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Okay, I was talking with a friend yesterday. Subject was Aliens as GODS....basically from what he has seen on documentaries is that the ancients' "Gods" seemed to consistently come out of the sky (space) . With all of the pyramids & ancient landing strips there is evidence out there.

This is about as close to a legitimate existence of gods as I can get. Space Aliens. (Jesus walking in from the desert amongst a crowd of other "prophets" just does not impress me. As it did not impress the Romans).

Anyway, if anyone else is into this theory, evidence, what not, ..... do you have any sources you'd recommend for me? Videos, books, Docs
Thanks in advance

twill 7 Mar 10

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51 comments (26 - 50)

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Where else could they come from besides the sky? There is no reason to believe "alien" technology advanced civilization in any tremendous surge.


To me, it makes sense. HOWEVER they ignore one thing that pisses me off.

They seem to believe that our ancient ancestors are dumber than dirt.

The Romans, destroyed what they didn't believe in, along with Christians. I'm sure other cultures did that also. We have absolutely no clue how far along in technology our ancient ancestors were. After all, they built the pyramids (which we really have no clue how they did that).

I like to learn more about ancient civilizations just because they were so smart.....and attached to the world around them. Our modern society is detached from the natural world. If aliens landed today, who would notice?

@twill "attached to the world around them."

But not to this present world?


Unfortunately this genre is festooned with misinformation and speculation due to its popularity and the bandwagon principle.

It may be more fruitful to look at the unexplained structures in the first instance. Probably in the first instance look for academic research on the Nazca lines as a starting point.

Having said that I haven’t looked into them for many years so the science and interpretations may have moved on considerably due to advanced tech now available in archaeology.

Right, thanks! That's exactly one of the examples I was thinking of. I knew it was in mountainous South America, didn't know name or exact location

@twill You are welcome 👍


As a person with multiple Ethnic backgrounds running through my blood-line and one with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and learning about ancient Cultures, etc, I have to mention that it may just be far more than mere coincidence that ancient Cultures from the Egyptians through to the Mesopotamians, Aztecs, Incas, Mayans, Nth. American Native Tribes and Australian Aboriginal Tribes ALL have Myths/Legends that their "Gods" ( for want of a much better terminology) ALL came down from the Stars and Skies.
Even the Christian bible holds references to biblical figures being either meeting with 'Sky Beings' or having traveled up into the sky (Heavens) either with or to meet with these Sky Beings.
Since thousands of miles and expanses of both land and oceans, let alone the difficulties in traversing such expanses, separated these cultures and communication between them was almost totally unheard of and logically impossible at the times in question, then can these myths/legends be merely discarded with a grain of salt, dismissed out of hand and regarded merely as being coincidental?
And YES, the authors of the bible, Torah, Koran, etc, most certainly 'borrowed' myths and legends from other cultures in the same geographical region as themselves and then set about embellishing such myths, etc, to suit their own means and ends.
A prime example, is the Hebrew ' one God' concept that ONLY arose AFTER the Amenhotep Iv/ Akhenaton - Armana 'experiment' in Egypt around 1,800 or so B.C.E., the Hebrews, so it seems, latched on to the idea and expanded on it since prior to that time they too worshipped a veritable PANTHEON of Deities, e.g. Baal, Ishtar, etc, etc.
The Hindus alone have well 30,000 + Deities and almost ALL are equally claimed to "come from the skies."
As one with what I like to think as a TRULY Open Mind, I see and think that there are no such things as coincidences.


Methinks your friend has been watching too much of the Hysteria Channel!

Yeah I didn't know the History Channel was so full of it. I thought it was, IDK,....respectable??

I don't have cable, satellite, dish service, just the internet. The only time I watch any of this sort of programming is in a hotel room

@twill, I like the History Channel. It's not all bad. Some of it is just entertainment but some of it is good.

@Summer72 20+ years ago when I last had pay TV, it was one of the things I liked. that and Discovery Channel


"I don't know, I don't care, and it doesn't make any difference." Jack Kerouac
As for being concrete, we have no real evidence. However, there is plenty of evidence to indicate the very real possibility that aliens do exist.
That said, with regard to G/gods, they are merely a form of manipulation and power. Control.
And, it worked.


I've seen that you've @Twill gone down the rabbit hole and can't find the exit. Leave the crazy Zecharia Sitchin alone. Anyone who peaked into the UFO phenomenon would understand they ain't using 1970s rocket technology.

I recommend Dr Rita Louise for she makes a compelling case about myth being history.

And to all the people here who don't take Graham Hancock work seriously. You're partially responsible for creating crazy ancient aliens nonsense.

"Okay, I was talking with a friend yesterday. Subject was Aliens as GODS....basically from what he has seen on documentaries is that the ancients' "Gods" seemed to consistently come out of the sky (space) . With all of the pyramids & ancient landing strips there is evidence out there."

As you can see I was talking with a friend and what he has seen on documentaries......
Anyway, you're not the only who did not read and understand that

I'm mostly playing Devil's Advocate, but yes, you're correct,. I am also looking for the way out, because once I got in here I haven't been able to get back out !...

Well @twill, the problem of exploring any minor subjects of the paranormal is that it's like Alice's Rabbit hole, full of divergent paths, rooms with artificial light and some of those rooms are (for lack of a better term) like holodecks from Star Trek. Forbidden Archeology is one of those subjects that is full of "holodecks", aka, lies.

And if you happen to find evidence, well, that evidence is just like the WB Frog. It will sing for you, it will dance and perform shows, For You. But the moment it you show it to a live audience and the world, it just acts like a regular frog.

I'm happy to be your guide down this Rabbit Hole.

@sirbikesalot06 Prefer this frog song


If we are going to go the science fictiony route, I'd say that visitors from the multi-verse are more likely that visitors from other planets in this universe... if we take it there were visitors who were mistaken for gods in the ancient world.


FWIW, I tend to believe in aliens. Just not the earth-visiting god kind. There's a lot of worlds out there. []


Please keep us posted on what resources you come up with.


Jesus style god is/was made in because of what was spoken. Spoken words with kinetic energy force of intellectual capabilities.

Important to point out translation of origional greek Pnuema into spirit. The Hebrew word ruach is the word of old testiment.

English word spirit often has a connotation of being a ghost. This is where ofter holy ghost and holy spirit is used interchangeably in English. This takes away from the original intentions of meaning when the original Hebrew concept of ruach is being translated into Pnuema in Greek then "word" in English.

Where does spoken words come from? Logos in Greek has to do with thought and word capabilities and that a thought and a spoken word is the same thing.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the (logos)word, the (logos) was with God and was God.

John That which is born from flesh is flesh, and that which is born from The (Pnuema )Spirit is (Pnuema) spirit. John 3:6

Watch the movie Stranger than Fiction (2006) with actor Will Ferrell. Jesus character and Will Ferrell character are very simular because both are controlled by the author. The author in Jesus character is basically what is written in old testiment.

Matthew 5:17 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

Word Level 8 Mar 11, 2020

Morning Fred, nice to hear from you again.

I have seen Stranger Than Fiction. Excellent movie.

@Fernapple I drop in from time to time. How you been?

Fred the Apostle.

@Word OK thanks.


I know of no evidence that remotely supports this. Only elements of conjecture and fantastical interpretations of ancient glyphs or text.


We may be an alien meat farm thats close to harvest
"God" may be farmer
Delicacy of the day, human finger hot dogs...
The what "ifs" can be fun..
But nasty ones control for profits.

Belief in gods, it is just age old time control methods of the ignorant subjects.....

Read "Under the skin" a science fiction story set near where I live in Highland Scotland. It was made into a film starring Scarlet Johannsen. The film was dissapointing but the book is good.

@Moravian "The film was dissapointing but the book is good", Sadly that's usually the case. With a few exceptions.


Jesus had disappeared for thirty years or so they state!!!

He has been submitted that he was one of those who sat under a tree like buda were he learn his religious philosophy of forgiveness and non violence!!!

It is all fairytale smacked up BS either way you believe!!!


Indiana Jones already covered this. I mean, I'm one of maybe five people who liked that movie, but he DID cover it.


This crap is all over You Tube and has many books about it. Do they have sources? Not really. Just like religious believers they want to know everything and they make it up. Often this is because of how a statue looks or because we cannot fully explain something. It doesn't mean any of it has evidence unless you are willing to believe it in advance.

I might add that we as a people think we came from the stars and we have often even named our cars with star and planet names. It does not mean that our cars came from somewhere else. It is simply a fascination that mankind has.


I would recommend any source that debunks those crazy claims. Try the following:




I hope this helps.


It's completely possible. We need to keep an open mind about this. There are sure to be civilizations that flourished here thousands of years ago that we will never know about. So why not?

Thousands of years ago we would have some evidence as the Earth does not move that much, i.e. earthquakes, avalanches, tsunamis. Perhaps a million years ago or further would present better, or perhaps a billion years. Of course,. that life would have to be consistent with what was here at the time.


I do not understand how the Pyramids are evidence for aliens, what landing strips? There is no evidence of any aliens ever being on the Earth. That something is seen as originating in the heavens and then coming to Earth tells us nothing other than they saw something come from the sky. Lots of stuff comes to Earth from the Sky every day. I have been told by another official that I have seen a real UFO, I thought it was a helicopter, I was later told it showed up on a radar and it did some real weird things and that it was classified as a UFO. It left no proof of anything other than a blip on a radar screen back in the early 1960's.


You might like this article:


It’s on 10 real released x files from the CIA. There are lots more.

Ummmmm, that is no way a real CIA website.....available in Russian?????????

@AnneWimsey my iPhone is saying it’s a secure site. Trump is good mates with Putin isn’t he? 😉


Nothing remotely scientific, no. I researched writing a book with some of these elements once - sociological fiction, but didn’t have time to complete it. I found lots of fun theory, nothing near facts.
But after my Great Aunty and Uncle came back from their flight on concord they were convinced that there was life on other planets 😉

@K9Kohle789 um it’s good to have an interest, but in a world where there are many things that need doing I prefer to spend my time on achievable tasks.
Trying to solve the unsolvable is not my mission in life, I believe that the amount of time elapsed and our lack of understanding around these civilisations will mean that all we know remains very theoretical. There is evidence that with certain light cave paintings were designed to move, much like a television. I think much like the behaviour that prevented these cultures from being passed on, to assume that they were unable to do things is a kind of uneducated arrogance.
I am agnostic and more able to leave things unanswered in general.
But wish you the best in your quest for answers 🙂


Urban myth

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 11, 2020

This is an old theory. One of the early proponents is the author Eric Von Doniken(s?) in his book 'Chariots of Fire' 1960s+-. Just as good a theory as any of the religions(IMO) []

PS. I don't believe this theory any more than the religious ones. But it is interesting.


Ancient Aliens on the History Channel is good. It sometimes gets wildly speculative, but for the most part it is factual and very convincing.
Some people ignorantly mislabel the entire subject as "fake," but they obviously have never delved into it personally, and have no idea what they're talking about.
P.S. I've just read the rest of the replies, and it just reaffirms my opinion many 'atheists' on this site are simply reactionary non-believers (and/or non-open-minded) about ANYTHING not apparent to their own feeble five senses.
There is plenty of circumstantial (and other) evidence which strongly suggests, if nothing else, our knowledge of our ancient past is woefully incomplete.

My "feeble five senses" are just as good or failing as your "feeble five senses" any day.

Love the title 'reactionary none believer', thank you I think I will call myself that in future.

Given that the greatest failing of human nature is an vivid imagination able to invent almost anything, combined with an almost total lack of critical thinking, then the ability to replace one form of BS with another is the main thing needed to be reacted against.

@Fernapple That's 'reactionary NON-believer,' to you.
Just as a homework assignment, read about and try to explain how they built the pyramids, to take one glaring and obvious example, the stones honed to within 1/100-inch tolerance, without modern equipment.
Or how pre-Ice Age civilizations are underwater in oceans all over the world, or how a 15th Century cartographer knew the geographic details of Antarctica when it's three miles under ice.

@Fernapple, @Mcflewster Not the point. Sometimes it takes common sense, a little scholarship, sophisticated equipment and instruments, and thorough scientific investigation, to approach anything approaching the truth.
Superficial nay-saying, on the other hand, is easy.

@Storm1752 Sorry common sense should not be dismissed but it is NOT science and can be misleading.

@Mcflewster Common sense applied to what we DO know is called an 'educated guess,' or, in scientific terms, a hypothesis.
Of course it'd be misleading to make a 'leap of faith' and jump to conclusions. I and people like me are doing no such thing.
You and people like you ARE jumping to conclusions, based on nothing more than your own prejudgments.

@Storm1752 Simple test. Does common sense follow the rigour of science? Your answer........?

@Mcflewster No, common sense would take science into account.

Learning there are trillions (to the umpteenth power) of stars, some which very likely harbor intelligent life, and

quantum physics teaches us there MAY be ways to transverse light years in other ways than those we are familiar with,

common sense would cause many people to surmise it may have actually been done by highly-advanced civilizations to discover those ways and use them to explore the universe.

Isn't that what WE would do if it were us?

@Storm1752 "would take science into account." Wish they did.

Lot of it is "old wives tales".

"quantum physics teaches us"should read "quantum physics teaches some of us"

Comment Re rest of your piece Until there is evidence, NO but it could be OK to surmise when you realise what surmising IS.

@Mcflewster Would you like to reword your last paragraph? Better yet your entire reply? As written it makes no sense.


This documentary, called, How the Universe Works is great at covering the earliest moments of our universe, what we're made of and where we came from in season 1. Looking forward to season 2. I hope you enjoy this series!


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