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Answer to Why don’t atheists have the guts to mock Islam? by Alif Ayman []


AravindAjith 6 June 21

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Most western world atheists grew up around or in christianity. It is easier to mock the known.


I see no reason to make fun of anything that's based on willful ignorance. To me they're just being f** stupid. πŸ™„


I do it all the time, or at least every opportunity that arises! There's no diff between their fantasies and those of xtians. I get your point - they'll kill you for it. Some xtians will too. We atheists and agnostics aren't afraid of their stupid belief systems, for the most part. Do I want them to know where I live? Fuck no. I just don't need the hassle. Their systems will collapse under their own weight. Eventually the information age will overcome the nonsense religions try to spread. Hopefully in my lifetime! Science will reign supreme!

I doubt that their systems will ever collapse. There will be always be a certain percentage of humans who will be ignorant fools. We can only hope that it will be relegated to the fringes of society and do as little harm as possible.


I have and I will continue to mock this pathetic religion consisting of deluded and brainwashed victims


It takes more "guts" to be polite to everyone equally. Pointing out the inhumanity practiced by all religions is quite sufficient.


Atheists I know have their hands full with the fundamentalist christians who’d like to banish us from our nation… And, we’re leaving it up to whatever other culture is being oppressed by religion to fight their own battles.. As well, our crazy christain fundy’s seem to enjoy bad-mouthing or attacking every-other religion … shall we join them..?

Varn Level 8 June 21, 2020

Just another group of people thinking that their ideology will save them. Sad really.


We do mock islam, even those of us who are leftists. It's just we attack the religion not those who have since birth been victims of it. Many of us live in societies where people are victimized because their religion is different or because of their ethnicity or race. Let's not join the victimizers, we as atheists are victims of this ourselves.


We'll mock Islam as well as any other religion. It doesn't happen here OFTEN because most people on this site are surrounded by people who identify with Christianity.

If we lived in a Islamic theocracy, they'd live us for LOOKING like atheists. I find it difficult to forget on extremist group that was killing bare head people wearing pants.

Here: enjoy some of my critical anti-Islamic memes. I got a few hundred. Go forth and sin some more.


Fuck you. I have no problem criticizing, denigrating and ridiculing Islam. Most folks here are recovering from Christianity. If you want to hear atheists bagging on islam move to a muslim country. What a stupid thing to say.

@Casey07 I wasn't questioning😰😰. I just posted a link to some memes mocking Islam. Oh man!!!!!😣😣


I mock any religion I want to. Having once been religious years ago, I see today that religions are batshit crazy. They attempt to offer answers for things that they cannot possibly know.


Just as one might ridicule the arguments of the Flat Earth Society or the notion that vaccines cause autism, the tenets of any and all religions are fair game for mockery. But when satirizing ideas, a distinction should be made, IMO, between the individual and the idea. Censure the belief, not the believer.

Also, it seems to me that the best and most credible critics of religion are those who came out of them. When Dan Barker, Matt Dillahunty or Seth Andrews, for example, attack the doctrines of Christianity, they do so from having been a part of that world. Similarly, I find the disparagement of Islam by people like Sarah Haider, Armin Navabi and Ayaan Hirsi Ali to be more authoritative than most western atheists.


They're afraid of Islamists because they are mass murderers in a herd mentality. Think Charlie Hebdo. Nobody really sympathizes with them, they just know what radicalized Muslims are capable of so they leave it alone. It's not worth it. Look what happened on.9/11.

barjoe Level 9 June 21, 2020

The most vociferous atheists gravitate towards leftism and political correctness.

@OwlInASack Support for collectivism is NOT synonymous with empathy.


Who needs to mock them?


Nothing insulting there, it's just brutal honesty.

JimG Level 8 June 22, 2020

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries, go away or I shall taunt you again.


For one thing, Islamists aren't trying to force their religious laws into our civil laws. For another thing, Islamists aren't walking around with guns threatening to kill me for peacefully protesting.


I have to be careful about what I do on line and in particular on my athiest YouTube channel. There are those that would kill my family for my lack of belief. Christianity does not usually kill people in THIS GENERATION but there are those of Islam that certainly will. I was a Fundamentalist and that is what I have to deal with and Islam in general does not affect me. I do have to take into consideration my family and my girlfriends.

I for one am coming to get you and spray you in the face with whipped cream from a can, how dare you insult the profit/prophet. Ali Babbaba - Ahkbar! Jihad and all that Jazz


I have a wish that the world can live in peace and abundance. Not a death wish.

SCal Level 7 June 21, 2020

Some are crazier than evangelical Christians

bobwjr Level 10 June 21, 2020

Most atheists I know are ex Christianity or at least are surrounded by Christian. What do I really know about Islam? Besides to group it with all the other silly religions. Now there are atheists groups such as Atheist Republic who have greater numbers of ex Muslims and so discuss more about it.


Self preservation instinct possibly


I do mock Islam and every faith based religion but I don't do it to their face unless they deserve it. I feel sorry for them more than anything to be trapped in a toxic mentality. Islam and Christianity are the same coin opposite side in my eyes.


Love it πŸ˜‚

Mvtt Level 7 June 30, 2020
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