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What is your take on Principles . What is your Principal principle? Are there any principles evident in our fellow posters? - apart from following site rules that is? Does Donald have any?
One I have noticed here is that we can talk about absolutely anything

Mcflewster 8 Feb 28

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To me it's not so much an issue of principles, but of responsibility. Here's why ...

To function in society everyone needs an internal narrative that is suitable for their culture. These are tools (read Yuval Harari's "Sapiens" ) where we collect the rules that let us get along together. Often religion serves the purpose. It provides rules and a community and even a mythos suitable to adapt to the current culture. The problem with this tool is that its' errors are grossly magnified by the unscrupulous.

Some people need the whole immersion thing. They can't think for themselves so they need a very formal, ritualistic narrative that they should follow step by step. This is akin to the Abrahamics and other monotheistic beliefs. Others can be more free-spirited and decide more on their own (with the principles you spoke of as a guide). These are generally polytheistic societies.

A third group doesnt need it at all. They can develop their own narrative. Those are often the agnostics and atheists. The humanists, the secularists, the vedantists. But a key issue is that each owes it to the stage below them to make it real - or at least not detract from it. Now I understand the proselytizing issue and what a problem it causes ... as well as the religion in government problems. That part we should certainly fight. But we should NOT be telling these other groups that they are wrong. They may not be ready for independence and they may need that deva or god as a beacon.

So, my point is don't shit on those below you on the devotional scale and don't belittle them. Thats bullying. They can't help it that they're not as smart or capable as you. Just let them be and feel sorry for them.

@MissKathleen we're talking about 2 different issues here. slow your roll.

@MissKathleen was your diatribe on sexism and misogyny necessary when I was discussing religion? you opened the can.

@MissKathleen yeah, I figured that would rile you up. Condescending? And here I thought I was being ironic. I am sorry but you mistake gamer culture speech with sexism and while there is obviously an influence involved between the two ... calling ME those things is rather myopic. But you're entitled to your opinion. You don't know jack about me so your opinion on the matter is ill-conceived from my perspective and honestly has no bearing on me. I won't be losing any sleep or anything. germane? you confuse me and Sheriff Justice both with that ...

@MissKathleen yes yes I am well aware that I am not allowed to say anything about anything. good day.

I r eally like talk of responsibility in connection with beliefs. There is not enough of it . Not duty which is enforced responsibility.


My personal ethics are my principles.
To always try to be honest, to fight against hypocrisy, especially my own.
To not be deliberately hurtful to anyone else, and to be sincerely apologetic when I do hurt someone.
The rest I make up as I go.

They sound good.

@girlwithsmiles Thanks. The intent is always there, but sometimes the execution proves a little problematic.


I prefer the word ethics rather than principles. I base my ethics on helping, not hurting others. Or in other words, to love my neighbor as myself.

No, the Donald does not appear to have any ethics at all.

  1. I believe in honesty, kindness, empathy, volunteering to help people in need and treating people with respect. As a liberal, I care about housing, education, civil rights, protecting minority and disabled people from discrimination, clean water and air, protecting the environment, and reducing gun violence.

  2. Members show kindness, wisdom and humor every day. That's why I love

  3. Trump's purpose is clear: attack the free press, attack the FBI, spread propaganda, threaten our Allies, praise our enemies, take away women's control of our bodies, embolden Nazis and white supremacists, destroy the the social safety net, ban immigrants, destroy the environment for money and greed, and dismantle America from within.


I liked Principles. It was the Vice Principle who doled out punishment.

@creative51 Somewhat.

@Sticks48 do you happen to err on the masochistic side? Lols. I thought seeing the Principle was a bad thing?

@girlwithsmiles I never saw the principle, which is why I liked him/her. The Vice Principle was the one you did not want to see.

@Sticks48 ah, yes, missed that vital point above 🙂 not a fan of the vice then. Oh well, it’s all over now 😉

@girlwithsmiles I love vice. 🙂

@Sticks48 Now there’s an idea for a post!

I take it you have heard of " Good cop, Bad cop"

@Mcflewster That's the way it worked.


The Golden Rule.


Ethics tempered by Empathy.


Be kind to others

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 28, 2020

My principal principle is the golden rule.


My Principal principle? To strive for perfection is a expect perfection in yourself, or anyone else, is irrational...

well said


I think it’s an old word.
I think people need to have self awareness, know their intentions in life and then have integrity as they try and achieve them.
Continued self learning may then lead to reassessing the original intentions, hence people’s plans change.
Principles, I suppose would be a list of ideals a person wishes to live by, but I think integrity allows for learning and the person to be more dynamic whilst still growing and aiming for their goals.
I don’t want to comment on Trump, but I thought that Obama was a good man and was very sad to see, ‘Obamacare’, being taken away.


Treat people as you would like to be treated. Obviously that is not one of trump's principles. His main principle is scew as many people as possible.


Principal (Skinner) Principles:

"Ah, there's nothing more exciting than science. You get all the fun of sitting still, being quiet, writing down numbers, paying attention... Science has it all".

"There's no justice like angry mob justice."

"Well, Edna, for a school with no Asian kids, I think we've put on a darn good science fair".

-Principal Skinner from the Simpsons

And a Principle from the Superintendent:

"A prayer in a public school?! God has no place within these walls, just like facts have no place within an organized religion". Superintendent Chalmers (Simpsons)


My take on principles is that they are different from rules. Rules tell you what to do. Principles tell you what result you will get.

My Principle principle is that, to whatever extent you align your worldview with verifiable fact, you will contribute positively to your own, and others' wellbeing.

There are lots of principles evident in any group of humans.

Donald has one - self-glorification.

We can talk about anything here as long as it doesn't appear to regard religious people as fully human. Compassion for religious people is met with intolerance and blocking. Thankfully management specifically disavows such intolerance. Now that's principles!

skado Level 9 Feb 28, 2020

I have noticed a few high clerics telling their flock to be more Human lately.


I will do nothing illegal or immoral for less than £1


I try to practice gratitude more than I keep score on fairness. The latter is entirely subjective and largely unreal. It is therefore guaranteed to end in disappointment and self-pity at best and often in resentment, jealousy and hate. The former starts with a recognition that simply being born and developing consciousness is a profoundly fortunate and wonderful happenstance. Everything else is gravy.


Principals? Be nice, help when you can.. it's really simple..


I think, by definition, shitler has principles. His principles are:
@ take care of himself first
@ take care of anyone or anything that benefits himself
@ attack anything that doesn't benefit him personally


Do no harm.


I feel that Principles are the ties that bind those of us that have eschewed religion ( including that of the holy dollar, noting you mentioned Donald. ) in the search for a more sane and reasoned way of life. My Principal principle, Honesty, not that I am successful, few are ever, deceit starts with deceiving oneself. It is a constant goal for me though. In a world where we each live in our own individual universes, comprised of personal perceptions and thoughts, I deeply feel that deception of all sorts is a sin ( hah ) against reality, that precious place that all of our personal universes interact.
I have seen very little simple rule following on this site. I've found the members as a rule to be principled in numerous ways, the members here rarely seem to need to be reminded to respect each other. I think that this is a rare, and yes, principled group here.
Oh, yes, we really can talk about anything, and the worst that usually seems to happen, is having people laugh along with you.
You've been here longer that I have, what's your take?


I believe that Principles help to guide moral decisions. I don't believe that Principles or core values, if you will, are fixed. Practical, creative, and analytical thinking are the processes that most often will cause an individual to shift from one belief to another. I also think that the core values for someone born into wealth are different from anyone born into poverty. The priorities are different in terms of survival.

This is really excellent.


Donald tRump is a fascist. His lies are unpredictable but his fascism is somewhat along standard 14 point definition (Lawrence Britt)
I tend to think along opposing lines. Something more like Dennis here:

Classic and brilliant


This is trump’s principal: it’s called the Peter principle.

Peter Principle
[ˈpēdər ˈprinsəpəl]
the principle that members of a hierarchy are promoted until they reach the level at which they are no longer competent.


In the way you write of it, I define a principle as a core belief which helps to form he entire structure of your ethical belief system. My core principle is, "Treat all others, and the earth itself, with dignity and respect.


Donald have principles? Ha. He said, in a very callous manner, that he could shoot someone and no one would care. He would, too, if it advanced his power to make money.

I expected a negative number of principles


My principles (in no particular order)

Sugar coating leads to truth decay.
Drive you karma, curb your dogma.
I say what I mean and mean what I say -- I don't think that makes me a mean person.
Why should anyone suffer (what they consider to be) foolishness in silence ?
"“Skepticism is my nature. Free Thought is my methodology. Agnosticism is my conclusion. Atheism is my opinion. Humanitarianism is my motivation.” -- Jerry DeWitt

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