Atheists?



We have a group here in Hawaii who claim "It's my way AND the highway." They have resurrected an old religion, which was abolished before the missionaries even came, as it was barbaric, but suddenly it is sacred, and a mountain which was never used for religious purposes before has suddenly become sacred, and therefore, this group of people have successfully illegally blocked a public highway for over 100 days, keeping folks from going to work or visiting the telescopes.

They are promoting false history, creating racism and hatred, and are actively seeking to create a third political party here on Hawaii with the future goal of seceding from the U.S. and creating their own sovereign nation.

It's scary and real, and based on a dead religion, nobody really believes in, but the "sacredness" of their religion means they can get away with lawlessness to the detriment of the rest of the people on the island. It's a shame, but they get away with it due to the protections offered to religious groups.

When it comes to respecting religions of others, I feel that agnostics can more easily see the bigger picture and can see the harm religion can do and how it is used for political gain.


😆 you must be new here. There are all types here. We have some real prize-winning intellects meandering about. I've run into some crackpots who are every bit as deluded as the fundies, but their minds are warped towards conspiracy theories and pseudo-science. They can worse than theists.

JimG Level 8 Oct 29, 2019

Jim you mean there are good and bad in all groups? What a unique perspective, Thank you.

@freddam It's not a matter of good and bad. I'm saying there is still a significant amount of misinformation, even though it's not religious in nature. It's possible to have crazy beliefs without being a bad person.


Unfortunately , that's not true .
I know many brilliant other ways humans , who are religious .
Some how religion eases what ever pain and fear they have .
Also I have known some atheists , who grew up atheists , studied religions in some extent ( nothing huge ), educated selves w degrees , and still , in many areas and situations are stupid as a brick . I look one of them at mirror every day.

Your humility is very welcome, and admired.

Never found you that way.


It’s not that we’re more intelligent; it’s that we have one huge obstacle of knowledge and wisdom out of the way. There are still some stupid atheists who just have fewer excuses for it than religious people. Just like rich people aren’t necessarily happier than poor, they just have one huge system of obstacles to finding happiness out of the way.

Well put.


Let's not duplicate them . Let's not hate and cause deaths , over the fact that we've discovered the trueth about religions . Because we're smarter . It's going to be slow and gradual , but the numbers of religious people is dropping . Remember , we want to be recognized as a friendly group , not those they want to attack !

Atheism has plenty of blood on its hands as well. Well documented in history.

One day, Jimmy Swaggert will come to an end.


No we are not more intelligent, we just say stuff that you agree with, so this makes you feel more intelligent.


To the statement that god is responsible for anything...I say not true and should be a discouraged concept. Fact is God has done nothing since God doesn't exist. The nut jobs who do all in Gods name one the other hand, should face the blame since they are the real culprits.

The OP says that "Religions have just caused death and hate". That's a blanket statement I don't find very helpful, but, with respect, yours isn't the argument being made here. I know plenty of people, including my own mother, who believe in God. They aren't religious in the sense this post means. For most of them, it's more of a Thomas Jefferson thing, which I personally don't take issue with 🙂

It is those who believe that "their god" is the only one and all others should die are the problem.

The problem is all religions who have more than 1 follower.

One follower is a lunatic. Many followers is a dangerous mob.

@Thomas-Covenant Great response!

Right on the money.

@moosepucky that's the real issue, isn't it? When people talk about the Taliban, I ask them "which one?" since the Abrahamic religions have three main Talibans.

"A prude is someone who thinks that his ideas about propriety are natural laws." - Robert Heinlein


Nah there's dumbasses every where just stick around you'll meet a few


Agnostics are not smarter. They just think differently.


The agnostic tribe is still a tribe. They may have more reason on their side but still use cognitive dissonance to escape ideas in which they feel uncomfortable. Atheists are more reasoned based than agnostics but still all of us have our own prejudices and often feel more comfortable feeling within the box than thinking outside it. I just read an interesting report about the local (Seattle) upcoming city council members. Several months ago they were at odds with other council members but now, because of the influence of big business (mainly Amazon) the council members have become friends united against a common foe. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and I suspect this is the same idea running the agnostic site.

"Th agnostic tribe is still a tribe. They may have more reason on their side but still use cognitive dissonance to escape ideas in which they feel uncomfortable."

What do you mean by that? What "ideas" do we find uncomfortable? Please elaborate.

I don't think you understand what cognitive dissonance means... in no way is saying I don't know and I am not 100% certain about X a sign of cognitive dissonance. 😕

Can you walk us through how having an agnostic outlook leads to: "...the mental discomfort experienced by a person who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values. This discomfort is triggered by a situation in which a person's belief clashes with new evidence perceived by the person."

@demifeministgal Agreed, and as I said above, it's not just about religion. Just because a person is an agnostic (which I see as sitting on the fence) doesn't mean they can't err on other things. Cognitive dissonance is a major stumbling block in the world today and it often keeps people from taking a stand based on reason.

@JackPedigo Are you aware that atheists can be agnostics? And agnosticism has to do with knowledge and atheism with (lack of) beliefs? So would you classify yourself as a gnostic atheist?

@demifeministgal Words matter to me. I consider an agnostic as one who is sitting on the fence about the existence of a god. There must be a name for this and if not agnostic then what? I have several names I use (Atheist has very negative connotations), secularist, free-thinker, Godfree, Bright and, the strongest, anti-theist.

@JackPedigo I had something like this in mind and hence agnostics are not fence sitters per se.

@demifeministgal This is another area of splitting hairs. To me 100% is needed to get off the fence. Others have a different opinion and I say to each his own. I evolved on this issue and my late partner (a woman from Iran brought up in a Moslem family who was 100% atheist from the time she could reason) helped me get to where I am. I now see things completely differently then when I was not 100%.


Flattering, but not true.
Even if it was, I personally doubt a correlation between number of brain cells and either accuracy of perception, or the ability to deliberate rationally.
(Intelligence is irrelevant, I think.)
Rather, unrestricted (agnostic, not atheistic) thought COULD open and free the mind to consider the vast spectrum of possibilities, when trying to explain (or interpret) either a specific set of circumstances, or something as mind-bending as the essence of the Universe.

Simplistic shortcuts (like my mother's solution I "pray" about any question, problem, desired result, etc.) no longer satisfy the need for resolution must THINK.
Thinking, in turn, perhaps opens shut mental doors and exercises the critical faculties.
Thus an ILLUSION of superior intelligence could be created, when far more intelligent people may seem dull-witted by comparison.


Kind of a shotgun statement there, but worthy of a response. If agnostics are more intelligent I'd attribute it to the fact many if not all have an innate curiosity about the world and in their search for answers have experienced the realization that while religion had value in our early development as our species has learned more about the universe we are part of and so no longer need myths and legends to explain it. As to religions causing death and hate, well consider what they are and have always been, instruments of power. Ever since the first shaman in some damp cave figured out that if he (or she) could enrich themself personally while giving guidance and comfort to the rest of their tribe the pattern was set. While the many became clerics out of a love for their fellow men and women an equal if not greater number realized that their positions of influence and therefore power could give them a very comfortable life. The trick was to make the gullible members of the tribe believe they alone had some special connection with powers they couldn't control and the priest was guaranteed food, shelter, protection, and well pretty much anything they wanted as long as they made it part of "the faith". If it meant taking ten percent of everyones earnings or killing the members of the neighboring tribe with a different "god" making it the will of your god made it not only all right but a requirement to get into a wonderful afterlife the religious leader had created. Bottom line, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely not to mention gives the guy with the power a great job while it lasts.


I imagine there’s some truth here. Those who identify as atheists or agnostics have the wherewithal to question and analyze, which might indicate high intelligence, however, the effect would only show up statistically for a large group. Those high IQ societies—they have lots of religious members. In fact about half of all US scientists report a belief in some sort of higher power.

To me it seems the smartest thing to do would be to respect everyone and to seek common ground. Dividing up and having a food fight is dumb, especially in that no one has all the answers or even understands our place in reality.

That sounds like just more ego stroking. Over half of scientists are religious to some degree. Keep that in mind.


The amount of people believing bible myths like Noah's flood is astounding.

My 2 daughter are right-wing Trumpsters, Evangelic Christians and I get this crap from them all the time. They "found Jesus" in high school. At least they didn't become gang members on crack. There is something bigger than me going on here, but I want nothing to do with the's all nonsense to me. So my comment was venting. And I got what I wanted....great discussions. The God in the Bible is an idiot. You have to be kidding me? Turning a woman into a pillar of salt. Drowning the whole planet because he is pissed off. wow... I'm with you.

@FlyingEagle1952 that sounds really challenging. I understand your position now and apologise for my rationalisation demands in previous posts.

Fortunately, I understand the evangelicals are losing their grip and we are hearing the death rattle and cornered beast groaning at the moment. As they say, the beast is at its most dangerous when threatened.

Look forward to some more robust debate in the future!


If agnostic have more brain cells than the religious, do atheists have more free brain cells than agnostics? Are not agnostics hedging their beliefs just in case there is a deity in an after life judging the rightness of their lives?

This agnostic is not hedging. It gets a little tiring to explain agnosticism, so I usually self-identify as atheist, which is the working theory. Keeps life simple.


I am trying to figure out why there is a believer in this site trying to preach to us. Maybe he thinks we are just angry with god. I don't go that route but your god should be held fully accountable for the Holocaust. I'm all in for that.

I believe in the Universe. I believe we are here, we are real......after that it is all pretty nebulous. The human body/life/consciousness is a miracle in itself. The fact there used to be dinosaurs is pretty overwhelming. We exist in a phenomenon!!!!


You sound fanatical yourself

don't even get him started about life after death/reincarnation, consciousness and his near death experiences.... yeeesh talk about fanatical! Ignorance of science is a helluva thing

@demifeministgal thanks for the warning!!!!!!!


Hey, just a thought. Many people on this site were religious at one time. Did ditching god instantly make them intelligent? Point being, many intelligent people just have flawed reasoning tools.

We only start to get smarter when we realize how little we actually know.


Perhaps some viable references to support your claim might be helpful.

That can be found in any history book.

@chucklesIII Pass some references on then please because I am not aware of them

For example -

  1. superior intelligence of agnostics over others
  2. Religious fanatics ruining the planet
  3. Religions have just caused death and hate

If you can find me some reliable history books that present these three premises as proofs I would be most grateful.

@chucklesIII Thanks for that non-answer.

@Geoffrey51 NO 1 is my opinion. NO 2 ISIS, Anti-semetism, Catholics/Protestants, Spanish inquisition, NO 3 all the religious wars......Muslim/Jew, Sunnis vs Shehytes(sp?)....

@FlyingEagle1952 Thanks for that. Opinion, however is not really valid as it is subjective and only seen from a personal viewpoint.

I agree regarding ISIS but anti-semitism is not a religious position anymore than atheism is. Abhorrent yes, but not religious. There are many cultures with prominent religious practices that have not caused death and hate anymore than political factions. For example indigenous practice, Jainism, Taoism.

All wars are political. A few may have religious components but WWI, WWII, Cold War, Iraq, American Civil War are not religious. Sunni v Shi’ite is doctrinal disagreement. Catholic/Protestant disagreement is based in one religious context.

The Inquisition were enforcers of the Catholic doctrine, no different to KGB, the Stasi or Gestapo.

Thanks for responding. It’s good to have an interesting discussion 👍


49% of the population have an IQ of 99 or lower. I have blocked over 170 people on this site because I thought they were stupid or said really stupid things. Several have blocked me because they probably think I am stupid.

@Allamanda You can unblock.

@Allamanda I have very specific reasons for blocking. Gender bashing ( men or women ), trumpsters, gun nuts, homophobes, and what I perceive to be the really stupid. I realize the last one is totally subjective and I know there are folks here who think I am stupid, and I am okay with that. Evert once in awhile a posting by someone I have blocked or who has blocked me slips through, but I don't know why. It also cuts down on all of the alerts I was getting. Before I started freely blocking I would wake up to about 70 alerts every morning and whatever else I was getting through the day. Now I wake up to maybe fifteen or twenty alerts and then what I get through the day.

We are all dumb asses. Just in different areas. OK some cover more areas than others, we should be more tolerant. Sometimes a person you thought was dumb can say something that make you think he or she is a genius.

@freddam Nope. I know stupid when I hear stupid. Those folks who fit into those categories I mentioned have absolutely nothing more to say that I have even the least bit of interest in hearing. I have listened to their kind of crap for decades. I don't need to hear another word. In the words of Ron White, "You can't fix stupid". Like I said it cuts way down on the clutter too. win/win


I have no disagreement with agnostics, any more than I have with religious believers. It is only a matter of degree of agreement. My agreement with anyone is in reverse proportion with how strenuous is the pressure of those who want to modify my beliefs.


Neil DeGrasse Tyson's stats sum this up quite well:

BD66 Level 8 Oct 29, 2019

I joined the group as sort of a detox from my 30 years of being a christian. I just wanted to venture out to see what the other side looked like. It surprised me that most agnostics/atheists know much more about the bible than 99% of christians and it's not even close.

For a lot of us, we were raised beliveiing in God and since we assumed God real, we thought we needed to know more. It was the pursuit of such knowledge which made us see through the fraud.

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