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In fairness, if a society accepts religion, it should accept any organization that warps a child's mind.

Fred_Snerd 8 Aug 21

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Disney keeps on trying. The white fascists just do not want to believe it.


I have one for persons of all ages. If there might be a program on TV with a small amount of heterosexual content, WOW, the screen lights up with a warning, "May contain adult content". But then that program is followed by perversion, and the ghouls can watch, shoot 'em up, chop 'em up' burn them live. WOW the weirdos must really get into this.

Yes, and children can see this, and think it is normal.

@Fred_Snerd I had one of those never got to kill anybody with it, damn. Would have been fake dead anyhow. 🙄

I used to have a tutor who got very upset that normal, loving, sexual relations couldn’t be shown, but murder and other atrocities could be. She was very passionate on the subject. Times have moved on a bit since then.


Yes, but that only holds water when a majority of the country doesn't recognize the organization warps the child's mind.


disneyworld, dc comics and marvel comics been recognized for many years now.


Silly. A thousand wrongs don't make a right.


Three lefts do. 😉


Oh don't get me started on Saturday Morning Cartoons and their commercials. Wait...are Saturday Morning Cartoons still a thing?

How about video games? Don't get me started on these video games companies. Wait...are video games still a thing?

Oh yeah...these days it Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, Pinterest, Instagram, Vine, Tiktok, Reddit and 4Chan. Dont EVEN....Wait...are these still a thing?

Goodness, I feel l bad for kids today...they must feel so overwhelmed with infomation overload.

I forgot them dank memes!


If your country is going to accept a religion that is going to work for everyone, which religion do you subscribe too? Does that religion portray the beliefs of all the people in the country? Would you accept Hinduism? Islam? What do you do for those people who do not believe in that religion? The answer the writers of the Constitution found was to separate Church and State. They new, as they all came from countries where religion was persecuting them. Since there is no real answer to any of the questions asked above, this is the only answer. Keep religion out of the working of the Country and allow for people to believe whatever they wish. Thoughts?

I laugh to myself when I hear the RWNJs talk about putting prayer back in school...the xtians can't agree amongst themselves how to pray, who decides how and to whom our children shall be forced to pray?


Then don't read the bible, the bible has defined religion for almost 2000 years as written: James 1:27 Religion.. . Pure and faultless is this: to visit (help) widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption.

Not saying I am a Christian anymore, but you should check yourself before saying some things.

As a child my mother taught me to visit elderly in nursing homes and my mother was a foster parent of orphans.

I understand illogical atheist like to define religion as sarcasm worship to the non-existent flying spaghetti monster sky God, this can really warp a child and teach them to make fun of people unnecessarily.

Word Level 8 Aug 21, 2020

@Fred_Snerd basically true with out going into biblical details

Sometimes when misinformation is so pervasive, mockery is the only tool left in the bag...


All societies have their mythology, and all religion is, in my perspective, one form, or another, of societal/cultural supported delusion. A society can not be expected to actively support concepts that challenge its sense of identity. It's not about fairness.


So, the Disney channel?


Having to tolerate religion is bad enough, don't open a new can of worms.

@Fred_Snerd In my opinion, you are not ignoring a problem you are creating one.

@Fred_Snerd When you ignore a problem you create three more. The one that rears is ugly head when again arises from the ashes. The problem it further develops into and the one that is born from the first two to further make your life miserable. Deal with the problem when it first arises and suffer the consequences of only one solution, take control of your life and not let things fester and get further infected.

@Fred_Snerd That is a lot of work.


I found a way to relate to them.
Just have them all go Goth.



Yes, a little more diversity please, if we all just go after these seen then all the ones not seen are pissed and most men have no one to go to.


In fairness society needs to understand that it's fairy tales and its religions are far more alike than they are different.


Even the new Charlies Angels was sadly lacking. Don’t even get me started on Hollywoods use of foreign accents.
Things are improving, but not as quickly as the glaciers melting 🙁 Sorry to be a harbinger of doom, it’s been a big week lols!

@Fred_Snerd sure, you seem to link Disney inc as having a negative affect on youth, potentially.
I took the leap to the whole of the US Movie industry as perpetuating a certain status quo. Disney now have princesses with brown eyes and even some female protagonists with brown skin, but progress within Disney, and indeed the rest of the US movie industry is slow. (Back in the day i would have said glacial, but you can’t really say that now the glaciers are melting, hence my attempt at pessimistic humour regarding glacier change). Am tired, sorry if less coherent than i wished.

@girlwithsmiles Prince Charming doesn't exist .

@Cast1es And neither does the so-called 'perfect body' exist be it male or female as the medias would have and wish us to believe and strive for.

@Cast1es some of my friends might disagree, as far as they’re concerned they have the right partners, and I’d go with the Stereophonics song lyric, ‘but perfect ain’t quite right’.
Always preferred Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes myself, here’s one to whet you appetite:

@Triphid the perfect body is the one housing the person you love, surely, now off to watch Shallow Hal for your lesson today! Lols.


Well. to be fair. No matter the society. You will always have different points of view, and beliefs.
Warping a child's mind doesn't take religion. it just takes some one, or ones that won't let the child to think for themselves.

@Fred_Snerd I thinkyou'll find that in most cases any childs mind is a somewhat blank space and open to accepting what ever input it can get.
Ergo the poblem/sd are NOT with the mind of the child but the mindset of the Adults, etc, around the child in particular.
For example, my Dad brought me completely opposite to how my 'mother' did and treated me, when I asked any question/s of my Dad then I'd be certain of getting straight answers in words, etc, to suit and fit my age and understanding, hence, I learned early of reality, facts, science, logic, reasoning, etc, etc.
However from my 'mother' the answers received where either, " Go ask your father, " or, in the case of religion, "Read the Bible."
As the father of my daughter I adopted the same stance as my father used with me, i.e. she'd ask a question and I'd give her the answer in terms and words to suit and fit her current capabilities and capacities of understanding, etc.
By the time she was around 7-8 years of age she knew and understood things like 'Where babies came from and how they were made," "how animals reproduced," that cartoons were just fiction as was Father Xmas and the Easter Bunny, etc, had a code of Morals and Ethics, knew and understood that everyone should be responisible for their acts, etc, and accept the same as well as assume responsibility for them.
Some 3 years after her passing from cancer I learned, to my huge surprise, and pride btw, that my unassuming daughter was the very first person ever to elected by a unanimious vote of her Peers to be Chairperson of the locally recognised City Youth Council, and had been elected to the position aged at just 12 years and 6 months, held the position for 3 terms in Office and was very well respected by both her fellow youths and the Adult City Coucillers as well.
One of her 'little secrets."
So, imo, what you put into the mind of your child/children often determines what kind of an person they will become.
i.e. Teach your children what is Right and Good, hold not the truth back from them, show them the respect you desire from them and you will have a child/children well worthy of being considered as a True and Decent Person and a member of the Human Race, do the opposite and the onus is upon your shoulders.

@Fred_Snerd As a growing child and into my teens, and even now at times, I would spend hours upon hours with my head 'buried' in books and in libraries both at school and the Public Library.
When others were 'busy'playing sports, etc, I was a 'bookworm' and it did me no harm simply, imo, instead of knowing how to kick a ball, crack a head of an oppentent, etc, I learned how things were done, how things could be done and what reality was and I am PROUD to be so inclined.

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