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There are some serious problems with Bernie. It should not be too hard to understand.

  1. Bernie is calling for a revolution. We do not have the ingredients for a revolution. A revolution needs a desperate and an angry society. We are not. A revolution needs an inspiring leader who can give a rallying cry to make people rise to their feet. Bernie is not that leader. The social situation must be hopeless. It is not. The economy is doing the best it ever has in the last 70 years.
  2. Bernie is promising a pie in the sky. Taxing the rich for giving everything free is not selling. It will never sell unless you have a revolution like the Maoist Communist revolution. You just don't tax the rich but you destroy them.
  3. Let us assume his message is palatable. He is not the right messenger. Why? Read #5.
  4. Even if he is elected, how is he going to get anything done in Washington? We cannot get a simple bill passed like infrastructure bill for the past 11 years? It has a bi-partisan support. 86% of voters support gun control but we cannot get one damn restriction passed in Washington for 35 years. Bernie spent 45 years in politics and he is marinated there for very long but has nothing to show for it. Not one big memorable issue. Other than his candidacy, he cannot be identified with any big initiative. Ask people in the streets. Why did he vote for putting a ban on suing gun manufacturers in case of mass shooting?
  5. Bernie is a not leader with necessary attributes that nation will elect president any time soon. We will not elect a Jewish candidate, a very old candidate, a hunchback, a personality like an absent minded professor from Back to the Future movie. He does not even get a damn hair cut before a TV interview. I do not think American people want him to go represent America and shake hands with the Queen in England. You will laugh and say it does not matter. The country is telling us time and again since 2016 with his sliding that it does matter.
  6. Our nation is not ready to elect any of these demographics. It is unfortunate but denying it is living in a la la land.
    a. Gay
    b. Mormon
    c. Atheist
    d. Muslim
    e. Hindu
    f. Jewish
    g. Self proclaimed white supremacist
  7. A black president is also very unlikely for another 15 years. Obama was a very rare exception. He was very good, he came during a perfect storm (anger against Iraq war, against Bush and Cheney, also about Rumsfeld, serious economic meltdown, and a lousy candidate like McCain). This storm will not happen again. America's white majority will elect an average white candidate than a twice as good black candidate if all other things are normal. It has to be a perfect storm.

I will ad this:
8. Bernie should not be allowed to hijack the Democratic platform to seek the highest office of the land. He has not been a Democrat, always has been an independent and he should run as an independent. We have plenty of good Democrat candidates who can do better than him. He has done serious damage to the party's image by painting it as an extreme left socialist party. The opponents have successfully labeled the Democratic party as socialist and extreme left wing. We are not an extreme left wing or a socialist party. We are a party of great leaders in the history who have been able to bring both aisles together to get things done in Washington, not polarize people extremely like Bernie has done twice. Voters told him once loud and clear to get out but apparently he has not listened. He is failing again. I do not know what other signals he needs to drop out and not run ever again. Bernie is not a Democrat and we are not like Bernie.

His supporters are living in a la la land. It is time to wake up and smell the coffee.

St-Sinner 9 Feb 10

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45 comments (26 - 45)

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Funny now people forget that Obama was mixed. His mother was white and she was the one who raised him. He basically lived a white man's life his whole life. I don't think Obama had any interaction with his dad at all.

What has THAT to do with this post...sounds a bit racist...troll alert

@maturin1919 Correct. The post made the assertion that Obama was black. He is mixed. Nothing racist about it. Just stating facts which is undeniable

@maturin1919, @phoenixone1 Look at point #7. America will never elect another black president. America didn’t elect a black president because Obama was mixed and his upbringing was around white folks. He never lived with black people until he married Michelle. Those are just the facts and nothing more should be construed about it.

@maturin1919 the post was about BERNIE not OBAMA and so what if he is mixed...if you see race as an issue you have a problem...

@maturin1919 and exactly what does the color of one's skin have to do with this conversation?...if that isn't a race issue I don't know what is...smh...

You win. I can only say what I meant so many times. If you don’t get it then you just dont. Not gonna waste anymore energy

500% correct

@abyers1970 oh I get it all right...its about the "Technical" color if ones skin and "True Racial Purity" that matters to you...thats pretty lame and matter how you want to try and justify it...Raciat Troll

@abyers1970, @St-Sinner pathetic..smh

Go fight another imaginary war in your mind. I neither said or implied any of those things.

@maturin1919 They want to argue with you about what they think you said instead of what you actually said or explain to them you meant. They tell you no you didn’t mean that you really meant this and fight a straw mans argument

@maturin1919 of course I didn't get an answer yet...gee...theres a frikin surprise.

@maturin1919, @abyers1970 HAHAHAHAHAHA...right...TROLLS

@maturin1919 you need to answer a simple question...if Bernie gets the nomination ... Will you vote for him...yes or no...can't put it any clearer or simpler.


Personally I did not support him when he ran last time. I don't like the idea of another OLD man in the WH. However, desperate times call for desperate measures and I would vote for any democrat (and I would have voted for Bernie if he had gotten the nominations) that gets the nomination. Now is not the time to be overly picky. We need to get back to some semblance of normalcy.

It appears to be all we can do.

That is a sound opinion and thinking I can live with.


Excellent post.

I hope Bernie wins as I think he will be easiest for Trump to beat.

Gosh Owl, it appears to me to consist of observations and opinions. I don't see any lies.

Your interpretation is clear to me Owl. But I have to disagree with you. Bernie is a classic Socialist moving towards communism. And he most definitely wants to "spread the wealth".

Deranged.... probably can't argue that label. 👌😆
And I'm definitely ignorant of many subjects.
But I'll stand by my evaluation of comrade Bernie.

I've ordered some brown shirts to go with my Sam Browne belt, jodhpurs, and cavalry boots. Just in case my resume' is selected and I'm recalled to active duty. I'm really starting to lean more and more towards Nationalism. 🍷😎

But my tribe is doing just fine! But thanks for your concern Owl. How's England doing?

Gosh Owl..... Your blood pressure must be almost critical! Please calm down and consider the weight of the injustices of our world aren't solvable. They never have been and never will.

Well, I don't consider my opinions to be lies.
And I wouldn't comment on British politics as I'm not involved with them. But it's interesting to see our political system through the eyes of an outsider.

Even Mr. Sanders considers himself a Socialist. As do the members of the Democratic Party. As for my observations after visiting England, and the Continent last year, my observations of your immigration situation stand.

I didn't think my comments about immigrants was political

You're a very sensitive fellow. 😆
But I enjoy your posts & comments. 👌


I must agree and sadly think that Trump is on his way to re-election the same way that Nixon was in 1972... Trump has a Base of 42-48% that will vote for him no matter what and that is all he needs to win. He does not need to have +50% of the popular vote to win as he showed in 2016. He just needs to split the Dems in the same way that Ralf Nadar or Ross Perot did in the past and Bernie did in 2016. With the help of a giant online disinformation program he will spread his toxic propaganda as before and he only has to convince 2-5% of the Dems to divide the party and give him the election... The majority of voters will not elect a socialist or a gay man at this point in history - there is no where near the support Obama had to become the first Black POTUS... If Bernie is on the ticket he will lose at least 5-10% of the conservative and moderate Dems that are simply afraid if the word socialist and the same for Buttigieg - when a gay couple can't even get a wedding cake how can he expect to get a majority?

With a crazy and scary candidate like Bernie, who needs an enemy? The history will record for college text books that bernie single handedly made it very easy for Trump to get re-elected in 2020. Remember what Trump sai in 2016.... "Oh with bernie as the Democratic Candidate, it would be a dream come true." !!!

@MichaelSpinler - I may hate the message - but I would bet he is correct...

@MichaelSpinler - I watch all of the same independent news that you listed also... the sad truth is that more people watch Fox news than all of the independent news that you listed combined... it is really sad - and I like Bernie too - but I really don't believe he can win... He will never win the Religious Right or the moderates and his age and his health alone will scare away enough people to re-elect Trump.

@MichaelSpinler - I suggest you watch "The Day The 60's Died"

that was on PBS with an open mind... Bernie has no where near the Anti-War movement or the Women's movement, the Ecology movement, or the Civil Rights movement - let alone all 4 combined that could not beat Nixon... We all thought we could change the world. Jerry Falwell and the Moral Majority showed us how wrong we were and re-elected Nixon and it is Deja Vu all over again... The hard core MAGA Base is much more organised now with BIG PAC money and the Dems don't have anybody that can unite party - it is sad but reality sucks... We need a Bobby Kennedy - and that ain't Burnie...

@MichaelSpinler - your DNC conspiracy theory without evidence is just more fake BS... you simply prove my point that will divide the Dems and insure 4 more years of Trump... there are thousands of paid trolls spreading your same message. []

@MichaelSpinler - This is pointless - you simply prove my point with every post.

@MichaelSpinler - Yes...

I don't think Trump has a base that big. The figures I've seen count his die hard base at around 35% of the electorate. That means Trump can be beaten by a candidate who could appeal to the disenchanted NPA's, centrist Republicans and centrist Democrats.

@kensmile4u - I guess we will just have to wait snd see - but the hard core Burnie Bros seem just as crazy as the MAGA hats and I believe they are both living in a filter-bubble and are not realists.

@FrostyJim Who is paying these fake trolls spreading the message? Does Bernie have the money to pay for that? Yes he does have a lot of money, where did all that money come from? Small dollar contributions from millions of supporters, unlike all the others who take corporate money. And by the way, those people who passionately advocate for Bernie, they aren't paid, they are dedicated supporters who believe that fighting for him will bring positive change to the world. There is no need to pay for support as Bloomberg is doing when you can actually inspire authentic support.

DNC conspiracy theories? Did you pay any attention to what just happened in Iowa. That same sort of thing has been happening since 2015. The Iowa democrats literally admitted that there are significant errors in the Iowa caucus numbers but those errors can not be corrected in order to "preserve the integrity of the process." Are you fucking kidding me? Ensure the integrity of the process by counting right. It's so blatantly corrupt. []

@FrostyJim I wrote this song in 1979!

@MichaelSpinler New York Times is liberal propaganda.


Bernie Sanders is NOT calling for a revolution. Anyone who says this has been indoctrinated by the super-rich. Sanders is a moderate progressive. He isn't doing anything that FDR hadn't done or wanted to do. We are so brain-washed to think that anything that is going to hurt the corporate fucks is going to come back and bite us.

Bernie has said many times, we need a revolution but good try making him look good. It is not working.

@St-Sinner Hell, I am not trying to make him look "good." If I were, I would have said he WOULD bring truly revolutionary change. He isn't. Bernie is a mild reformer. If the establishment keeps on rejecting the reasonable reforms, and people like you keep on buying off the establishment's scrapes, there will be a revolutionary figure appearing eventually. If Louis XVI had enacted the reforms of archaic taxation schemes, there may not have been a French revolution (or at the very least delayed or ameliorated). But instead of looking after the interest of the nation as a whole, both the royal family and the aristocrats couldn't pull their head out of their asses, and rejected any attempt at reform.

And in fact, I don't care if "it's not working" for you. I expected as much. I am just getting shit off my chest. I mean, if you are one of the super-rich, your hatred of Bernie is very justified. If you are not, the only other rational explanation (other than the one calling you a troll) is that you have been seriously brainwashed to fear your own interest for the sake of the super-rich. Good luck with that.


Fascinating example of motivated reasoning (we'll ignore the smattering of lies.)


I get it, you don't like Bernie. So, noted.

Yes, I like beating Trump but Bernie will not make it easy. Bernie is the problem, not the message.

@St-Sinner Well, then you shouldn't vote for him.

@St-Sinner So you dismiss Bernie's viability because he's too old, too disheveled, and too Jewish to be President?

@St-Sinner but you offer no better alternative...thats not constructive its destructive...bottom line is if he gets the nomination we get behind him...PERIOD...Trump has to go and do does the Republican Senate...PERIOD

@phoenixone1 Bernie has lost his and the Democratic cause. No candidate would do now. Bernie has single handedly secured Trump's re-election with his crazy socialism talk that scared away moderates and independents. Get ready for Trump's re-election in 2020. Thanks to bernie, the crazy socialist in America.

@St-Sinner yup...TROLL ALERT...

@phoenixone1 My alternative is throw Bernie and his likes out and keep the Democratic Party true to its cause and free from the fringe elements. That is a very constructive message.

@St-Sinner and again I ask you..."what are you going to do if he is nominated"? Put up or shut up..your either AGAINST TRUMP or your FOR TRUMP...I know I speak for a lot of people in here that really want to hear your answer.

Only a really really stupid person would vote for trump.


Good take.
Except for a few clunkers, like the "taxing the rich" part.
True, income inequality isn't as sexy as it should be, but still a huge and growing problem. I might vote for Bloomberg if he gets traction. Is he Jewish? Hope not! I'D still vote for him, but the yahoos might not.
Btw, when are we going to get a Balanced Budget Amendment with a 4/5 majority in both houses needed to exceed spending limits?
We'd need all that 'filthy rich' revenue if that happens! Plus we'd have to (gasp!) cut the military budget to something more closely resembling sanity.
Maybe Mike can get that done.
Heck, maybe he can even change us over to a national sales tax, so EVERYBODY pays in, not just the middle class!
Your biggest clunker is thinking he wants a "revolution" via an armed insurrection. I don't think you really believe that.
A peaceful revolution (like giving Democrats huge majorities in both houses of Congress PLUS the presidency) is more like it.
I've been saying for years it's possible IF people would get off their behinds and VOTE! can dream...

I get to caucus for Bernie b/c Mike isn't on the NV ballot (filed late). My belief that Mike will be OUR nominee is due to his money and the fact that none of it is from Fossil Fuels, Big Pharma or Ag, or other oligarchy origin. He created an honest, good, business for that money and bought into another one. Bernie speaks to what I'd love to see happen but he won't accept big donor money and I don't believe we can beat an incumbent Oligarchy without big money. Therefore, Bloomberg needs to be our nominee.

@rainmanjr I actually think he has a good shot l. I like all of them, but the dummies out there, who say Trump is rich so he must be smart, might not.
Two billionaires! Mano Mano! Trump would shrivel and wilt, IF he even agreed to debate at all. I doubt he will.

@rainmanjr Integrity, consistency, and popular policy go much further than money. Bernie does not need billionaire money to win. He has grass roots money. There are millions of people giving Bernie money and they will continue to do so because very few of them will ever reach the contribution limit. And when he wins, we will have a president who is beholden to us, the people, not the special interest, not the corporations, not the military industrial complex, US.

Bloomberg is an oligarch himself. He was a republican when it was convenient and he created a racist policy that allowed police to detain people at random. He will not beat Trump and even if he did, he is not the person we want to have in charge.


All commenters except one failed to accept that no matter who wins without a Senate and Congress majority no Democratic president will get a damn thing done for the next four years. We actually need a super majority in the Senate and then just blow away the shit that has happened in the last four.

No candidate on the ticket will motivate enough voter turnout to make that happen - not Bernie because he pissed off way too many women who despise the petulent Bernie Bros that gave us Trump, and not any other because the Bernie Bros will again scream it was a fix (they already are over Iowa) and give us Trump again.

Basically, were fucked, in a bad way.

I fully agree with you and I have posted extensively about it. Obama said in the second term that the Republicans treat him like a dog. The president who won with a landslide, very popular.

I agree about the Bernie Bro's but think Bloomberg can do it.

@rainmanjr I like Bloomberg a lot but not sure if he will last in this personality competition.

Please visit this. []

@St-Sinner Everything is uncertain. So? Time will tell but we'll never be able to predict the unknown.


Most of those points are also true of most of the past presidents. What is unusual is his net worth is only $2M, an amount barely worth considering retiring on in today's economy. He is advocating for the working class, something not seen since the times of LBJ or FDR.

Feel the BERN!!!

Looks like you are ready to crash and burn in November 2020. For some, words are not enough.

@St-Sinner I was pretty PO'd when Bernie folded for Billary, who would have been an equal train wreck to the one we have, just more skilled at making it seem it had to happen.

Bernie has it right. It is the Robber Barons that are pillaging the country blind. I would love it if he and Warren were to join forces. I think that would stiffen the spine of the campaign. The working people need to reclaim this country.

I think this will happen and you will probably lose most of your trust fund.

@Normanbites You heard from me here... Bernie will not be president.

@St-Sinner OK, it can be a Warren/Sander's ticket, either way, the fat in your trust fund is going to be trimmed. You might actually have to work for a living!!


"America will vote for a psychopath before they vote for a socialist."
Steve Schmitt former Republican
Socialism is not
I will vote for a socialist before a psychopath ("I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue...." blahblahblah)
Birds of a feather? Jeffrey Epstein!


Afraid of change? This is why we have the mess and failed system we are stuck with now. The Democratic party is nothing more than GOP lite. Supported by the same corporate interests who only have their own agenda to keep people like you in tow. I would rather take a chance with Sanders than any of the others and like last election will vote a third party rather than vote for any of the cookie cutter candidates I have seen. I could care less if Trump wins again, change has to start somewhere. Even then they have rigged the system to make it more difficult for any other party to even get on the ballot. So feel free to give your opinion and I will feel free to comment and ignore it.

Afraid and angry about extreme and far left fringe candidate like Bernie. Know the difference. A terrible and extreme change is not good for you.

@St-Sinner Providing healthcare to everyone is not good for you? Raising the minimum wage is not good for people? Ending mass incarceration and the constant wars is not good for you? Making college affordable again isn't good for you fighting the climate crisis isn't a good thing?... Extreme change is very necessary right now. It's remaining on the same old moderate course that will doom us.

@RoboGraham You are not reading my posts and comments. Everybody in America including every single Republican wants a good equitable, affordable and just healthcare. But we do not want it for free and we do not want to redistribute government revenues by punishing the rich and giving to the poor. If you want to do that, you go live in Cuba or Venezuela.

@St-Sinner It's not free. Everyone pays in and everyone gets it. it's just like public school. You don't have to go to Venezuela to find examples of governments who use tax money to fund public programs for the greater good. In fact, we do that sort of thing right here in the good ole USA.

Why is it ridiculous? There are millions like me in the U.S. who love their country and are fighting the extreme right and left wing elements from changing who we are a nation, as an identity. America was not built on socialism.

@OwlInASack Are you a parrot?


It would be good if every voter was as selective toward all of the candidates. Sadly, us vs them wins every time.

Why would we listen to you? You have no head. =0}

@Mooolah - and you are a rodent? I also ignore rodents.



The amount of BS he presents in this post is indeed interesting.

@RoboGraham I meant interesting because he packed alot of lies in each sentence. It gave me a shitting hemorrhage reading it..


You raise so good points. But let's note that ALL candidates say they would do stuff that is long-shot.

Look at it this way: if Dems do not take the Senate, it does not matter which Dem gets the presidency because Repugs will block everything. We know this from experience. Hell, the ACA was a Republican plan first, but they didn't want Dems to pass it and fought to and nail to prevent passage. Then they lied and lied about how bad it was, how it was going to destroy healthcare. But people like it anyway! Much to the Repugs' chagrin.

With a candidate like Bernie, who needs any opposition or Trump?

Say what you will about Bernie, radical change IS needed. If we don't get off fossil fuels with alacrity, global warming is going to kick all our asses.

@St-Sinner I was absolutely true before. You are one helluva troll. You keep proving it.

He is very negative, isn't he?


You make some good points, but I think that a Jew could be elected—the right Jew.

Maybe, but not now and not in the 30 years ahead. Romney was not elected because he was a Mormon.

But being Jewish is only the 5% of Bernie's problem. The hard rock musician hair cannot get elected president n America.

You must be joking! Look what happened to the first bi-racial, (and he was one of the most qualified men we have ever had) reaction to that outrage to the Southern Conservative movement gave us what we have now!

You mean a Trump Jew? The Trump Klan will definitely bend over backwards to elect Jared or Ivanka because they know that their crackpot prophecies say a Jew will bring about Armageddon and then the rapture. And the rest who don't get raptured - surprise, all of them - will get to fight it out with their stockpiles of weapons Mad Max style.

@fishline79 Come again?

The "right Jew" has a proven record of accomplishment and not making his lineage a thing. That's Mike Bloomberg.

@fishline79 Southern? Not so. Trump was elected with broad support across the Nation. Your own Pennsylvania went for Trump.

@WilliamFleming I am referring to his enablers, the Senators (especially their leader)) who inhabit the "New Republican Party" who all sound like "Hee Haw" when they deliver their lying diatribes.

@St-Sinner I'm too old.

@fishline79 You seem to be making harsh judgments of people based on their regional accents.

@fishline79, @prometheus Trump is a rather secular guy. I doubt very much if he believes such malarkey.

@WilliamFleming Yes I am and it's no accident. I would never live in the land of Jim Crow and it's coming back to infect us all!

@fishline79 you are engaging in some major stereotyping and I doubt if you have any idea of what you are talking about. The most racist areas in the US are in the Northeast.


If you think your state is so morally superior google “racism in Pennsylvania”. You’ll get a lot of hits.

@WilliamFleming People tell me that a lot but we never had white-only lunchstands, toilets, etc. etc., schools, lynchings, except, in Columbia PA, I believe some slave hunters were lynched. We, even Ben Franklin, did have some slaves before the Revolutuion.

@WilliamFleming I don't know what kind of propaganda this "Sundown" shit is and I'm surprised that it's listed on Wykipedia, but I drive a school bus in Mechanicsburg, PA (suposedly a "Sundown" town) and my bus is 3/4 filled with African Americans, Middle-Easterners and Indians. Even if that were true, I still say that there may have been unofficial discrimination a generation or two ago but they weren't hanging from trees with their balls stuffed in their mouths and dragged behind pickup trucks and bludgeoned by police and attacked by hoses and dogs. Go back to Selma and sip your f- ing mint julep.

@fishline79 That’s not a link to Wikipedia. displays an extensive list of sundown towns based on the work of James W. Loewen. You are right that it is historical. No sundown towns exist today as far as I know. This is a description of Loewen’s book:

“Description: Loewen (emeritus, sociology, U. of Vermont) exposes the history and persistence of "sundown towns," so-named for the signs often found at their corporate limits warning African Americans and other minorities not to be found in the town after dusk.”

Here’s a site that ranks states by by their degree of racial integration and also by their progress in achieving integration.


If you examine that site you’ll see that the southern states rank better than those in the Northeast and Midwest when it comes to racial parity and integration.

Rather than demonizing the South and using it as a scapegoat, it would be better to work toward a future where all Americans are valued and treated with respect in all states.

@WilliamFleming Tell that to the "Cult" who are currently calling themselves the U.S, Senate (Republican Party). Are they trying to work toward a future where all Americans are treated with respect? If so, then why are they helping this New York City Mafia Don Paranoid Schizophrenic Talk Show Host con artist use the Country as his own personal Ego defense mechanism? What do they (virtually all from Southern States) stand to get out of destroying what everybody keeps telling me is the greatest country in the world?
It isn't Donald Trump who is tearing up our Constitution. It is them with the help of Russia and others! They are bitter from being the ones who lost their precious "Confederacy of Greed" 170 years ago and have been trying to "Rise Again" ever since. Wake up, America! The trouble with the average American is that they know, and are told nothing about what lies outside their own nationalistic "Father Land". I have lived in four other countries but mainly in Spain (which was under a fascist Dictator for 40 years and will never forget what it was like)
If you want to see what this country really is, you have to step away from it, The average American knows nothing about anything outside their boarders. We don't even see International news on TV anymore. I'll grant you the South does not have a monopoly on bigotry and we all have a lot to learn about respect for all people, but we are not the "United States" anymore, and never were.

@WilliamFleming I completely agree - but his die-hard fans in the baptist church that believe some malarky are dead serious about it. And those of the phony "prosperity doctrine" love him for the tax cuts for billionaires and such because that is what they aspire too.

@fishline79 I venture to say that the lines of division are not so rigid as you say, and that yes, Republicans North and South do indeed care about respect for all.

That is my perspective. I respect your right to your own perspective.


Historically there has been no problem with electing self-proclaimed white supremacists. A disproportionate number of our presidents have been plantation owners who had slaves, and the remaining ones have them up as national role models.

I'd call that a big problem.


I think Bernie followers should be able to vote for him in the primaries. If he doesn’t make It, then they all have to vote for whoever does win. My vote is for Klobuchar/Buttigieg.

Carey Level 5 Feb 10, 2020

Nobody has to vote for anybody. People will vote for whoever the hell they want to vote for. Votes are earned, not demanded.

@RoboGraham you’re correct, no one has to vote and they can vote for whomever they want to. I was for Bernie last election, but when he didn’t win, I voted for Hillary because tRump is a dick and a poor excuse for a human being, not because I liked Hillary. I think a lot of Bernie supporters did not vote because, in my opinion, the DNC screwed Bernie. I felt the same way, so I voted against tRump. 100 million non voters need to give a shit for the next election... no matter who they vote for, or don’t complain about the outcome.

@Carey It was the same for me. Voted Bernie in the primary and Hillary in the general, begrudgingly.

I won't make that mistake again. If we don't make it clear to the establishment that we will not accept a corrupt corporatist warmonger, they will continue to ignore us and expect us to shut up and get in line.

In November, I'll be voting blue, Bernie blue.


First, I'm not an American, so my view doesn't count, really. If Bernie ran as an independent instead of running for the democratic party he would be a bigger drain on democratic votes than he would drain the Trump vote. So pleading that he isn't a real democrat and that he shouldn't be running for the democratic ticket is, to us Northern cousins, a "be careful what you wish for issue." So who do you like; every candidate has a tragic flaw that can be exposed by the republicans but who do thing is the best of the bunch?

My favorites aren't left standing but who like's Buttigieg? I wonder if he wouldn't appeal to the youth vote (How many American's weren't legally old enough to vote in 2016 but will vote for the first time this year?). He sounds like a sane voice and he seems to be able to absorb criticism without fighting back. I think a fresh new face is the best way to go. If you like him, who should his running mate be? Maybe Kamala Harris, maybe Amy Klobuchar?

I think Bernie's a needed voice in the political main street but he's to far left to be win the swing states - and I'm Canadian. So, what's the best bet to win in 2020?

Bernie knows fully well that he will be nobody for the rest of his life if he ran as an independent. He will get 0.00000001% of the votes.


Even though I am a kindred spirit with Bernie, I will grant that what you say is true, So,which of the candidates who have presented themselves does have what it takes to beat this "machine". In my opinion the Democrats have nobody. Even if we were ready to elect a woman president, it wouldn't be Warren. She is just too, I don't know, let's say "Liberal", and being opinionated and assertive does not sit well with the U.S. voter in a woman That's just too "uppity". And are we really ready for a "gay" in the White House? Can you imagine the jokes about the "First Significant Other"? Biden has already been skewered by Trump. He hasn't a prayer. At least Blumberg is rich! Americans certainly admire that, especially if they're not! Could it be him. The ones left over are all looong shots. Kamala Harris was the most qualified, and intelligent in my opinion, but Trump has proven that those qualities mean nothing, and anyway she dropped out. I'm afraid that even if a Democratic candidate were to get more votes, as happened in 2015, the results will be the same. In conclusion, as long as we continue to use this absurd Campaign system we have, the most Capitalistic candidate will win again, corruption or no.

I am sorry to say, not a single candidate among Democrats can beat Trump today. Not an answer you would like but sadly that is where it stands today. Get ready for 4 more years of Trump, much of the credit goes to Bernie for discrediting the Democrats' position and painting it as extreme, socialist.

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