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I am a member that left for several months. I decided that for the safety of my career, and interpersonal relationships, I'd just have to remain a lonely atheist.

I know.....Sad face. 😔

Something I'm noticing, upon my return, is that the demographic of this site has changed, drastically. Not only is the average age of participants higher, but the ethnic diversity has also declined.

This site isn't as reflective of the natural melting pot we are, as a global society.

I want healthy debate, and conversation with people from my own generation. I want healthy debate, and conversation, with people that look like my friends and neighbors. used to advertise on Reddit atheist forums. I no longer see that. I used to see ads for on Facebook, and maybe even Instagram.

Advertising needs to be specific and focused on improving the demographic of this site, in order to make it more appealing to Generation Xers, Generation Y, and Millennials. I'm 38 years old, and I'm finding it difficult to locate individuals of my generation. There are a great deal of Traditionalists, and Baby Boomer generation individuals, on this site. And although I greatly appreciate their experience and wisdom, I still want that healthy mix of perspective.

I was raised by a Traditionalist father (b.1936), and a Baby Boomer mom (b.1957). Age differences, and generational differences, aren't a big deal to me, except when it comes to receiving input. I want a vast array of ideas and information. Because I'm a free thinker! And I want to make informed decisions. My millennial understudy at work shows me new things all the time. I appreciate her spry wit, non-traditional sensibilities, and ease with technology. I appreciate all people.

I want a better mix.

Tell me how you feel.....

FilthyMONKEYgirl 6 Feb 12

Enjoy being online again!

Welcome to the community of good people who base their values on evidence and appreciate civil discourse - the social network you will enjoy.

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45 comments (26 - 45)

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I got here because of advertising on Facebook.


Well, being alone isn't that bad. You can do whatever you want with your life. Nothing is perfect so you just have to learn how to make the most of the situation you're in.


There has always been an issue with freethought attracting certain demographics. At in-person events with CFI - Los Angeles, my experience was that younger people and minorities were underrepresented. While I think there's a substantial proportion of godless there as well, their level of participation is obviously up to them.

It is often said that organizing atheists is like herding cats. I know more than a few godless who are totally uninterested in it as anything other than a personal choice. I however, got into the activism due to church/state separation concerns. I was actually an interim president of the LA chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State at one time. Barry Lynn is a hero of mine. It was one of the areas where it was good to see believers and non working together. That work never ends because godbotherers are always trying to get the government to sanction and promote their particular mythology.


Good point. Young people need to realize the corrosion of this country by the Religious Wrong. We've ALL been fed a HUGE lie of Bullshit for too long. For the younger ones, in present days, the pressure to "believe" is immense, and belief must seem like some sort of normal.

Perhaps being exposed to this is bewildering and alienating. Maybe they have more personal concerns....paying the bills, finding a mate, finding a good job, raising a family...who knows. Debating cultural "BLAHshit!" is prolly not at the top of the list of most 20/ 30 somethings


It's also worth remembering that provides ways for each of us to promote the site. It might be an idea to think of additional places to cast the net, especially those groups/demographics you feel would potentially boost the numbers/participation.


Better advertising would help I am sure.


The youngsters are looking for dates. Mostly.
Us elders are looking for camaraderie. Mostly.
Once I received my Tee shirt I became less obsessed. But the site is better than any other so far as I don't have to hear the god nonsense. That is all I want. And an outlet to express my neurosis's.
Racial diversity only they are more active on race specific sites ie "black twitter"., or national specific sites. Spanish language dating sites.


Good morning. I left for similar reasons and I'm back. The age demographic thing doesn't really bother me but militant attitude does not sit well with me. Like you I'm a free thinker without an axe to grind and I come here looking for like-minded people not for vicious debates and arguments


I used to engage the conservatives with non-offensive questions, but they blocked me anyways. They may have started to question their ideology like they did religion, but who knows.

You're right, it was more diverse and younger, but attention spans are rather awful.

Now I just cross post memes from Reddit and check out memes from others.

Yeah, keep your head down in the Bible belt. Good on ya for enduring it there and likely voting against the grain.


If there are few younger people than you expect, it may have something to do with young peeps consider ANY religion foolishness. They simply do not subscribe so it's not a subject they are interested in discussing. My kids don't remember going to church, although I took them when they were small and I had some believing left in me. They are in their 30's and 1 is 40 now. More into crossfit than Yoga. I state Agnostic on all medical forms. Most citizens don't know what it means, so I kinda slide by. Talking to Christians is a lot like talking to Trumpsters. Don't waste your breath. I remember from my college days that small, informal groups would discuss anything and everything without getting mad, calling names, or yelling. So many people are willing to get shitty now. I feel for your lack of open minded persons to exchange ideas with. It must be hard to rattle around with many questions and so few people to exchange ideas with. Depending on where you live, it may expose you to abuse, or worse yet, efforts to convert you. Try a Universalist Unitarian Church for a safe spot to sit down and look for real dialogue.


Do I detect [more than] a hint of ageism in the above. Oldies can have stimulating ideas too.

If we cannot agree with each other what hope is there of changing anyone's mind towards us. Maybe not enough have thought about the possibility of getting rid of religion in reality over a longish period of time?


I want a million dollars. For some strange reason I ain't getting what I want.


@FilthyMONKEYgirl Was trying to cheer you up, hope it helped a little.
I too love SP.

Tell me, do you have 7 asses on that "filthy Monkey"?

So are you urban or rural, because when a person belongs to a minority like minded individuals are far easier to come by in the Urban setting (Good thing I like trees more than most humans).

What have you tried?


I agree with you, but it would appear that there is a colour divide in atheism. I have encountered very few Afro-atheists as an example.
Age, well I cannot answer that as easily. I have encountered a diverse age range, but I tend to try keep my attempts to 'date' closer to my age, but will otherwise engage happily outwith my failed dating attempts to any age. I was young once, or indeed many times really, and I've yet to become properly old.
Location, Scotland appears to be a passion desert for me. The only ladies I find are thousands of kilometres away and thus are far from practical.
Conversation, I love almost all conversation - but then I'm a Social Scientist!

@FilthyMONKEYgirl I may be able to help with explaining that after Easter. We're covering religion and society in class then as part of sociology studies (I'm a very mature student). So far, I've only ever met one Afro-Atheist face to face, and that was this year (I'm 57) so I've met a lot of people. Although I have encountered a few on this site. It could be that this site mainly attracts 'white folks'.

@FilthyMONKEYgirl I wonder if minorities, particularily African american ones, are offput from this site, since the Boomers and Gen X'ers are very particular about proper grammar and spelling. And they will go into annoying grammar nazi mode with anyone that deviates from that. In my experience living in predominantly black neighbourhoods, slang was accepted and celebrated. Here it will get you mocked, lecture, explained to or suspected of being a scammer!!

@demifeministgal What exactly is wrong with using standard English, and how does using and encouraging it make one a nazi? I've never understood that term. Surely, knowing the difference between "two", "to", and "too", for instance, can only help us understand one another.

@Paul4747 Did I say there is anything wrong with using standard English? No. But cool strawman though. But there is something wrong with the snobby, classist attitude many on this forum have towards using proper grammar and against those that do not. It borders on racist to criticize or look down on those that use African American vernacular or "ebonics".
And what is wrong is when a person constantly use it against someone quite clearly using slang, they become insufferable twats and no wonder the person would leave such an environment.

See right there a generational divide. Grammar-nazi is a youth culture term for people that are constantly unnecessarily correcting peoples' grammar online, as if it was a business correspondence, rather than an informal social media setting.

@demifeministgal Ebonics, please explain more deeply. If I'm guessing correctly, is that it is a new 'pidgeon English' used in American ghettos I must learn more as it would fit into my sociology studies very nicely.
I'm not making fun or having a dig, I'm interested and currently studying modern western cities.

@Sofabeast yes it is very specific to north america, as I have encountered it in Canada as well. African American vernacular is explained here: []

And some sociological journal articles here: []


@demifeministgal Here's the thing: slang is just that, "a type of language that consists of words and phrases that are regarded as very informal, are more common in speech than writing"...
So if someone where I work says "I'm gone the liberry", I know what they mean, but if the same person writes "I need go the liberry", I begin to suspect it's because they don't actually know how to properly write, "I need to go to the library," in English. If that makes me a snob, well, so be it. And this forum is for the written word. There's nothing "borderline racist" about it. It's a spellchecker, for frak sake.

@Paul4747 If you think that your example is an example of slang, then you have never encountered slang in your life. heh

@demifeministgal Thanks for the sociological link. We can't use wiki for refernce reasons.

@Sofabeast If you scroll down through wiki articles at the bottom they often have references they used and you can use those references. 🙂


I feel as if I'm not longer an"atheist," or "agnostic.." I feel as if there's so much more to all of this than we're allowing ourselves to both see and experience. God has never been easy, and the fact that we feel it's okay to break it down to bumper sticker ideas worries me.

Unfortunately that is how,if given a choice, the majority of us would like to receive information or prompts to connect two separate pieces of information - in reasoning for example. The alternative is preaching OR the lengthy and poshly written tomes of the philosophers who often disagree with each other simply to make aliving by selling books. So please do not waste an opportunity to meme away.


New to the site,so,don't know much about member diversity yet. You are right when you say that diverse perspectives across generational,ethnic,and belief boundaries are helpful when seeking truth. Maybe start a group for millenniels? But, then, there would be no generational diversity.....


Welcome back to the mix

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 12, 2020

I think your complaints have less to do with the site and much more to do with the groups you're looking to for greater inclusion.

It's the choice of individual to join, stay, and engage.
If members of those groups aren't participating, I think it's more about them and their expectations than the actual site itself.

I've yet to see any discussion where someone younger has been "run off" because of their age.

@FilthyMONKEYgirl Sorry, I don't even consider those factors. I don't understand why they would matter, but that's just me.

@FilthyMONKEYgirl I disagree with that assessment, but everyone is entitled to their opinions. For sure.

I've yet to see any discussion where someone younger has been "run off" because of their age.

I'm sure it's happened, but not because they were young but because they fit the canned profile of a scammer here - poor grammar, somewhat disjointed writing style, checking the "believer" box on thier profile, and/or used a pic of something besides themselves. The posse goes after those profiles with a vengance, and I'd bet money I don't have that it's happened on multiple occasions and the only reason it hasn't been discussed is because these actions are justified by both administration and membership.

@1of5 I'm sure it's happened as well, but I've never seen it.

I'm not as concerned about "scammers" as others seem to be.
I know they're out there, and generally know what to look for.

However, whenever it does come up, I'm always one who consistently votes against disallowing those who identify as "believers" from joining.

I also make a real effort to be aware of those for whom English may not be their first language. English is hard, both speaking and writing. I also know that not everyone has the same education.

I'll admit that sometimes I could be more welcoming, and I'm working on that.

@KKGator scammers exist everywhere, they're actually easier to identify online than in real life. So yeah, I don't worry about them here at all. I worry more about those obsessed with scammers than scammers.

If believers aren't supposed to be here there wouldn't be an option to apply that label here in the profiles. Reporting someone for checking that box should get that person a temp ban and write a 2000 word essay on the importance of exchanging a diversity of ideas before being allowed back in.

English sucks as a language. I turned spell/grammar checking off for this then went back and turned it on - to embarrassing 🙂

You should be a greeter. 😉 When I signed back up for here I made a couple accounts just to see who was doing the greetings - turns out about half of them were from the watchers group. Its a great way to be alerted to new members without searching for them.

@1of5 I'd really like to see the "Watchers" group(s) disbanded. I also agree with you on those who are obsessed with scammers. They should have to explain their reports, in detail. Other than being "suspicious" and using that as an excuse for reporting someone.
I don't know about being a "greeter". I'm really not that nice. 😉

@KKGator I don't know about being a "greeter". I'm really not that nice.
...about half of them were from the watchers group.

Where in the world did you get the impression you need to be nice to be a greeter? You need to be able to fake it, which is one of the few skills you may not be in possession of - so fair point. Still, I think you'd make a good one. Each account got a greeter each day for 4 days so it wouldnt just be you. It would also force you to be welcoming, which would be hilarious to watch.

@1of5 Hey, when I realize that I'm replying to a new member, I almost always say, "Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay."
That's about as "greeter-y" as I think I'm going to get.

@KKGator perfect grammar is WAY more important to boomers, traditionalists and some Gen X'ers than it is to millenials and Gen Z'ers. Also, we are more comfortable using slang words and txt speak than the older ones. Those are differences I have noticed.


"This site isn't as reflective of the natural melting pot we are, as a global society. "

It is clearly a reflection of the US. ALL peoples self-segregate. It is genetic, and reasonable.

Whities do NOT stop PODS from coming to live around us. They just do NOT.

And, oh yeah, Fuck globalism. It is the death of culture.


Life begins at 50.


I can see your point re the dating part of the site but does the age of the contributers to debates matter ?
I have been on several chat rooms over the years and this is the only one that shows the age of the participants.
Do you think the wisdom and experience of the oldies here will be too much for you or is it that your youth and vigour will be too much for us oldies ?

@FilthyMONKEYgirl Certainly no one wants to be treated in the way you describe but I have seen very few examples of that here apart from possibly the conservatives and gun lovers and they tend to hide out in their own groups and rarely venture in to the general forum.
If I have a complaint about the make up of the membership it is that it is very US centric and I would like to see more debaters from furth of the USA.

@FilthyMONKEYgirl If you don't like the folks here, get out there and recruit some younger folks from across the world. ... I really don't understand how or why you are complaining about lack of diversity. ... CREATE it, and quit bitching.

@Seeker3CO You are surrounded by the shallow, extroverted young. No wonder you experience uneducated twits. If you were to give more informed introverts a chance, just get past our shy/inward exteriors, you'd think differently 😉


the whole site has got a little samey and dull and Facebook like if you ask me. in sexual deviants shouldn't there be some deviants perhaps? do we have to look at the pretty doggy pictures even though I love dogs? sexual deviants page should be called at best tasteful sexy or worst slightly naughty. there's nothing like a good chin wag I don't think but not without being inspired.

@FilthyMONKEYgirl I know its crazy. birds do it, bees do it Even educated ants do far as sex goes in the natural world we aren't even close to deviant at our most deviant.

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